Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 1761 - 1780 | από συνολικά 2511
12 03 2020 | 07:22

Environmental degradation driving gender-based violence – IUCN study.

Gland, Switzerland, 29 January 2020 (IUCN) – The degradation of nature can lead to gender-based violence including sexual assault, domestic violence and forced prostitution, according to a new…

12 03 2020 | 07:19

Coronavirus could halt the world’s emissions growth. Not that we should feel good about that..

Emissions are already way down in China, the world’s largest yearly contributor to climate change Humans have seemed unable to get a handle on climate change, with global emissions of greenhouse…

12 03 2020 | 07:19

Analysis shows climate finance not reaching most vulnerable.

Funding is intended to help countries protect their people from the climate breakdown People in some of the world’s poorest countries are receiving as little as $1 each a year to help them cope with…

12 03 2020 | 07:13

Poachers kill rare white giraffe.

In Summary The giraffe, described as one of a kind and believed to be the only one in the world, dazzled the local community, scientists and wildlife enthusiasts globally. Scientists…

12 03 2020 | 07:12

Drawdown’s Latest ‘Tools of Possibility’ Show Path to 1.5°C, with 1,570 Billion Tons of Emission Cuts by 2050.

Humanity can prevent or draw down 1,570 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions between 2020 and 2050 to approach a 1.5°C threshold for average global warming, or 992.77 billion tons to settle…

10 03 2020 | 14:53

Don’t forget those 2020 targets.

The EU Green Deal discussion is focused on 2030 and 2050, but it

10 03 2020 | 09:01

The Energy 202: Three charts that explain what coronavirus is doing to climate emissions.

The quickly spreading coronavirus has closed schools, constricted travel, shaken markets and infected more than 100,000 people. It is also already having impact on the environment: The buildup of…

08 03 2020 | 10:56

Spain’s Other Solar Boom: Distributed Systems for Self-Consumption.

Hotels, farms and schools across Spain are putting up solar systems at an unprecedented clip to save money. Regulatory changes have not only helped Spain reemerge as Europe’s biggest market for…

08 03 2020 | 10:33

Why a significant global price on carbon is critical.

Oil companies have set long term carbon emissions targets but the scale of their ambitions means near-term action is required  Like New Year’s resolutions, oil companies are promising to go on…

08 03 2020 | 10:28

Illicit wildlife products 'slipping through the net' .

A study has called into question the effectiveness of measures to clamp down on the illegal wildlife trade. Critically endangered eels have been sold recently in Hong Kong stores, despite bans on…

08 03 2020 | 10:10

Carbon Brief: UK carbon emissions have fallen by 29% in last decade.

New data from Carbon Brief has found that UK carbon emissions have dropped by 29 per cent in the last decade. In 2019, Carbon Brief found that the UK’s CO2 emissions fell by 2.9%, bringing the total…

08 03 2020 | 10:03

Germany hits record 61 per cent renewables for month of February.

Renewable energy sources provided a record 61.2% of Germany’s net public electricity generation in February, according to figures provided by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE),…

08 03 2020 | 09:57

EREF Press Statement European Climate Law.

Climate Neutrality by 2050 – Renewables are the way to do it

08 03 2020 | 09:53

Cashmere and climate change threaten nomadic life.

Mongolia's vast grasslands cover about three-quarters of the country, where nomadic herdsmen have maintained traditions stretching back centuries. But this world is changing - fast. About 70% of…

08 03 2020 | 09:48

How congested Brussels is planning for climate change.

The Belgian capital is known for its terrible traffic. But in the city of the EU Green Deal, new plans aim to give the streets back to pedestrians and help residents counter the crisis of a warming…

05 03 2020 | 13:52

EU debuts climate law ‘compass’, Greta dismisses it as ‘surrender’.

The European Commission officially unveiled its Climate Law on Wednesday (4 March), aimed at making the EU carbon neutral by 2050. But Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg criticised the plan as a…

05 03 2020 | 07:46

Summers Now a Month Longer as Climate Change Bites in Australia.

When baby boomers say that summers aren’t what they used to be, for once they may be right. Australian summers are now a month longer than they were in the 1950s as climate change upends traditional…

05 03 2020 | 07:39

Killer heat: how a warming land is changing Australia forever.

The frontline ->  Inside Australia's climate emergency: the killer heat   Australia is heating faster than the global average, and extreme heat days are on the rise. Doctors say there’s clear…

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