Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 1381 - 1400 | από συνολικά 2511
16 06 2020 | 07:29

For Indigenous Protesters, Defending the Environment Can Be Fatal.

Adán Vez Lira, a prominent defender of an ecological reserve in Mexico, was shot while riding his motorcycle in April. Four years earlier, the renowned activist Berta Cáceres was shot dead in her…

16 06 2020 | 06:52

How a Kenyan climate change documentary inspired the world.

Sponsored content: Thank You for the Rain, a film about a Kenyan farmer’s struggle, has helped to catalyse change nationally and internationally. A documentary, which follows a struggling family…

16 06 2020 | 06:44

Bad ancestors: does the climate crisis violate the rights of those yet to be born? – podcast.

Our environmental vandalism has made urgent the question of ethical responsibilities across decades and centuries. By Astra Taylor. Listen HERE Our environmental vandalism has made urgent the…

15 06 2020 | 09:02

Οι οικολόγοι, οι λιγνίτες και οι ανεμογεννήτριες

Στην Ελλάδα έχουμε το ενδιαφέρον φαινόμενο να αντιδρούν σφοδρά στην εγκατάσταση ανεμογεννητριών φορείς και πολίτες που δηλώνουν (και πιστεύουν ότι είναι) οικολόγοι.

15 06 2020 | 07:51

The sounds of melting icebergs and whale songs: a journey into Antarctica.

The effects of global heating are in evidence everywhere across the islands of Antarctica – from penguin colonies to melting glaciers. The Guardian’s global environment editor Jonathan Watts…

14 06 2020 | 14:13

Africa Should ‘Leapfrog’ the Rest of the World When It Comes to Renewable Energy.

“Africa’s biggest challenge, both on climate and the virus, is its infrastructure deficit. There’s a lack of access to water, sanitation; [there’s] overcrowding of spaces. This is where the virus…

14 06 2020 | 11:20

Αν όχι Ανανεώσιμες, τότε τι;

Όταν επέλεξα να μην ακολουθήσω καριέρα χημικού μηχανικού και να στραφώ στις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας, το μακρινό 1977, φανταζόμουν – ο αφελής – πως οι μόνοι (και πολλοί ισχυροί) αντίπαλοι, θα ήταν…

13 06 2020 | 08:55

Omission of air pollution from report on Covid-19 and race ‘astonishing’.

Failure to consider dirty air as a factor in higher death toll among ethnic minorities wholly irresponsible, say critics. The failure to consider air pollution as a factor in the higher rates of…

12 06 2020 | 19:47

The Fight to Keep the Mediterranean Free of Oil Drilling.

Activists are winning important fights against hydrocarbon exploration in the Mediterranean—but so much is still at stake. In the Eastern Mediterranean, the seabed drops to depths of more than 17,…

12 06 2020 | 09:53

A Major Oil Pipeline Project Strikes Deep at the Heart of Africa.

Despite the global plunge in oil prices, a major pipeline that would carry oil 900 miles across East Africa is moving ahead. International experts warn that the $20 billion project will displace…

12 06 2020 | 09:28

Big Oil could end up even bigger by the end of the coronavirus pandemic

The nation’s biggest oil and gas companies could end up even bigger by the end of the coronavirus pandemic.

12 06 2020 | 08:56

Climate Change Deniers.

Climate change deniers have spread countless posts and videos which contain misinformation. It may appear as if these are people who are simply ill-informed about the issue. However, there is, in…

12 06 2020 | 08:47

Solar power will soon cost less than coal.

Replacing 500 gigawatts of high-cost coal plants with solar and wind farms would reduce carbon emissions by about 1.8 gigatons, equivalent to 5% of CO2 emissions in 2019, and save consumers billions…

10 06 2020 | 08:14

The world must seize this opportunity to meet the climate challenge.

As current and former central bankers, we believe the pandemic offers a unique chance to green the global economy  

10 06 2020 | 07:16

Bruno Latour: 'This is a global catastrophe that has come from within

The influential French thinker explains the politics of the Gaia principle, the problems of post-truth and how coronavirus gives us a model for spreading ideas.

08 06 2020 | 08:47

Το μίσος κατά της αιολικής ενέργειας

Oταν, πριν απο 2.000 χρόνια περίπου, ο Ηρων ο Αλεξανδρεύς αντικατέστησε τη μυϊκή ενέργεια του δούλου που λειτουργούσε την εμβολοφόρο αντλία του Κτησιβίου, με μια κινητήρια ανεμοφτερωτή, δεν μπορούσε…

08 06 2020 | 07:12

3 Innovations Leading the Fight to Save Our Ocean.

The ocean is our lifeline - we rely on it for the food we eat, the air we breathe, as well as for millions for jobs worldwide. As we continue to grapple with the issues of overfishing, plastic…

08 06 2020 | 07:11

Scientists: We've Found the Cleanest Air on Earth.

Atmospheric researchers have pinpointed the spot on Earth with the cleanest air. It's not in the midst of a remote jungle, nor on a deserted tropical island. Instead, the cleanest air in the world is…

08 06 2020 | 06:44

Unlocking the potential of Ocean Energy: from megawatts to gigawatts.

When you consider the expanse of the world’s oceans no one should be surprised that the theoretical potential for electricity generated from ocean energy is several times total global energy demand.