Editorial Opinion Articles

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13 12 2020 | 06:56

World’s biggest mammal migration under threat.

Experts say near-threatened fruit bats, crucial for restoring forests in Africa, are in danger. Kasanka National Park, Zambia – As the red sun sets over a remote part of Zambia’s Central Province,…

13 12 2020 | 06:54

Our global fire crisis is the sign of a dying biosphere. But we can take action

The unprecedented fires aren’t just caused by the climate crisis. Land use –especially real estate and animal husbandry – have a lot to answer for Agood, natural fire can be a cleansing force. Yet,…

13 12 2020 | 06:54

Cities can lead a green revolution after Covid. In Barcelona, we're showing how.

From non-polluting transport to sustainable industries, urban areas are perfect for testing radical solutions to global problems. The pandemic will leave behind a very different world from that of a…

13 12 2020 | 06:38

Climate change: Snowy UK winters could become thing of the past.

Snowy winters could become a thing of the past as climate change affects the UK, Met Office analysis suggests. It is one of a series of projections about how UK's climate could change, shared with…

13 12 2020 | 06:28

A Girl from Mogadishu review – tragedy and joy in a daring escape.

This real-life story of a Somalian teenager who became a bold activist against FGM delivers earnest, effective drama.

13 12 2020 | 06:21

Lab-grown chicken tastes like chicken – but the feeling when eating it is more complicated.

“Clean”, “cultured”, “no-kill” – these are just a few of the monikers that have been applied to San Francisco-based food start up Just Inc’s lab-grown chicken nuggets. The product has just been…

13 12 2020 | 06:18

Conflict and COVID Trigger Upsurge in Mali Child Trafficking.

GENEVA - A U.N. refugee agency report issued earlier this month finds thousands of children in Mali are being exploited and abused by criminal or armed groups, tribal chiefs and state authorities for…

12 12 2020 | 06:45

The Paris agreement five years on: is it strong enough to avert climate catastrophe?

With Trump no longer a threat, there is a sense of optimism around what the accord could achieve – but only if countries meet their targets

09 12 2020 | 12:06

The stolen climate crisis babies: US politician jailed for selling children of mothers desperate to escape environmental catastrophe.

The Marshall Islands sit barely six feet above sea level in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and its people are among the most vulnerable in the world to the complex consequences of climate change,…

08 12 2020 | 12:39

A warning on climate and the risk of societal collapse.

Scientists and academics including Prof Gesa Weyhenmeyer and Prof Will Steffen argue that we must discuss the threat of societal disruption in order to prepare for it.

07 12 2020 | 07:51

Could China replace Australian iron ore with metal from Africa?

Analysis: Amid rising trade tensions, Chinese interests are keen to develop a high-quality deposit in Guinea. Analysts warn any restrictions on Australian sales to China would ‘send shockwaves…

07 12 2020 | 07:38

Analysis: What does declaring a 'climate emergency' actually do?

What's a climate change emergency? We can generally think of it as a symbolic acknowledgement at the highest levels that we're facing a climate change crisis - and a commitment to meet the challenge…

07 12 2020 | 07:29

Peak oil is suddenly upon us

A year ago, if anyone in the petroleum business had suggested that the moment of Peak Oil  had already passed, they would have been laughed right off the drilling rig. Then 2020 happened. Planes…

07 12 2020 | 07:23

Rishi Sunak's wife owns part of firm that funnelled money through Mauritius.

The wife of the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, is a shareholder in a restaurants business that funnelled investments through a letterbox company in the tax haven of Mauritius, in a structure that could…

05 12 2020 | 13:42

Fences have big effects on land and wildlife around the world that are rarely measured.

What is the most common form of human infrastructure in the world? It may well be the fence. Recent estimates suggest that the total length of all fencing around the globe is 10 times greater than…

05 12 2020 | 13:20

How To Talk To People About the Climate Crisis When Scary Facts Are Not Enough.

"It's easy to feel dwarfed in the context of such a global systemic issue," says psychologist Renée Lertzman. She says that when people experience these feelings, they often shut down and push…

05 12 2020 | 13:04

Can Joe Biden make good on his revolutionary climate agenda?

Although he faces a split Congress, the US president-elect has levers he can pull in the government to advance clean energy and curb global warming.

05 12 2020 | 12:58

Worsening land inequality widens gender gaps.

70 per cent of the world's farmland is operated by 1 per cent of the world’s farms.

05 12 2020 | 12:49

‘Flights to nowhere’ are soaring in the pandemic, but at what environmental cost?

As an airline in Taiwan launches a three-hour ‘flight to nowhere for singles looking for love’, Daisy Dunne asks how such services can be justified in the era of the climate crisis

05 12 2020 | 11:31

Weatherwatch: a bumper year for solar power, thanks to sunny spring and lockdowns.

Photovoltaic panels pay off for those who get feed-in tariffs but home installations have dried up without incentives.

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