Editorial Opinion Articles

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30 05 2021 | 16:59

IEA: Demand for renewables soar in wake of pandemic.

As consumption of other fuels decline, the International Energy Agency investigates how the uptake of renewable energy will fare as the global economy recovers from the Covid crisis. 2020 witnessed…

30 05 2021 | 16:56

Rethink Global Economy to Halt Mass Extinction, Study Argues.

The problem of biodiversity loss is not simply a matter of funding, a new report examining the failures of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has warned. Instead, policy makers need to…

30 05 2021 | 16:54

Climate activists launch legal challenge against government over North Sea oil and gas support

Three campaigners are taking government to High Court over its support for continued fossil fuel production A trio of climate activists have launched a legal challenge against the government over…

30 05 2021 | 16:48

‘Overwhelming’ Evidence Facebook Is Failing to Tackle Climate Misinformation

Facebook is "fuelling climate misinformation" through its failure to get to grips with misleading content, according to a new report that calls on companies to boycott the platform until significant…

30 05 2021 | 16:44

Who’s Making — and Funding — the World’s Plastic Trash?

ExxonMobil is the world's single largest producer of single-use plastics, according to a new report published today by the Australia-based Minderoo Foundation, one of Asia's biggest philanthropies.

30 05 2021 | 16:43

World to waste one trillion more plastic bottles and bags by 2025 as production ramps up.

20 firms will account for most of the addtional 70 million metric tonnes of polymer churned out in the next four years. The world’s biggest manufacturers of single-use plastic are set to increase…

30 05 2021 | 16:37

Net Zero Producers Forum: A catalyst for climate ambition or yet another delaying tactic?

Oil Change International, Center for International Environmental Law, Climate Action Network Canada, Environmental Defence Canada, the Fossil Fuel No-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, Friends of the…

30 05 2021 | 16:36

It’s on our plates and in our poo, but are microplastics a health risk?

The omnipresent plastic is rife in dust, rice, placentas and tap water, but experts say it’s hard to untangle whether it’s harmful to humans. As much as the idea might be unpalatable, all of our…

30 05 2021 | 16:24

Green growth: the save-the-mangrove scheme reaping rewards for women in Kenya.

A community project on the Lamu archipelago trains women in preserving this vital ecosystem and provides business loans. Kenya’s mangroves have been harvested for centuries, the timber used in…

30 05 2021 | 16:22

Trials to suck carbon dioxide from the air to start across the UK.

A major £30m project will test trees, peat, rock chips, and charcoal as ways of removing climate-heating emissions Climate-heating carbon dioxide will be sucked from the air using trees, peat, rock…

30 05 2021 | 16:02

Another dangerous fire season is looming in the Western U.S., and the drought-stricken region is headed for a water crisis

Just about every indicator of drought is flashing red across the western U.S. after a dry winter and warm early spring. The snowpack is at less than half of normal in much of the region. Reservoirs…

27 05 2021 | 11:18

Developing countries need to chart their own course to net zero emissions.

Translating complex climate science into language people understand has always been difficult. At various times, the aim of different climate policies has been holding average global temperature rise…

27 05 2021 | 11:08

Jane Goodall says humanity's 'disrespect of the natural world' brought on the pandemic.

The legendary primatologist urged people to develop a new, more sustainable relationship with the natural world. Legendary primatologist Jane Goodall says the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the…

27 05 2021 | 10:43

Temporary exceedance of 1.5°C increasingly likely.

There is more than a 40% chance that the annual average global temperature in at least one of the next five years will temporarily reach 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. And these odds are…

26 05 2021 | 09:44

Weatherwatch: does nuclear power really keep the lights on?

With nuclear fading away, Britain must learn how to carefully manage renewable energy. The nuclear industry is fond of telling us the sun does not always shine and the wind does not always blow, as…

26 05 2021 | 09:27

UK plastics sent for recycling in Turkey dumped and burned, Greenpeace finds.

Turkey has become the latest destination for British plastic waste, which ends up dumped, burned or left to pollute the ocean, a Greenpeace investigation has found.

26 05 2021 | 09:12

Enbridge Pipeline Day of Reckoning? Indigenous Rights Groups Join Michigan Gov. Whitmer in Demanding Shutdown.

Indigenous rights and climate action groups are set to hold an "Evict Enbridge" celebration on Wednesday and Thursday to mark Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's deadline for Canadian oil and gas…

26 05 2021 | 08:57

5 Ways the World Bank’s Climate Action Plan Could Go Further.

The recent 2021 World Bank Group/International Monetary Fund spring meetings took place during challenging times. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused loss of life and exacerbated global poverty and…

26 05 2021 | 08:56

Legal bid to stop UK building Europe's biggest gas power plant fails.

Plan has been approved despite environmental objections and criticism over climate leadership. A legal challenge to the UK government’s approval of a new gas-fired power plant has failed in the…

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