Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 2261 - 2280 | από συνολικά 2511
04 08 2019 | 06:54

How finance is mainstreaming renewable energy.

Sebastien Soleille, head of energy transition at BNP Paribas, explains how a raft of different financial measures and are helping to rapidly build out clean energy worldwide

04 08 2019 | 06:38

How bundling power can help remote Arctic communities transition to clean energy.

The predominantly Inuit town of Kugaaruk, Nunavut in Canada’s far North pays more than a dollar per kWh for electricity — nearly ten times the cost of power in southern Canada. Like many of its…

02 08 2019 | 06:52

The art of the climate deal.

Commission president hopeful Ursula von der Leyen tried her hand at a spot of climate diplomacy on Wednesday (10 July) but her efforts fell flat. Finland’s EU presidency showed her how it’s done…

02 08 2019 | 06:41

Five reasons to be optimistic about the environment.

Let’s face it, when it comes to the environment, there isn’t much to rejoice about. So to spare you a long summer of eco-anxiety, we looked for some glimmers of hope. Here are five reasons to be…

02 08 2019 | 06:38

Portugal solar auction attracts record low bids.

Bids to build utility-scale solar projects in the country have come in as low as €20/MWh, which would deliver some of the lowest priced power in the world to date Record low bids for solar PV…

02 08 2019 | 06:26

Using Renewable Energy and the Circular Economy to Fight Poverty in Argentina.

BUENOS AIRES, Jul 29 2019 (IPS) - On the outer edges of Buenos Aires proper, where the paved streets end and the narrow alleyways of one of Argentina’s largest shantytowns begin, visitors can find…

02 08 2019 | 06:22

Dutch urge swift EU hydrogen push to cut industry, transport emissions.

The European Commission should create an EU-wide market for hydrogen “as soon as possible” rather than wait for renewable energy-based varieties to be commercially available, a top Dutch ministerial…

02 08 2019 | 06:15

How Trump’s climate U-turn exposed the limits of European power.

America’s decision to pull out from the Paris Agreement has put European diplomats in an awkward position, EURACTIV’s media partner Climate Home News reports. Who does Xi Jinping call when he wants…

02 08 2019 | 06:15

Tunisia faces worsening energy deficit.

Tunisia produces about 40,000 barrels of crude oil per day, down from about 110,000 barrels per day in 2010. The Tunisian government has acknowledged the risks faced by the country’s economy because…

30 07 2019 | 18:01

Ditching fossil fuels can tackle affordable housing and climate change.

With the passage of one of the nation’s most ambitious climate policies earlier this year, D.C. has sparked an important conversation — how can all this new clean power be used to lower housing costs…

30 07 2019 | 17:57

Off-grid renewable energy is helping tackle two of Africa’s biggest problems.

The rise of decentralized renewable energy as a solution to electrification rates across Africa—the slowest growing globally—is also bringing with it a solution to high unemployment. As startups in…

30 07 2019 | 17:26

As Cities Begin Banning Natural Gas, States Must Embrace Building Electrification Via Smart Policy.

Berkeley, California became the first American city to ban natural gas infrastructure in new buildings last week after PG&E, the second-largest U.S.

27 07 2019 | 18:26

Τουλάχιστον ξύπνησαν τα ΜΜΕ.

Πολύ σημαντική εξέλιξη Τα ΜΜ Επικοινωνίας υιοθέτησαν το θέμα της κλιματικής αλλαγής και το αναπαράγουν καθημερινά πλέον. Μπορεί να γίνονται λάθη αλλά περνάει ένα μήνυμα και διαμορφώνεται ένα κλίμα…

27 07 2019 | 05:56

Κλιματική Δράση και Ενεργειακή Αλλαγή

Πυρκαγιά στο Μάτι, πλημμύρες στη Μάνδρα, υπερκύτταρο (η μεγαλύτερη διαβάθμιση καταιγίδας) στη Χαλκιδική, «Ωκεανίδα» (το όνομα του κύματος κακοκαιρίας του Φεβρουαρίου) στην Κρήτη. Ο κοινός…

23 07 2019 | 11:24

The Energy Storage Industry Is Exploding.

China is set to become the single biggest energy storage market in the Asia Pacific region by 2024, according to new reporting by British data analysis and consultancy group Wood Mackenzie.

23 07 2019 | 11:04

5-Fold Increase in Clean Energy Jobs in 5 Years: India

With an average age of 27 and projected 7.5 percent economic growth rate, jobs are a key priority in India. Growth in the renewable energy market is a major opportunity to achieve India’s goals of…

23 07 2019 | 09:08

The Global Energy Map Is Changing Faster Than You Think.

A $20 billion investment aims to supply electricity to Singapore from what will be, for the time being, the world’s largest solar farm: Sun Cable.

22 07 2019 | 09:01

Why We Can't Ignore U.S. Military Emissions.

The U.S. military's carbon bootprint is enormous. Like corporate supply chains, it relies upon an extensive global network of container ships, trucks, and cargo planes to supply its operations with…

22 07 2019 | 08:42

Nights will provide little relief during brutal heat wave.

While high temperatures get most of the attention during a heat wave, it's the nighttime lows that can be a hidden danger because overnight heat can have a profound effect on human health. The…

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