Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 221 - 240 | από συνολικά 2511
03 09 2021 | 15:08

Planting forests could cool Earth’s atmosphere more than previously thought

‘Planting trees over large areas is advantageous and should be done for climate purposes,’ professor says Planting forests could cool the Earth’s atmosphere more than previously thought, a study…

03 09 2021 | 14:55

Pollutionwatch: Olympic flame is a warning sign for hydrogen future

Burning the fuel in the cauldron symbolised its zero-carbon properties – but it does cause air pollution too. The hydrogen flame above the Tokyo Olympic Stadium was symbolic of a zero-carbon future …

03 09 2021 | 13:58

‘They said we were eccentrics’: the UK team developing clean aviation fuel

In the search for sustainable flying, Cranfield University might have found the answer in hydrogen. This row of brick sheds, locked away down overgrown country lanes in Bedfordshire, feels a long…

03 09 2021 | 13:12

Very Overwhelming and Scary’: How it feels to suddenly wake up to the Climate Emergency

Kate Ng meets the people who have become increasingly aware of the impact of climate change following extreme weather events and rising pollution levels

03 09 2021 | 13:03

Why every UK household should declare a climate emergency – we need to send a collective message

We need a just and fair transition to limiting our emissions - and one that doesn’t push people towards fuel poverty Climate breakdown is starting to take hold and the link to rising levels of …

02 09 2021 | 08:46

Up to half of world’s wild tree species could be at risk of extinction

Global study calls for urgent action to prevent ecosystem collapse, with farming the biggest cause of die-off Between a third and half of the world’s wild tree species are threatened with extinction…

27 08 2021 | 16:41

Reporting on the climate crisis: ‘For years it was seen as a far-off problem’

Our correspondent talks to her predecessor about how global heating went from a ‘slow burn’ to the biggest story of all

27 08 2021 | 16:02

The entire Mediterranean region is burning. Here’s why it will get worse

Wildfires have raged through southern Europe in the past few weeks, and the apocalyptic scenes are just the beginning, reports Borzou Daragahi

27 08 2021 | 15:00

Pollution damaging humans’ first line of defence against infections and toxins, review finds

The slow but rising creep of air and water pollution on human health is often overlooked Air and water pollution hinders the body’s ability to fight off infections and toxins, a new study has found…

26 08 2021 | 08:10

Climate change: why government failure to act isn’t the problem

The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report underscored the dire state of the climate crisis, concluding that “immediate, rapid and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas…

26 08 2021 | 08:06

Humans ‘pushing Earth close to tipping point’, say most in G20

Global survey finds 74% also want climate crises and protecting nature prioritised over jobs and profit Three-quarters of people in the world’s wealthiest nations believe humanity is pushing the…

26 08 2021 | 07:52

Melbourne student and climate activist runs for board seat at energy giant AGL

Ashjayeen Sharif wants Australia’s biggest greenhouse gas emitter to be 100% renewable by 2030. An 18-year-old student and climate change campaigner is bidding for a seat on the board of energy…

26 08 2021 | 07:42

‘You follow the government’s agenda’: China’s climate activists walk a tightrope

The IPCC’s alarming report has Chinese environmentalists wondering how to push a government that brooks no criticism into taking more action. In the wake of the IPCC’s alarming warning last week…

26 08 2021 | 07:36

From 1m trees to a tree graveyard: how Dubai’s conservation plans went awry

Hundreds of thousands of trees have died after costly real estate projects thwarted attempts to halt desertification It all began so beautifully, with the ruler of Dubai photographed planting the…

26 08 2021 | 07:35

Remember Obama’s drill, baby, drill days? Democrats aren’t innocent on climate

Obama campaigned in climate poetry and then governed in fossil fuel prose. Joe Biden may well follow in his footsteps.

26 08 2021 | 07:33

Blue hydrogen is worse for climate than fossil fuels, study finds

It’s usually touted as a clean energy source, but that may not be the case Blue hydrogen, an energy source that involves obtaining hydrogen by using methane in natural gas, is usually described as a…

26 08 2021 | 07:31

Madagascar on the brink of climate change-induced famine

Madagascar is on the brink of experiencing the world's first "climate change famine", according to the United Nations, which says tens of thousands of people are already suffering "catastrophic"…

26 08 2021 | 07:27

Invasive fish push westward as the Mediterranean Sea slowly becomes tropical

A host of fish species arriving via the Suez canal look set to stay – with perilous consequences for ecosystems

26 08 2021 | 07:23

Denser cities could be a climate boon – but nimbyism stands in the way

Drawing people into cities could cut emissions and combat housing crises. But even progressives are hard to convince In San Francisco’s Sunset District, rows and rows of pastel-colored, two-storey…

26 08 2021 | 07:04

Big oil coined ‘carbon footprints’ to blame us for their greed. Keep them on the hook

Climate-conscious individual choices are good – but not nearly enough to save the planet. More than personal virtue, we need collective action.

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