
Αποτελέσματα 15481 - 15500 | από συνολικά 15967
26 03 2019 | 08:02

The Greenest Little House Addition and Income Generator.

If you’re an avid viewer of Tiny House Nation on the FYI network, then you’ve marveled at the incredible feats new homeowners go through to downsize their lives. From single-dwellers to families of…

26 03 2019 | 07:49

Cargill, GM, P&G among group calling for market-ready renewable thermal energy.

With "100 percent renewable energy" becoming a unifying principle of the climate movement, forward-looking companies, states, power players and institutions have been reckoning with a harsh reality…

26 03 2019 | 07:34

Greens demand ExxonMobil lobbyists be removed from European parliament.

Greens in the European Parliament have demanded that access badges of ExxonMobil lobbyists be removed. The call comes as representatives of the oil giant refuse to attend a public hearing in the…

26 03 2019 | 07:13

Hydrogen FCEV trucks, buses and trains are a huge part of Korea and Japan's futures, and Australia has an export role.

South Korea is seemingly set to require commercial vehicles in the country – including trucks and construction equipment – to use hydrogen fuel-cell drivetrains by 2035. The move is designed to…

26 03 2019 | 07:07

IFA calls on Government to ‘up the ante’ on renewable energy funding.

The Government’s current “piecemeal approach” will not deliver on Ireland’s renewable energy targets, according to a farm lobby group. The announcement made last week by the Minister for Agriculture…

26 03 2019 | 06:52

Geothermal Energy: Harnessing heat from the shallow Earth.

When it comes to developing low-carbon technology solutions, one of the answers lies right beneath our feet. Ground-source heat pumps harness the heat from the shallow Earth – providing a source of…

26 03 2019 | 06:44

EU funding: £649 million for clean energy infrastructure.

The European Commission is releasing €750 million (£649 million) of funding for clean energy infrastructure projects, such as nine priority corridors for integrating renewable energy into multiple…

26 03 2019 | 06:40

How Can We Make Renewable Energy Less Divisive?

Renewable energy is gaining increased support, but it can still be something of a divisive issue, especially when you get into the details of energy policy. Deciding how utilities should compensate …

26 03 2019 | 06:24

Japanese utility ponders 700MW offshore move.

Japanese utility Tohoku Electric Power Company is participating with Renova in a feasibility study into the possibility of developing a 700MW offshore wind farm off the coast of Japan. The Oki…

25 03 2019 | 15:30

Africa Climate Week Signals Continent’s Huge Investment Opportunity

UN Climate Change News, Accra, 20 March 2019 – The high-level segment of the Africa Climate Week in Accra, Ghana, got firmly underway this morning with the official opening ceremony at the capital’s…

25 03 2019 | 04:00

Life of Brian.

Μετά το Κατοβίτσε και το COP24, είχα την χαρά να βρεθώ σε μια ακόμη μεγάλη κι επιτυχημένη συνδιάσκεψη των Ηνωμένων Εθνών στο Ναϊρόμπι της Κένυα, στην 4η Περιβαλλοντική Σύνοδο των Η.Ε. Νέο ρεκόρ…

24 03 2019 | 18:40

SAPVIA unveils PV GreenCard Programme.

The South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) has unveiled its PV GreenCard Programme, with the aim of improving the safety and quality of installations. The PV GreenCard which was…

24 03 2019 | 18:30

4th UNEA Closing Press Conference 15th March 2019

4th UNEA NAIROBI KENYA Closing Press Conference 15th March 2019 by the President of the Environment Assembly Siim Kiisler, UN Environment's Acting Executive Director Joyce Msuya, and the…

24 03 2019 | 09:51

First Inland Vessel Fueled by 100% Sustainable Biofuel.

Dutch company GoodFuels and partner Reinplus Fiwado Bunker have fuelled the For Ever, the first inland vessel from Combined Cargo Terminals (CCT) that runs fully on 100 percent sustainable biofuels…

24 03 2019 | 09:37

Shetland renewable link approval likely.

A £709-million underwater electricity link to help Shetland export renewable electricity to mainland Britain has moved a step closer with the UK regulator Ofgem saying it is likely to approve the…

24 03 2019 | 09:19

Nigeria set to construct US $18.4m Gurara hydropower plant

The Federal Government is set to commence construction of Gurara hydropower plant after it announced to have completed the concession process required for the handing over of the plant to a…

24 03 2019 | 09:13

US $567.7m Isimba Hydropower Dam in Uganda commissioned.

US $567.7m Isimba Hydropower Dam in Kayunga District Uganda has been officially commissioned by President Museveni. “The construction and completion of Isimba dam gives confidence to investors that…

24 03 2019 | 09:12

EkoRE breaks ground on 1 GW vertically integrated module factory in Turkey.

The company also revealed that on April 9, the project was awarded “special project” status under the Turkish government’s “Project Based Investment Incentive System,” a 2.4 billion TRL (around US$…

24 03 2019 | 09:03

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Turkey 2019

Turkey is the fastest growing OECD economy with rapidly increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2008, its economic growth has been relatively decoupled from air emissions, energy use, waste…

24 03 2019 | 08:40

Cyclone Idai: How the storm tore into southern Africa.

Aid agencies are scrambling to reach survivors of Cyclone Idai, which swept through Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe last week, destroying towns and villages in its path. Hundreds of people have been…