
Αποτελέσματα 13821 - 13840 | από συνολικά 15300
09 08 2019 | 11:55

Corruption and lack of law enforcement threaten the lives of environmentalists.

Ιn some parts of the world, protecting the environment has become more dangerous than fighting a war. Among the main factors, corruption and lack of law enforcement rank high, a new study reports.…

09 08 2019 | 11:30

Renewable news from East Africa.

Diageo commits to a renewable future in Africa

09 08 2019 | 09:25

Renewable Projects in Africa Surge - Let's Keep It That Way.

Africa needs energy.  Period.  The lack of energy on the continent costs nations 2-4% GDP every year.  In the Sahel region, such as Senegal, Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan and other areas, nearly two-…

09 08 2019 | 09:22

South Africa tackling climate change through education.

Last week, South Africa celebrated its annual National Science Week with events, exhibitions and school activities happening across the country. Each year has a topical theme, with the previous year’…

09 08 2019 | 09:16

WINDABA: Programme Announcement

Programme Announcement

09 08 2019 | 09:04

Blue energy — saltwater is power.

Coastal saltwater — a new source of renewable energy? The ACEEE releases the 2019 City Clean Energy Scorecard. New Orleans considers wind power, but there is dissent. Just 10% of fossil-fuel…

09 08 2019 | 08:41

Global Inequality in a Time of Climate Emergency.

Our world’s richest have a great deal of money. They also have the power to decide whether our civilization sinks or swims. So what can we do?

09 08 2019 | 08:38

Will it soon be too late to save the climate?

The quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere keeps increasing. The Earth's temperature is rising. Now media are reporting that we only have 18 months to save the climate. Scaremongering, or a…

09 08 2019 | 08:33

Hydro and geothermal to dominate Indonesia’s renewable energy mix until 2028.

The Acting Director of PT PLN (Persero), Djoko R. Abumanan, said that the potential of renewable energy generation is spread throughout Indonesia, especially from hydropower and geothermal energy. “…

09 08 2019 | 08:21

Giant Floating Solar Farms Could Make Fuel and Help Solve the Climate Crisis, Says Study.

Millions of solar panels clustered together to form an island could convert carbon dioxide in seawater into methanol, which can fuel airplanes and trucks, according to new research from Norway and…

09 08 2019 | 08:15

Top ten UK’s hottest years all since 2002.

An updated analysis of the annual UK temperature records from the Met Office shows that since 1884 all of the UK’s ten warmest years have occurred since 2002; whereas none of the ten coldest years…

09 08 2019 | 08:12

Steve Sawyer Memorial Event.

As many of you already know, last week we mourned the loss of Steve Sawyer, a founder of GWEC and Secretary general for over 10 years after a short but intense struggle with cancer.  Steve came into…

09 08 2019 | 08:09

Texas tops US states for wind with 24GW.

Texas has the most installed turbines of any US state with more than 13,000, totalling over 24GW, according to data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). As of the beginning of 2019,…

09 08 2019 | 07:52

From Environmental Leader to ‘Worst Company in the World’.

For years, the American agricultural giant Cargill has been on relatively good terms with environmental advocates, praised for agreeing to a landmark moratorium on buying soybeans grown on deforested…

09 08 2019 | 07:50

The ocean has absorbed more than 90% of the heat gained by the planet.

A new study has found that the ocean has absorbed more than 90 per cent of the heat gained by the planet between 1971 and 2010. The process of the ocean absorbing this heat leads to increase in…

09 08 2019 | 07:47

The island of the gods tackles plastic pollution.

Indonesia’s most popular tourist destination, Bali, has officially instated a ban on single-use plastics and polystyrene in an effort to tackle marine plastic pollution. Bali’s Governor, I Wayan…

09 08 2019 | 07:43

A new study reveals ways to reduce city temperatures by 2°C.

New research funded by City of Parramatta Council and CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRCLCL) has revealed ways temperatures in Western Sydney can be reduced by as much as 2°C. Undertaken in…

09 08 2019 | 07:33

EU Makes a New Bet on Green Hydrogen.

Green hydrogen to balance out volatile electricity generation from new renewable energy sources, integrate them into the energy system. The European Commission has awarded the H2FUTURE project to a…

09 08 2019 | 07:32

Circular economy and sustainable tourism a reality on islands: business models and financing opportunities.

The International & National GTI Conference will take place at Palazzo Chiaramonte-Steri, one of Palermo treasures of the 14th century, headquarters of the Rectorate of the University of Palermo…

08 08 2019 | 17:11

IPCC report: stop abusing land, scientists warn.

Scientists are to deliver a stark condemnation of the damage being done to the land surface of the planet. Human activities have led to the degrading of soils, expanded deserts, felled forests,…