
Αποτελέσματα 13561 - 13580 | από συνολικά 14304
08 05 2019 | 08:43

Is Biomass the Most Reliable Form of Renewable Energy?

LOS ANGELES -- This edition of Virtually Rick is a load of garbage -- literally! But wait, there’s some good stuff in here, we’re talking not a bio mess, but biomass; a fantastic means of creating…

08 05 2019 | 08:30

Russia does not have a strong commitment to renewable energy compared to most countries.

Russian hydropower company RusHydro has launched a wind power plant in Russia’s Arctic region. It’s far from a signal that fossil-fuel-hungry Russia is going green, but it’s a start. Russian company…

08 05 2019 | 07:48

Trump isn't fully funding a U.N. climate program. So Michael Bloomberg is.

When Michael Bloomberg announced he was not running for president, the 77-year-old former New York mayor said would rather spend his remaining days (and considerable wealth) addressing issues dear to…

08 05 2019 | 07:10

Claude Turmes: ‘We won the Energy Transition Fund’.

The Energy Transition Fund called for by the European Parliament is more than just a pot of money to support coal-dependent regions, says Claude Turmes, Luxembourg’s minister for energy and spatial…

07 05 2019 | 17:16

Nature crisis: Humans 'threaten 1m species with extinction'.

On land, in the seas, in the sky, the devastating impact of humans on nature is laid bare in a compelling UN report. One million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction. Nature…

07 05 2019 | 08:34

Mosquito-borne diseases could reach extra ‘one billion people’ as climate warms.

Nearly one billion people could face “their first exposure” to a host of mosquito-borne diseases by 2080 under extreme global warming, a study finds. Countries in Europe, including the UK, would be…

07 05 2019 | 08:03

How to take the ‘petro’ out of the petrochemicals industry.

Fossil fuels are the backbone of the global petrochemicals industry, which provides the world’s growing population with fuels, plastics, clothing, fertilizers and more. A new research paper, …

07 05 2019 | 07:54

Eighty percent against coal, in favour of renewable energies.

According to a survey conducted in April 2019, the majority of South Africans are in favour of foreign investment in renewable energy resources. The study was conducted by E3G, an independent think…

07 05 2019 | 07:39

Legal and General Investment bosses warn about climate catastrophe.

Bosses of a major asset management firm has warned about the catastrophic effects of climate change. The UK’s largest money manager, Legal and General Investment Management, have stated that the…

06 05 2019 | 20:28

Eight EU Countries Will Demand Decarbonization By 2050 At Sibiu Summit.

A planned ‘Future of Europe’ summit of European Union national leaders starting in Sibiu, Romania tomorrow was supposed to chart a course for the EU following Brexit. Instead, with Brexit delayed and…

06 05 2019 | 14:29

Coal’s future is in the hands of the people, not banks.

As climate change concerns grow, new polling suggests strong support around the globe for clean energy, putting coal-related investment in jeopardy.

06 05 2019 | 14:26

The Pollination Project Grantees meeting.

Green-Kenya took part in The Pollination Project grantees meeting in Nairobi for experience sharing at Go- Down art centre. The meeting focused on the success, challenges of the grantees and those…

06 05 2019 | 14:18

International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 9-11 October 2019.

Welcome to the 12th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change website. PROMITHEASnet – the Energy and Climate Change network, as the organizer, invites you to this three-days…

06 05 2019 | 11:13

Sustainable Investing: 10 Principles to Weed Out ‘Ill-Governed’ Companies.

Investors want sustainable investments, but what are the criteria? The United Nations has guidance. The United Nations Global Compact is a series of principles (Exhibit 1) that have become a…

06 05 2019 | 09:03

World Circular Economy Forum & Innovation and Design in Circular Economy / Training in Helsinki, Finland

Final deadlines for registration. We're nearing the deadline for a deep dive into Innovations and Designs in Circular Economy Training registration.   You and delegates from your organisation  are…

05 05 2019 | 10:02

Global surface temperatures in 2019 are on track to be either the 2nd or 3rd warmest since records began.

Global surface temperatures in 2019 are on track to be either the second or third warmest since records began in the mid-1800s, behind only 2016 and possibly 2017. On top of the long-term  warming…

05 05 2019 | 09:56

GWEC-Global Wind Report 2018.

Good year for wind energy with 51.3 GW new installations. According to the 14th 'Global Wind Report' from the Global Wind Energy Council and as GWEC director of market intelligence Karin Ohlenforst…

04 05 2019 | 12:38

Researchers report high performance solid-state sodium-ion battery.

Solid-state sodium-ion batteries are far safer than conventional lithium-ion batteries, which pose a risk of fire and explosions, but their performance has been too weak to offset the safety…

04 05 2019 | 12:25

19 GW new PV installations in Europe in 2019.

PV installations in countries outside of China are forecast to grow 43 percent in 2019, IHS Markit predicts. Europe will see even higher growth, led by Spain.

04 05 2019 | 12:13

Solar Steel supplies 500 MW of its RackSmarT fixed Tilt structure to the largest PV project in Europe.

Solar Steel, division of Gonvarri Steel Services is supplying 500 MW of its RackSmarT fixed tilt structure to the PV Project named Nunez de Balboa, which will become the largest PV plant installed to…