
Αποτελέσματα 13021 - 13040 | από συνολικά 15380
23 12 2019 | 07:49

Renewables 'top UK investors chart'.

Renewable energy is the top investment sector for UK investors with almost one-third (30%) regarding it as the area they would actively put their money into for long-term gain, according to a survey…

23 12 2019 | 07:41

The Escazu Agreement wants to protect environmental human rights in Latin America - but not everyone is on board.

Approved in 2018 after six years of negotiations, the Escazú Agreement is the first and single environmental human rights treaty in Latin America and the Caribbean – the region with one of the world’…

23 12 2019 | 07:41

Consider marine life when implementing offshore renewable power.

With countries such as Iceland, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and Norway adopting green energy practices, renewable energy now accounts for a third of the world's power. As this trend continues, more and…

23 12 2019 | 07:22

On Islands Off the Scottish Coast, A Glimpse of Energy Systems of the Future.

The Orkney archipelago is at the cutting edge of renewable energy development. On Orkney a revolution is underway, made of wind, sun, and sea. The 20 islands of the Orkney archipelago lie in the…

23 12 2019 | 07:20

Oxford City Council sets £19 million budget for climate crisis.

Oxford City Council has announced that will put £19 million into a fund for the climate emergency. In response to the Oxford Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change, Oxford City Council will set a …

23 12 2019 | 07:16

UK’s first zero-emissions street to be trialled in London.

The City of London Corporation (CLC) has announced that the capital will get its first zero-emissions street. Beech Street, much of which runs under the Barbican Estate, will now be restricted to…

20 12 2019 | 17:06

COP25: UNFCCC Exec Secretary Madame Patricia Espinosa response to Michael Bloomberg's offer of support.

UNFCCC Exec Secretary Madame Patricia Espinosa expressing the appreciation of the UN for the unwavering support of Michael Bloomberg and the other America to the climate talks at te WE ARE STILL IN…

20 12 2019 | 17:01

COP25: Actor Harrison Ford for Climate Action with the "WE ARE STILL IN" group.

Harrison Ford at COP25 at the WE ARE STILL IN USA Pavilion declaring his despair at the state the world is in, his concern about the future of his 3 children and 5 grandchildren, his dismay at USA'a…

20 12 2019 | 17:01

COP25: Michael Bloomberg at the "WE ARE STILL IN" USA Pavilion supporting Climate Talks.

Michael Bloomberg at COP25 and at the "WE ARE STILL IN" USA Pavilion declaring his opposition to Donald Trumps withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and pledging his support for the climate talks and…

20 12 2019 | 10:38

COP25: Το e-mc2 με την ελληνική παρουσία στη Μαδριτη.

Ένα, αναμφίβολα κατά τη γνώμη μου σημαντικό αλλά και ευχάριστο γεγονός ήταν η φετινή παρουσία της Ελλάδος στο COP25. Από προσωπική εμπειρία τουλάχιστον ήταν η πλέον έντονη και πλέον προβεβλημένη…

20 12 2019 | 09:54

That lovely Christmas snow? It probably has microplastics in it.

From the waters of Antarctica to the food we eat, microplastics are all over the place, with scientists still trying to understand the consequences they have for the environment and our health.…

20 12 2019 | 09:41

Australia's heatwave registers new hottest day on record, BOM says.

Yesterday was Australia's hottest day on record, according to preliminary data from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). The average maximum temperature across the country was 40.9 degrees Celsius,…

20 12 2019 | 09:24

In numbers: Why Christmas is the most wasteful time of the year.

Christmas is said to be the most wonderful time of the year - but it's certainly the most wasteful. As the big day approaches, edie rounds up some of the most shocking resources and waste statistics…

19 12 2019 | 10:07

e-mc2 at COP25: Excerpts from Hilda Flavia Nakabuye, press conference.

Excerpts from Hilda Flavia Nakabuye, passionate, moving and so true speech in the #FridaysForFutur press conference in Madrid during COP25 Only the young climate activists and especially those from…

19 12 2019 | 10:06

COP25: Hilda Flavia Nakabuye, Ugandan Climate Activist talks to e-mc2.

COP25 was a huge disappointment.

18 12 2019 | 18:04

e-mc2 at COP25: FridaysForFuture press conference at COP25.

There was only one thing alive at COP25 and that was the young climate activists. They were everywhere from the streets of Madrid to every single corner of COP25 Smiling, loud, passionate, powerful…

18 12 2019 | 11:10

COP25: Το e-mc2 στην ομιλιά του Υπουργού κ. Κωστή Χατζηδάκη στη Μαδρίτη για την ελληνική εκδήλωση για την κλιματική αλλαγή και την πολιτιστική κληρονομια.

Η ελληνική πρωτοβουλία, η οποία παρουσιάστηκε για πρωτη φορά στο Climate Summit της Νέας Υόρκης το Σεπτέμβιρο του 2019, ήταν μια από τις εννέα εμβληματικές προτάσεις και είχε την τιμητική της και στο…

18 12 2019 | 10:17

COP25: Το e-mc2 στην ελληνική εκδήλωση για την κλιματική αλλαγή και την πολιτιστική κληρονομιά.

Η ελληνική πρωτοβουλία, η οποία παρουσιάστηκε για πρωτη φορά στο Climate Summit της Νέας Υόρκης το Σεπτέμβιρο του 2019, ήταν μια από τις εννέα εμβληματικές προτάσεις και είχε την τιμητική της και…

18 12 2019 | 08:46

A Coal Baron Funded Climate Denial as His Company Spiraled Into Bankruptcy.

WASHINGTON — As his coal mining company hurtled into bankruptcy, Robert E. Murray, the former chief executive, paid himself $14 million, handed his successor a $4 million bonus and earmarked nearly $…

18 12 2019 | 08:10

The State of Power Market Evolution in Europe.

The electricity sector has been a cornerstone of the energy transition. But with the pace of change increasing, are power markets helping or hindering? Centralized markets with prices set by the…