
Αποτελέσματα 12561 - 12580 | από συνολικά 14304
21 09 2019 | 10:55

Oilsands Face Deep Trouble As ‘Death Toll’ Rings For Gasoline.

Oil production costs will have to come way down to be competitive with renewables a decade from now, a new study says. The age of gasoline could be over sooner than many people think, a recent…

21 09 2019 | 10:45

Massive Bylong valley coalmine in NSW blocked on environmental grounds.

Independent planning commission refuses South Korean company Kepco’s $290m proposal. The New South Wales Independent Planning Commission has rejected the development of a coalmine near Mudgee…

21 09 2019 | 10:45

Τραμπ ο απερίγραπτος.

Μου είναι αδιανόητο πως αυτός ο άνθρωπος είναι Πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ και μάλιστα έχει πολύ καλές πιθανότητες να επανεκλεγεί.

21 09 2019 | 10:25

Ήπια ενέργεια κ. Πρωθυπουργέ;

Πραγματικά σημαντικό ένας πρωθυπουργός να επιδοκιμάζει μια σχολική απεργία για το κλίμα. Και πρωτοφανές για τα ελληνικά δεδομένα. Σπουδαίο και του τουΐτ του πρωθυπουργού:  

20 09 2019 | 15:09

Costa Rica named 'UN Champion of the Earth' for pioneering role in fighting climate change.

  Costa Rica wins United Nations’ flagship environmental award in the policy leadership category Central American country recognized for leading the way to a zero-carbon future Costa Rica has…

20 09 2019 | 12:57

Germany suffers more coal-linked deaths than rest of EU.

Germany – home to the much-hailed ‘Energiewende’ green revolution – suffered more premature deaths linked to coal plant pollution than any other EU member state, research by health and environment…

20 09 2019 | 08:05

Η Ελλάδα πρωτοπορεί στην προσπάθεια αναχαίτισης της κλιματικής αλλαγής.

Η Ελλάδα να πρωτοπορεί στην προσπάθεια αναχαίτισης της κλιματικής αλλαγής, είναι κάτι που δεν περίμενα ποτέ. Συγχαρητήρια στον κ. Ζερεφό για την πρόταση και στον Πρωθυπουργό και την κυβέρνηση που…

20 09 2019 | 07:30

Global Climate Strike begins in Australia. Fridays for the future of humanity. The children fighting our fight. [updated video]

CLIMATE ACTION FROM AROUND THE WORLD   As it happened around the world    

19 09 2019 | 16:01

National Governments Can Unlock Nearly $24 Trillion by Investing in Zero-Carbon Cities.

Low-carbon measures in cities could reduce urban emissions by nearly 90% and support 87 million jobs annually by 2030

19 09 2019 | 13:44

Launch of the Global Hub on the Governance for the SDGs.

Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development Speakers include: •    Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary General, OECD •    Mr. Achim Steiner, Administrator, UNDP •    Mr. Iván Duque Márquez, President of…

19 09 2019 | 13:31

Climate Summit - CAN & CARE.


19 09 2019 | 09:25

HAEE Seminar: The Geopolitics of Energy in SE Europe.

The Geopolitics of Energy in SE Europe    "The Geopolitics of Energy in SE Europe" @ a glance:   When: 25 September 2019 Where: Theoxenia Palace Hotel | 2 Filadelfeos Street, Kifissia, 145…

19 09 2019 | 09:10

Leading countries blocked from speaking at UN climate summit.

Secretary-general takes tough line on select coal-supporting nations.

19 09 2019 | 08:29

Goldman Sachs’ renewable company scores US$4 billion for clean energy projects.

Goldman Sachs Asset Management has reached the final close on capital commitments to Goldman Sachs Renewable Power, a private company that invests in renewable energy assets. In total, Goldman Sachs…

19 09 2019 | 08:08

Sweden's highest peak just lost its title and climate change is to blame.

Scientists warn "the destiny looks poor" for Scandinavia's glaciers as Sweden's highest peak melts away. The glacier-covered southern peak of Sweden's Kebnekaise mountain stands at 2,095.6 metres…

19 09 2019 | 08:02

Deforestation damage goes far beyond the Amazon.

West Africa and Congo basin are hotspots for forest loss but receive lower global attention.

19 09 2019 | 07:58

Thousands of climate change activists block entrance to Frankfurt auto show.

Thousands of climate-change activists formed a human roadblock on Sunday to the Frankfurt auto show, one of the largest car industry showcases in the world.

19 09 2019 | 07:52

Barcelona's car-free 'superblocks' could save hundreds of lives.

Report predicts radical scheme could cut air pollution by a quarter as other cities including Seattle prepare to follow suit. Barcelona could save hundreds of lives and cut air pollution by a…

19 09 2019 | 07:36

'It can kill you in seconds': the deadly algae on Brittany's beaches.

Activists say stinking sludge is linked to nitrates in fertilisers from intensive farming. André Ollivro stepped carefully down the grassy banks of an estuary in the bay of Saint-Brieuc, Brittany,…

19 09 2019 | 07:19

The battle against wildlife poachers is increasingly high-tech.

As conservation groups get smarter about technology, so do the poachers they are fighting to stop. Wednesday marked a milestone in the battle to protect endangered species, when an international…

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