
Αποτελέσματα 11921 - 11940 | από συνολικά 14304
28 12 2019 | 10:44

Fossil gas. An long overdue correction.

Natural gas. Sounds so nice.

28 12 2019 | 10:35

Το ορυκτό αέριο. Μια καθυστερημένη διόρθωση.

Φυσικό αέριο. Τι ωραία που ηχεί.

28 12 2019 | 09:05

Australia fires and weather: blazes out of control as heatwave expected to peak on New Year's Eve

Bureau of Meteorology issues wind warnings amid bushfires as temperatures expected to reach 44C north-west of Sydney next week New South Wales firefighters are gearing up for hotter, drier and…

27 12 2019 | 12:09

Somalia Hit by Worst Locust Invasion in 25 Years.

Tens of thousands of hectares of farmland is being destroyed as desert locusts swarm over Somalia, in the worst invasion in 25 years.    The locusts have damaged about 70,000 hectares of farmland in…

27 12 2019 | 11:51

'If the climate stays like this, we won't make it' say those on the frontline of Africa's drought.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (CNN)Torrents of water once thundered over the precipice at Victoria Falls, on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia, shrouding the area in mist.

27 12 2019 | 08:56

Μια τέλεια κρίση δοκιμάζει την κρίση μας

Άλλο ένα COP, άλλη μια απογοήτευση. Λόγια και ανέξοδες μεγαλοστομίες με άφθονα «θα» και «πρέπει», αλλά στο τελικό κείμενο οι γνωστές άγνωστες χώρες κρατούν τις επιφυλάξεις τους και πάμε για το…

26 12 2019 | 12:02

Are you committed to become a green island?

Take part in the GTI Observatory Global Index to measure how green is your island and know how to improve your scores

26 12 2019 | 12:00

Solar power required for all new California homes starting January 1st 2020

Landmark building rules will be first-in-the nation solar requirement California already generates more electricity from solar power than any other state. But now a dramatic expansion is about to…

26 12 2019 | 10:23

Solar Africa 2020 - 24-26 Februry 2020

Africa is the world’s biggest untapped market. Who gets there first, gets the most. - ABDAS

26 12 2019 | 08:50

Quotes from the  FridaysForFuture Pressconference in COP25

WHAT: ​Press Conference

24 12 2019 | 14:46

Merrry Xmas!

24 12 2019 | 09:56

Bah Humbug: Most of the World Will Never See a White Christmas.

Many people dream of a white Christmas each year. Why else would Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" from 1942 be the best-selling single in the world? But sadly, this dream will never come true for…

23 12 2019 | 15:39

Mr. Zacharias Siokouros appointed first CEO of CMMI - Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute.

The Chairman - Mayor of Larnaka - Andreas Vyras and the Board of Directors of the CMMI - Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute are pleased to announce that Mr.

23 12 2019 | 13:49

For the vulnerable, UN climate talks are no longer fit for purpose

Having just returned home from my 25th consecutive UN climate talks in Madrid, I am now prepared to declare the decision making process in these annual jamborees is no longer fit for purpose. Let me…

23 12 2019 | 13:02

COP25: Self-serving G20 spites youth, humanity, world at climate talks.

With 500,000 mostly young climate activists rallying in Madrid streets, COP25 delegates agreed to disagree on nearly everything, with smaller nations striving to pave the way for implementation of…

23 12 2019 | 08:49

US coalition says "we are still in" at UN summit.

Coalition of actors from the US rejects Trump's stand on climate change. As the US federal government steps down from the Paris Agreement, a group of representatives from local governments, business…

23 12 2019 | 08:27

Global climate summit ends in failure. But the fight is not over.

The world is still not taking climate change seriously, and the planet’s largest polluters are still not committed to real change. Not all is lost, but this is a major alarm and a massive call to…

23 12 2019 | 08:18

Statement by the Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, Patricia Espinosa, on the Outcome of COP25.

Several days have passed since the closing of the UN Climate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid, and it is important to conduct an honest and realistic assessment of what happened so that appropriate…

23 12 2019 | 08:15

Europe’s Ambitious Green Deal: A Plan To Neutralize Its Carbon Footprint By 2050.

Through a new Green Deal, the EU plans to neutralize Europe’s carbon footprint by as early as 2050. While the plan is ambitious, it highlights the need for world leaders to work together. After all,…

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