
Αποτελέσματα 11741 - 11760 | από συνολικά 14304
29 01 2020 | 17:19

Deep Decarbonization: A Realistic Way Forward on Climate Change.

Global emissions have soared by two-thirds in the three decades since international climate talks began. To make the reductions required, what’s needed is a new approach that creates incentives for…

29 01 2020 | 17:09

Greener NHS campaign launched to tackle climate emergency.

The National Health Service (NHS) in England has unveiled a new campaign to help tackle the climate emergency. The NHS say the health and care system in England is responsible for an estimated 4-5%…

29 01 2020 | 17:08

Researchers predict near-record annual increase in atmospheric CO2.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are on track for one of their largest annual increases since record-keeping began in 1958, driven in part by the bushfire calamity sweeping Australia, the UK…

29 01 2020 | 16:53

UK needs 400,000 extra jobs to power 2050 net-zero commitment.

A new report by the National Grid has revealed that the UK will need 400,000 extra jobs to reach the net-zero goal by 2050. The Net-Zero Energy Workforce Report has highlighted the urgent demand for…

29 01 2020 | 16:35

Climate change: What can I do about it and other questions.

"The moment of crisis has come" in efforts to tackle climate change, Sir David Attenborough has warned. He spoke as BBC News launched a year of special coverage on global warming. Here are our…

29 01 2020 | 16:30

Mainstreaming Gender and Empowering Women for Environmental Sustainability: 5-6 March.

To meet environmental goals and in line with Agenda 2030, policy- and decision- makers need to consider links between environmental policy responses and other goals, such as achieving gender equality…

28 01 2020 | 15:44

“Suffering in Silence": New CARE report highlights top 10 crises that received little to no media attention in 2019.

9 out of 10 most under-reported crises on the African continent / man-made climate change dramatically fuels displacement and hunger crises

28 01 2020 | 11:38

Preparations Underway for Africa Climate Week 2020 in Kampala: 9 - 13 March 2020

Preparations are underway for Africa Climate Week 2020, which will be convened in Kampala, Uganda, 9-13 March 2020. The overview programme and further details have been published today.

28 01 2020 | 08:47

IRENEC 2020 : 15 -17 April 2020

Renewable Energy Association of Turkey (EUROSOLAR Turkey) promoting energy end-use efficiency and 100% renewable energy has been organizing the International 100% Renewable Energy Conferences (IRENEC…

27 01 2020 | 10:18

Στον πλανήτη Χ.

Ήταν πρωί. Παγωμένος αέρας κατέβαινε από τους γύρω λόφους και φυσούσε προς τη θάλασσα. Στο μικρό λιμάνι επικρατούσε μια νεκρική σιωπή. Η συνηθισμένη κίνηση του λιμανιού είχε δώσει τη θέση της σε μια…

27 01 2020 | 08:10

Scotland to reach this year 100% renewable energy goal.

The country would leave behind fossil fuels with a clean energy matrix. Scotland, which will host this year’s UN climate summit in November, is considered a global leader on clean energy. The…

27 01 2020 | 08:04

Climate change pushes investors to take their temperature.

LONDON - Move over revenue growth and dividend payouts: it’s time to take your portfolio’s temperature. Policymakers are pushing investors to do more to ensure their portfolio choices help to meet…

27 01 2020 | 07:58

UK could tap into Africa's $24bn market for off-grid solar power.

UK investors could seize a $24bn investment opportunity by helping to connect millions of people without access to electricity to off-grid home solar power systems. The market for pay-as-you-go home…

27 01 2020 | 07:57

2020 Could Be the Year Carbon Removal Takes Off.

Global greenhouse gas emissions are on track to rise once again to their highest level in history. Our time isshrinking to reduce climate-warming emissions enough to limit global temperature rise to…

27 01 2020 | 07:49

How Germany helped make renewable energy cheap for the rest of the world.

One man, some very old solar panels, and a law that looks a lot like part of the proposed US Green New Deal helped transform the way Germany gets its power. *LISTEN HERE Hans-Josef Fell describes…

27 01 2020 | 07:25

Eskom paying 10-times more for diesel than what renewable energy costs.

Eskom is currently paying multiple times more for diesel-generated electricity than the price of renewable energy – and it is completely unnecessary. This is the view of Dennis Dykes, chief…

27 01 2020 | 07:14

Low-Carbon Growth Is a $26 Trillion Opportunity. Here Are 4 Ways to Seize It.

The world is vastly underestimating the benefits of acting on climate change. Recent research from the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate finds that bold climate action could deliver at…

26 01 2020 | 10:08

It’s a Vast, Invisible Climate Menace. We Made It Visible.

Immense amounts of methane are escaping from oil and gas sites nationwide, worsening global warming, even as the Trump administration weakens restrictions on offenders. To the naked eye, there is…

25 01 2020 | 09:01

Women in wind leadership 2020 launches.

Expanded initiative aims to address gender inequality within the industry. The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) have announced the…

25 01 2020 | 08:59

The countdown is on: BLADES EUROPE 18-19 FEBRUARY

  Here’s a quick refresh of the key themes being discussed at this year’s Blades Europe Conference, taking place in Berlin on 18-19 February.

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