Farmers report devastating losses as poor control measures are blamed for spread of infection across the country
Hundreds of thousands of pigs have been culled by Nigerian farmers in response to an…
They can be a source of clean, renewable energy, sustainable food, and more.
Learning to swim, in a pool in the Florida Keys, was pure joy. I was five and reveled in blowing bubbles and doing…
COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in need for new realities in the energy space.
According to International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy could power an economic recovery from COVID…
TIRANA (Albania) - Norway's Statkraft is looking to start the construction of a floating solar plant with a maximum capacity of 2 MW at the Banja reservoir in southeastern Albania by the end of June…
The wind power industry sees an opportunity in allowing wind turbines to be pushed into deeper water.
This article is part of a special report on Climate Solutions.
FERROL, Spain — A strange-…
To better predict climate change, scientists need accurate models which predict the behavior of many natural processes. One of these is the melting of Arctic sea ice, which requires expensive and…
Unilever has set out new actions to fight climate change, and protect and regenerate nature, to preserve resources for future generations.
Unilever has announced a new set of sustainability…
The country has relaunched its renewable energy campaign following delays due to the pandemic.
The Portugal solar power tender auction that was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis is now…
Africa is already feeling the disproportionate impact of climate change.Africa is already feeling the disproportionate impact of climate change.
Young people around the world are rising up against …
Leaders from three international NGOs — the United Nations, the World Health Organization and WWF International — teamed up to issue a stark warning that pandemics like the coronavirus are a direct…
The EU appears poised to roll out battery storage capacity to provide flexibility to systems with more variable renewables. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy has also noted…
The International Energy Agency has laid out a $3 trillion green recovery plan, offering governments around the world a “once-in-a-lifetime” roadmap to sustainably rebuild their economies in the wake…
Conservationists say clearance of Bugomo reserve for plantation is blow to biodiversity and country’s reputation on wildlife
Conservationists have branded a decision by the Ugandan high court to…
Spending on renewable power is set to overtake oil and gas drilling for the first time next year as clean energy affords a $16 trillion investment opportunity through 2030, according to Goldman Sachs…
The share of coal in the world energy mix fell to its lowest level in 16 years dropping to 27 per cent in 2019, according to the latest edition of BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020.
«Είναι σαφές ότι η παραγωγή ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας από ανανεώσιμες πηγές αποτελεί πλέον βασική ενεργειακή επιλογή, και αυτό είναι υπέροχο. Όμως, η πρόοδος σε αυτόν τον τομέα δεν πρέπει να μας οδηγήσει…
The German government has adopted a long-term strategy for the production of green hydrogen amid efforts to support the sector by establishing value chains.
The National Hydrogen Strategy bets on…
International Energy Agency chief warns of need to prevent post-lockdown surge in emissions.
The world has only six months in which to change the course of the climate crisis and prevent a post-…
Renewable energy has historically been considered too expensive and too unreliable to power our grid, but new research has overturned that trope for good.