Based on already planned and announced retirements, less than half of the U.S. coal-fired power generation capacity that existed at the start of 2015 will remain online by 2035, a new S&P Global…
LONDON, July 29 (Reuters) - A global initiative was launched on Thursday to bring transparency and rigour to the voluntary carbon market that is expected to grow rapidly over the next few years as…
The mayor of the Norwegian capital argues that the ‘moral’ duty to cut emissions from burning waste can be met by carbon capture
The city of Oslo was built on wealth generated by the North Sea,…
Cross-party think tank Demos has teamed up with WWF, National Grid, and ScottishPower to ask people across the UK to consider how we should get on track to reach net zero carbon emissions over this…
Heavy rains in southern Bangladesh this week have flooded and destroyed dwellings at camps hosting more than 800,000 Rohingya refugees.
“The UN High Commissioner for Refugees said more than 12,000…
Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year.
In 2021, it falls on Thursday July 29…
Humanity has already consumed more natural resources than the planet can regenerate this year
Humans will have already consumed all the natural resources that Earth can sustainably supply for 2021…
A comprehensive analysis shows that warmer temperatures aren't the only threat.
With extreme weather causing power failures in California and Texas, it's increasingly clear that the existing power…
More than 5,000 kilometres beneath us, Earth’s solid metal inner core wasn’t discovered until 1936. Almost a century later, we’re still struggling to answer basic questions about when and how it…
Secretive tribunals allow fossil fuel companies to sue governments for passing laws to protect environment.
Italy could be forced to pay millions of pounds in damages to a UK oil company after…
A loophole allows ExxonMobil consortium to reduce profits to Guyana for oil discoveries that may never be developed
July 29, 2021 (IEEFA) ─ In a deal with ExxonMobil, Hess and China National…
The Australian Energy Market Operator is to model a range of scenarios that include a zero emissions by 2035, at the same time as much of the nation’s transport and other energy uses also turn…
A county in Washington state has become the first such jurisdiction in the US to ban new fossil fuel infrastructure, following a lengthy battle over the impact of oil refineries on the local…
Debris from areas burned by wildfires courses through city streets as one woman dies in flash flood on Colorado River
Parts of Arizona have been hit with devastating flooding, with the city of…
Oregon’s clean energy bill, which sets one of the most ambitious timelines in the country for moving to 100% clean electricity sources, was signed by Gov. Kate Brown on Tuesday.
The legislation lays…
Amid flash-floods, ministers from more than 50 countries met in London for face-to-face discussions on climate
Countries have finished key climate talks deadlocked on the issue of phasing out coal-…
At Lake Powell on the Arizona-Utah border, the water line has dropped to a historic low, taking a heavy toll on the local industry
Chaos erupted at Bill West’s business in Page, Arizona, last week…