With climate change set to bring more severe and frequent storms to some parts of the world and an increased risk of drought to others, the risks to countries which rely on hydropower differ – as do…
A project to produce green hydrogen using wind power is planned in the mid-east of Sweden, which is expected to have the ability to make up to 240 tons of the stuff on-site every day.
However, work…
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has shaken many long-held Western assumptions about the foundations of peace in Europe. Among other things, it has renewed policymakers' focus on energy dependence as a…
Renewable energy has continued to grow and gain momentum despite global uncertainties, according to new data released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) April 11, 2022. Global…
Warming of the oceans due to climate change will mean that while the fish caught today will still exist in the future, they will not exist in as many numbers, new research suggests.
In this context…
UNDP and Adaptation Innovation Marketplace partners, with support from Adaptation Fund and European Union, announce US$2.2 million in grants to local innovators to accelerate local climate action…
LAGOS, April 9 (Reuters) - Nigeria's national electricity grid has collapsed for the second time in a month, the federal ministry of power said on Saturday, leaving the parts of the country it serves…
Members of the Global Alliance for a Green New Deal…
The future of renewable energy in Egypt is far more promising than that in Europe if the human factor from laws and decision makers will earnestly pave the way since nature gives the country all the…
Joint Statement by COP26 President Alok Sharma, COP27 President-Designate Sameh Shoukry and UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa
Today marks the publication of the…
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), made up of the world’s leading climate scientists, has now published all three sections of its landmark comprehensive review of climate science.
Opposition in cabinet as well as on backbenches to expansion of turbines in England widely seen as an eyesore
Pro-green cabinet ministers are frustrated by Boris Johnson’s decision to back away from…
Tragically, the Biden administration is choosing to expand the fossil fuel industry at this critical moment.
We are spiraling further into climate and ecological breakdown. Now is the perfect moment…
The IPCC finds that emissions could be halved globally by 2030 at affordable costs if action is taken right across the board.
Enormous opportunities to cut emissions deeply are there, the time to…
he continued heating of the planet means that this year will probably be one of this century’s coolest. As the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) makes clear,…
The world can still hope to stave off the worst ravages of climate breakdown but only through a “now or never” dash to a low-carbon economy and society, scientists have said in what is in effect a…
What does IPCC working group 3 say?
The world has only a narrow chance of limiting global heating to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, and is falling far behind on making the changes needed to…