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18 05 2022 | 18:31

Why artificial intelligence is vital in the race to meet the SDGs

Seven years have passed since world leaders met in New York and agreed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to resolve major challenges including poverty, hunger, inequality, climate change and…

18 05 2022 | 18:27

The limits of forest carbon sequestration

Although nations are grappling with reducing carbon emissions to minimize climate change risks, they actually need to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere if the goal is to keep warming to…

18 05 2022 | 18:13

Solar power prices are falling. What does this mean for our household electricity bills?

After a long decade of year-on-year increases in power prices throughout the country, the cost of electricity is forecast to fall in most places. How far it falls — and how quickly — depends on lots…

18 05 2022 | 18:09

Direct switch from coal to renewables cheaper than going over gas “bridge”

A new analysis published this week reveals it is now clearly cheaper for countries to switch from coal-fired generation to renewables than it is to swap from coal to natural gas as a bridge to…

16 05 2022 | 18:51

Sasol investigates viability of sustainable aviation fuel production

Sasol ecoFT has signed a letter of intent with Sollefteā municipality in collaboration with Sweden’s energy company Uniper, to investigate the possibility of establishing an industry-scale production…

16 05 2022 | 17:07

LIFE ASTI FINAL CONFERENCE - 19 May 2022 Thessaloniki

LIFE ASTI FINAL CONFERENCE 19 MAY 2022 THESSALONIKI The LIFE ASTI project and the Municipality of Thessaloniki are pleased to invite you to the Final Conference of the project, on May 19, 2022. The…

16 05 2022 | 15:59

Climate Change Job Vacancies Update - 12 May 2022

Latest Climate Change Job Vacancies Update | Current Listings | 

15 05 2022 | 00:19

AFD finances €100 million for drinking water and sanitation in 5 provinces

French Development Agency (AFD) is announcing €100 million in loans to Morocco. This financing is intended to strengthen drinking water and sanitation services in the areas served by five autonomous…

15 05 2022 | 00:11

Lagos gets pumping station to prevent flooding

Flooding has displaced 4,000 people in Lagos in July 2021. To reduce the risk of flooding, the Nigerian authorities are considering the installation of a pumping station in this south-western city,…

15 05 2022 | 00:08

PPC builds solar power plant with storage in Bulawayo

In Zimbabwe, cement manufacturer Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) is holding a stone-laying ceremony for the construction of a solar power plant equipped with a storage system. The facility, which will…

14 05 2022 | 23:51

Green4Youth’s 4th call for projects accelerates sustainable development

In Tunisia, the Green4Youth programme is launching a call for projects to select its fourth cohort. Start-ups proposing solutions in favour of sustainable development have until 17 May 2022 to submit…

14 05 2022 | 23:33

Ouattara mobilises his peers for the restoration of degraded lands

The 15th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is being held from 9 to 20 May 2022 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. At the…

14 05 2022 | 23:30

High demand for hybrid power solutions in Africa’s mining sector

There has been a growing demand for hybrid power solutions in the mining sector in Africa as evidenced by the approval of a solar system at Mozambique’s Balama Mine. The approval of a solar and…

14 05 2022 | 23:07

DRC/ZAMBIA: an agreement to manufacture batteries for electric vehicles

Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) want to use the 70% of the world's cobalt reserves in their subsoil for the local manufacture of batteries for electric vehicles. The two border…

14 05 2022 | 22:28

Landmark inquiry finds legal grounds to hold climate-destroying corporations accountable

Quezon City, Philippines, 6 May 2022 – Today, the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines (CHR) issued the final report [1] of its multi-year investigation into 47 investor-owned corporations…

14 05 2022 | 22:07


With a climate risk index of about 19.67  and an existence in a third world region- the Sub-saharan Africa, almost all expects Kenya to be playing a microscopic role in the mitigation of the  climate…

14 05 2022 | 09:39


Last year we planted the first seed of our ALPHA MISSION - ΔELOS, a mission to combine the strengths of Mythology, Art and Space Technology for the Regeneration of our Planet.

14 05 2022 | 07:22

Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security (PCCMHS) Programme: Regional Policy Dialogue: Summary Report

This report summarises the key issues that emerged from the Regional Policy Dialogue, organized under the Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security (PCCM-HS) programme over the period…

14 05 2022 | 07:19

UNHCR raises alarm over Mozambique’s “invisible” crisis as climate shocks worsen displacement

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is gravely concerned about the ongoing violence and insecurity in northern Mozambique. Conflict and displacement, compounded by extreme weather events has led to surging…

14 05 2022 | 07:15

Climate change is devastating the Global South

Right now in India and Pakistan, a record-breaking heatwave is impacting the daily lives of nearly a billion people. Scorching temperatures are damaging wheat harvests, preventing many labourers from…