
Αποτελέσματα 3701 - 3720 | από συνολικά 14304
10 05 2023 | 08:44

We Are Living Through a Paradigm Shift in Our Understanding of Human Evolution

There’s a paradigm shift underway in our understanding of the past 4 million years of human evolution: ours is a story that includes combinations with other Homo species, spread unevenly across today…

10 05 2023 | 08:35

Why News of Population Decline and Economic Slowdown Isn’t Necessarily a Bad Thing

On January 17, 2023, China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced that the country’s population fell in 2022 by 850,000 people from 2021, which was the first population decline witnessed by…

10 05 2023 | 08:31

How Bioenergy Causes Air Pollution: The Dark Side of Renewable Energy

Bioenergy is often seen as a more environmentally-friendly alternative to other forms of energy generation. But the truth is that it can actually be quite harmful to the environment. Bioenergy has a…

04 05 2023 | 23:37

Volcanic microbe eats CO2 ‘astonishingly quickly’, say scientists

A microbe discovered in a volcanic hot spring gobbles up carbon dioxide “astonishingly quickly”, according to the scientists who found it. The researchers hope to utilise microbes that have…

04 05 2023 | 23:34

North Sea drilling: Greenpeace prepares to challenge ‘disastrous’ UK decision

Greenpeace has attacked the government’s “disastrous” decision to award new licences for oil and gas drilling in the North Sea as it prepares to challenge the move in the high court. A court hearing…

04 05 2023 | 23:34

European countries pledge huge expansion of North Sea wind farms

Nine European countries have pledged to multiply the capacity of offshore wind farms in the North Sea by eight times current levels before 2050, turning it into what Belgium’s energy minister called…

04 05 2023 | 23:31

The Brief — Green ‘planification’ is no longer a dirty word

he climate crisis is real, and simply hoping that EU citizens will voluntarily change their ways enough to create the necessary change is idealistic at best. European politicians are coming around to…

04 05 2023 | 23:31

Weather tracker: heatwave grips parts of Asia and heavy snow hits Scandinavia

A prolonged heatwave that has been affecting many parts of Asia this month continued to batter the region last week. Much of the south-east, including Thailand and Laos, has been experiencing record…

04 05 2023 | 23:28

Use of antibiotics in farming ‘endangering human immune system’

The blanket use of antibiotics in farming has led to the emergence of bacteria that are more resistant to the human immune system, scientists have warned. The research suggests that the…

04 05 2023 | 23:28

How can Fuel Cell micro-CHP help us to decarbonize buildings?

According to official EU figures, buildings are responsible for around 40% of energy consumption and 36% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. At both EU and national levels, policies and…

04 05 2023 | 23:25

Meet the MP who led an inquiry into France’s energy sovereignty

The French Parliament recently published the final report from a special inquiry committee looking into why France lost energy sovereignty and independence. EURACTIV spoke to its lead rapporteur,…

04 05 2023 | 23:23

EU, Norway seal ‘Green Alliance’ to tackle climate change

The European Union and Norway signed a ‘Green Alliance’ on Monday (24 April), committing to work together on tackling climate change, protecting nature and developing the technologies needed to…

04 05 2023 | 23:18

Air pollution kills 1,200 children a year: EU agency

Air pollution still causes more than 1,200 premature deaths a year in under 18’s across Europe and increases the risk of chronic disease later in life, the EU environmental agency said Monday (24…

04 05 2023 | 23:15

Polish ruling party head slams EU’s Fit for 55 plans, says only richest states benefit

The EU’s Fit for 55 Agenda only benefits the richest member states and is imposed by a European Parliament led by a “Green communism” agenda, ruling party leader Jarosław Kaczyński said in a letter…

04 05 2023 | 23:13

Netherlands, UK to announce major new power link to boost energy security

Plans for a new power line to link both countries and offshore wind turbines in the North Sea, to increase energy security and boost renewable power, will be announced by the Netherlands and the UK…

04 05 2023 | 23:09

This Eid might be last before climate crisis permanently alters Muslim World

The impending doom of climate change is expected to displace over 1.2 billion individuals within the next three decades, most of whom will originate from the Islamic world, which will become…

04 05 2023 | 23:06

Stellantis tests e-fuels on existing engines to decarbonise fleet

Carmaker Stellantis is testing synthetic e-fuels, which are made with renewable energy, on 28 types of its internal combustion engines, a step it said on Thursday (20 April) could help decarbonise…

04 05 2023 | 22:59

Romania aims to triple bear culls to address ‘overpopulation’

omania’s government proposed Thursday (20 April) to triple the number of bears to be culled each year in an effort to control the protected species’ “overpopulation”, drawing the ire of environmental…

04 05 2023 | 22:56

Understanding the environmental cost of the Ukraine war

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