Oliver Milman

Αποτελέσματα 21 - 25 | από συνολικά 25
07 09 2020 | 10:55

How SUVs conquered the world – at the expense of its climate.

Exclusive new emissions analysis shows how much more dangerous for the climate SUVs are than smaller vehicles, and how embedded they have become in our lives. They are the hulking cars that have…

30 07 2020 | 07:08

How the Global Climate Fight Could Be Lost If Trump Is Re-Elected

It was a balmy June day in 2017 when Donald Trump took to the lectern in the White House Rose Garden to announce the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement, the only comprehensive global…

25 04 2020 | 13:46

Pandemic side-effects offer glimpse of alternative future on Earth Day 2020.

Coronavirus has led to reduced pollution, re-emerging wildlife and plunging oil prices and shown the size of the task facing humanity. The skies are clearing of pollution, wildlife is returning to…

24 02 2020 | 05:45

Colorado River flow shrinks from climate crisis, risking ‘severe water shortages’ .

Millions of people rely on the 1,450-mile waterway as increasing periods of drought and rising temperatures reduce flow of river The flow of the Colorado River is dwindling due to the impacts of…

01 06 2018 | 09:33

Συμφωνία του Παρισιού: ένα χρόνο μετά την ανακοίνωση της αποχώρησης των ΗΠΑ από τον Τραμπ.

Την 1η Ιουνίου 2017 ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ ανακοίνωσε την εξόδο των ΗΠΑ από την ιστορική συμφωνία του Παρισιού για την αλλαγή του κλίματος.