sustainable development

Αποτελέσματα 741 - 760 | από συνολικά 1449
08 05 2020 | 07:56

Management of natural assets is key to sustainable development: Inclusive wealth provides the way forward.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has been working on “inclusive wealth” for a few years now. What is it, and how does it differ from Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

08 05 2020 | 07:24

City leaders aim to shape green recovery from coronavirus crisis.

Mayors coordinating efforts to support a low-carbon, sustainable path out of lockdowns ities around the world are already planning for life after Covid-19, with a series of environmental initiatives…

07 05 2020 | 08:25

Introducing GSAS Green Leaf Certification for temporary tourism facilities.

GORD is proud to announce the launch of GSAS Green Leaf for Fan Zones & Campsites – a tourism sustainability certification designed to improve the environmental performance, ensure wellbeing of…

07 05 2020 | 07:41

Investors holding trillions of dollars of assets join calls for green Covid-19 recovery.

IIGC, AIGCC, Ceres, and CDP among major green investment groups urging governments to avoid backing risky, high-carbon projects as part of their coronavirus recovery plans A coalition of major green…

07 05 2020 | 07:17

COVID-19 crisis set to eradicate demand for fossil fuels, says IEA.

In the biggest shock the energy world has seen in 70 years, IEA announce renewable energy may be the only source expected to grow, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus outbreak…

07 05 2020 | 07:16

FORBES: In A Post-Pandemic World, Renewable Energy Is The Only Way Forward.

The Economist’s regular cartoonist, KAL, summed it up neatly 

07 05 2020 | 07:13

So, What Exactly Is Community Solar?

Not everyone can have solar on their own roof. A new GTM series helps explain the weird and wonderful world of clean energy. Residential solar has grown by leaps and bounds in the U.S. over the past…

06 05 2020 | 08:14

Cities at the forefront of key battles for humanity: time for a new multilateralism?

We are living in one of those moments which define history. As it is always the case in such moments, the promise and peril of international cooperation, solidarity and multilateralism inevitably…

04 05 2020 | 07:30

PARIS REINFORCE in the time of COVID-19.

The PARIS REINFORCE consortium has been considering how best to accommodate COVID-19 implications in its research, including potential long-term socioeconomic implications (e.g. economic growth),…

02 05 2020 | 07:49

How to source local, affordable, renewable energy for your company.

Because of the current uncertainty brought by the corona pandemic and the impending recession, many companies have put their sustainability actions on hold. However, today’s crisis urges more than…

02 05 2020 | 07:48

Six EU countries join call for 100% renewable energy scenario.

Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Spain have sent a joint letter to the European Commission calling for the inclusion of a 100% renewable energy scenario in long-term climate…

02 05 2020 | 07:17

Could Microsoft’s climate crisis ‘moonshot’ plan really work?

The tech giant’s pledge to go carbon negative by 2030 leans heavily on nascent technology such as machines that suck carbon out of the air. Microsoft drew widespread praise in January this year…

02 05 2020 | 07:13

Amsterdam to embrace 'doughnut' model to mend post-coronavirus economy.

Dutch officials and British economist to use guide to help city thrive in balance with planet. A doughnut cooked up in Oxford will guide Amsterdam out of the economic mess left by the coronavirus…

02 05 2020 | 07:03

Antarctica as a Solar Hub: Possible or Pipe Dream?

When it comes to ideal spaces for huge solar installations, there are common factors that make a location appealing.

30 04 2020 | 15:47

Take A Look at Power China 2020 Advance! August 16-18 2020

Power China 2020 will attract an estimated 350+ preeminent brands this August 16th-18th at China Import & Export Fair Complex. This April alone, more than 50 new exhibitors have signed up for the…

29 04 2020 | 15:56

EDF consortium low bidder for 2GW Abu Dhabi solar project.

A consortium led by France’s EDF and China’s Jinko Power submitted the lowest tariff for the planned 2GW Al-Dhafra photovoltaic (PV) solar project in Abu Dhabi.

28 04 2020 | 16:00

UN Sec. General to Petersberg Dialogue on climate action. "The only answer to COVID 19 is brave, visionary and collaborative leadership. The same leadership is needed to address the looming existential threat of climate disruption."

Madam Chancellor, Ministers,  Dear friends,   Covid-19 has put the lives of billions of people around the globe in turmoil, inflicting grave suffering and destabilizing the global economy.   It has…

27 04 2020 | 10:28

Renewable energy as game inspiration | Marios Papalexandrou | TEDxThessaloniki

How would you channel your creativity into doing something good for the planet? In this entertaining talk, renewable energy engineer Marios Papalexandrou is sharing his passion for his work. This…

25 04 2020 | 12:55

Gas Goes Green: Networks unveil plan to deliver world's first zero carbon gas grid.

Major new project aims to help ready UK gas grid for hydrogen and biogas switchover The UK's gas network operators have set themselves the ambitious target of delivering the world's first zero…

25 04 2020 | 12:51

Solar-powered hand sanitiser wins ESA-backed hackathon.

A start-up company that has repurposed upcycled solar cells to generate ultraviolet light to disinfect people’s hands has won €20 000 in a hackathon designed to share and rapidly develop ideas to…