The Guardian

Αποτελέσματα 1 - 7 | από συνολικά 7
22 12 2022 | 11:25

How the Guardian covered 2022 - video highlights

As the news agenda moved to dizzying speed in 2022, the Guardian stayed true to its values to deliver journalism with clarity, truth, wit, ideas, and an occasional dose of hope. We proved that a fast…

10 12 2022 | 08:48

The biodiversity crisis in numbers - a visual guide

Nature is under threat as never before, but what does that actually mean? We explain what is at stake – and why action at Cop15 is more crucial than ever

21 11 2022 | 08:35

COP27: As it happened on Sunday morning from the GUARDIAN

We’re winding up the blog now, but it has been an extraordinary and fascinating, if not always cheering, couple of weeks at Cop. You can turn to my colleague Fiona Harvey’s long read on exactly what…

23 10 2022 | 08:49

‘Stop setting things on fire’: nine great ideas to save the planet

Writers and activists including Thomas Piketty, Naomi Klein and Bill McKibben suggest positive steps we can take now ‘Take the money out of politics’ Naomi Klein, author