climate change

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03 11 2021 | 13:41

‘You can shove your climate crisis up your arse’: Greta Thunberg sings at Cop26 – video

Climate activist Greta Thunberg had some choice words for the world leaders inside the Cop26 conference in Glasgow. Joined by some of the many activists rallying around the climate change meeting,…

03 11 2021 | 13:40

COP26: Bezos pledges $2bn for restoring nature

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has said his Bezos Earth Fund will spend $2bn (£1.5bn) restoring landscapes and transforming food systems. He told the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow that he had…

03 11 2021 | 13:34

Weather whiplash: California’s historic downpour interrupts historic drought

The deluge extinguished smoldering fires – but the west may not get the wet winter it desperately needs. Over the span of two days, dramatic scenes of dried landscapes and wildfires that have…

03 11 2021 | 13:30

‘I wouldn’t wish it upon any parent’: living on the frontline of global heating

From extreme weather obliterating homes to rising sea levels ruining crops, climate breakdown is a terrifying daily reality for many. Throughout the 2021 United Nations climate change conference,…

03 11 2021 | 13:26

Climate change: UN emissions gap report a 'thundering wake-up call'

National plans to cut carbon fall far short of what's needed to avert dangerous climate change, according to the UN Environment Programme. Their Emissions Gap report says country pledges will fail…

03 11 2021 | 13:26

Biden unveils pledge to slash global methane emissions by 30%

US-led alliance includes 90 countries but China, India and Russia have not joined the methane pact US president Joe Biden has unveiled a multinational plan to control methane, regarded by the…

03 11 2021 | 13:24

COP26: What effect does methane have on climate change? And more questions

The COP26 climate summit kicks off in Glasgow this weekend - one of the biggest ever world meetings on how to tackle global warming. But what's it all about? BBC News environment correspondent Matt…

03 11 2021 | 13:20

Indigenous peoples to get $1.7bn in recognition of role in protecting forests

Cop26 pledge cautiously welcomed as ‘first step’ in making indigenous rights central to climate crisis talks. At least $1.7bn of funding will be given directly to indigenous peoples and local…

03 11 2021 | 13:15

‘Natural infrastructure’ could save billions a year in climate crisis response

Planting trees and preserving mangrove swamps and wetlands are cheap and effective but overlooked, report says Tree-planting, wetland restoration, mangrove swamps and other natural ways of…

03 11 2021 | 11:07

What happened at Cop26 – DAY TWO at a glance

Summary of the main developments on the second day of the UN climate summit in Glasgow World leaders agree deal to end deforestation, as we reported this morning. Xi Jinping, Jair Bolsonaro and Joe…

03 11 2021 | 10:51

Outrage as 400 VIP jets converge on Glasgow for global warming summit

There is outrage after Jeff Bezos’ $86 million Gulf Stream jet was among the hundreds of VIP jets flying into Scottish environmental summit COP26. Around 400 private jets carrying heads of state,…

03 11 2021 | 10:18

Boris Johnson will travel home from Cop26 by private plane

PM to fly from Glasgow to London in plane run partly on sustainable fuel rather than taking 4.5-hour train Boris Johnson is flying back from the Cop26 climate conference on a private plane rather…

02 11 2021 | 14:09

Cop26 summit at serious risk of failure, says Boris Johnson

UK PM says climate crisis talks at G20 over weekend only ‘inched forward’ The Cop26 climate summit is at serious risk of failure because countries are still not promising enough to restrict global…

02 11 2021 | 13:39

Scott Morrison tells Cop26 Australia will exceed 2030 target in bid to fend off criticism

Glasgow conference is focused on more ambitious 2030 cuts but, while PM says Australia may cut emissions by 35%, the 26% to 28% target won’t be changed. Scott Morrison has used his national…

02 11 2021 | 13:34

What happened at Cop26 – DAY ONE at a glance

Summary of the main developments on kick-off day of the UN climate summit in Glasgow. The main things that happened on day one of the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow included: Chaotic scenes as…

02 11 2021 | 13:10

COP26: Thunberg tells Glasgow protest politicians are pretending

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has told young protesters that politicians attending COP26 are "pretending to take our future seriously". The arrival of world leaders in Glasgow for the COP26 summit…

02 11 2021 | 13:05

COP26: India PM Narendra Modi pledges net zero by 2070

India has promised to cut its emissions to net zero by 2070 - missing a key goal of the COP26 summit for countries to commit to reach that target by 2050. Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the…

02 11 2021 | 13:00

COP26: Act now for our children, Queen urges climate summit

The Queen has urged world leaders at the COP26 climate summit to "achieve true statesmanship" and create a "safer, stabler future" for the planet. In a video message, she said many people hoped the…

02 11 2021 | 12:15

2050: what happens if we ignore the climate crisis – video explainer

We envision two scenarios: what life could look like in 2050 if we do nothing, and what life could look like if we take action now. Watch this video to take a glimpse into the future and find out…

02 11 2021 | 11:20

Climate change: Major US oil companies to be quizzed in Congress

Top executives of major Western oil companies are to testify before the US Congress amid accusations that they misled the public about climate change. Democrat lawmakers say the hearings will focus…