Damian Carrington

Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 | από συνολικά 3
27 05 2024 | 11:06

‘Never-ending’ UK rain made 10 times more likely by climate crisis, study says

The seemingly “never-ending” rain last autumn and winter in the UK and Ireland was made 10 times more likely and 20% wetter by human-caused global heating, a study has found.

28 09 2022 | 15:28

Huge expansion of oil pipelines endangering climate, says report

More than 24,000km of pipelines planned around world, showing ‘an almost deliberate failure to meet climate goals’ More than 24,000km of new oil pipelines are under development around the world, a…

19 05 2022 | 08:20

Critical climate indicators broke records in 2021, says UN

World Meteorological Organization says extreme weather wreaked heavy toll on human lives Critical global indicators of the climate crisis broke records in 2021, according to a UN report, from rising…