
Αποτελέσματα 1221 - 1240 | από συνολικά 1777
31 05 2020 | 07:39

5 Reasons Why Biodiversity Matters – to Human Health, the Economy and Your Wellbeing.

Biodiversity is critically important – to your health, to your safety and, probably, to your business or livelihood.

31 05 2020 | 07:31

Locust Swarms Head for India Ahead of Planting Season.

Indian authorities are helping farmers mount a pesticide spraying campaign to fight the swarms of desert locusts which have already devastated crops across Pakistan and 

31 05 2020 | 07:19

Worried About Biodiversity? End Industrial Activity in the Rainforest.

Biodiversity loss is a global crisis. In May last year, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) warned that over 1,000,000 species are threatened …

31 05 2020 | 07:15

Birds Are Eating Hundreds of Plastic Bits Daily, New Studies Find.

The gruesome images of whales and deer dying after mistaking plastic for food has helped put into perspective just how severe the plastic waste crisis is. Now, a new study finds that it is not just…

31 05 2020 | 07:12

The Recycling Dilemma: Good Plastic, Bad plastic?

When it comes to recycling and recyclability, very little, it seems is straightforward — even something as seemingly simple as orange juice can present a conundrum. In Germany, many smaller shops…

31 05 2020 | 07:12

'This makes Chinese medicine look bad': TCM supporters condemn illegal wildlife trade

Experts warn the exploitation of endangered animals such as pangolin and tiger is tarnishing the industry Supporters and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine have warned that the discipline…

31 05 2020 | 07:11

Climate Crisis Brings India's Worst Locust Invasion in Decades.

India is facing its worst desert locust invasion in nearly 30 years, and the climate crisis is partly to blame.

31 05 2020 | 07:04

Rio Tinto blasts 46,000-year-old Aboriginal site to expand iron ore mine.

Mining company was given permission to blast Juukan Gorge cave, which provided a 4,000-year-old genetic link to present-day traditional owners A sacred site in Western Australia that showed 46,000…

28 05 2020 | 08:58

World health leaders urge green recovery from coronavirus crisis.

Open letter to G20 leaders says addressing climate breakdown key to global revival. Doctors and medical professionals from around the globe have called on world leaders to ensure a green recovery…

28 05 2020 | 08:53

Humanity must take this chance to find a new 'normal' – and safeguard our planet.

Climate risks and opportunities need to be incorporated into the financial system as well as public policymaking and infrastructure There is a lot of talk about getting back to normal after the…

28 05 2020 | 08:34

Alberta Energy Minister Calls Pandemic ‘a Great Time’ to Build Pipelines Due to Protest Restrictions.

Anti-pipeline protests work. That's the implication behind comments made by Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage Friday on how coronavirus social distancing requirements could ease the construction…

28 05 2020 | 08:26

World Bank approves record $500m to battle locust swarm.

In Kenya, the locusts are eating in one day the amount of food consumed by all Kenyans in two days, World Bank says. The World Bank has approved a record $500m in grants and low-interest loans to…

27 05 2020 | 09:41

Antarctica: tiny algae turning snow green 'could create new ecosystem' – video.

Antarctica is  turning green due to the climate crisis and the phenomenon is potentially offering sustenance to other species, according to the first large-scale algae map of the peninsular by…

26 05 2020 | 09:39

Michael Moore film Planet of the Humans removed from YouTube.

YouTube has taken down the controversial Michael Moore-produced documentary Planet of the Humans in response to a copyright infringement claim by a British environmental photographer.

25 05 2020 | 21:53

Meet the Experts: Isolation in Antarctica.

Cold, dark, remote, Antarctica is as close to space as you can get on Earth. Humans conduct research in Antarctic bases on a wide range of topics, from climate studies and astronomy to glaciology and…

25 05 2020 | 10:21

A proposed mine in Alaska will endanger brown bears – and much more.

The world’s most productive salmon fishery and a stronghold for the state’s bears are under threat from an open-pit gold and copper mine. Towering over the average human and weighing as much as a…

25 05 2020 | 10:12

Drilling on Public Lands: Native American Voices Frustrated by Virtual Public Hearings Over Zoom.

The Trump administration has attempted to plow forward with its plans to open up public lands to drilling for oil and gas exploration. To do so, it has continued to hold public meetings over Zoom.

25 05 2020 | 10:11

EU pledges to raise €20bn a year to boost biodiversity.

New strategy to protect nature includes far-reaching habitat protections, and restrictions on pesticide use – but campaigners warn enforcement is key. The European Commission has committed to…

25 05 2020 | 10:06

At least 80 million children under one at risk of diseases such as diphtheria, measles and polio as COVID-19 disrupts routine vaccination efforts, warn Gavi, WHO and UNICEF.

Agencies call for joint effort to safely deliver routine immunization and proceed with vaccination campaigns against deadly vaccine-preventable diseases.

25 05 2020 | 09:59

Antarctic Penguin Poop Emits Laughing Gas.

A colony of king penguins in Antarctica emit so much nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, in their poop that researchers went a little "cuckoo," while studying them, according to Agence France Presse,…