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23 04 2021 | 14:32

The Green Brief: Europe’s green finance taxonomy wars, part 3.

Greetings and welcome to EURACTIV’s Green Brief. Below you’ll find the latest roundup of news covering energy & environment from across Europe. You can subscribe to the weekly newsletter here.…

23 04 2021 | 10:55

Uganda shuts its only wild rhino sanctuary to public.

The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has closed the country’s only wild rhino sanctuary to the public amid an ongoing dispute between the owners of the land and Rhino Fund Uganda - the organisation…

23 04 2021 | 10:36

Kenyan Ladies’ Soccer Clubs’ Goal to Reduce Teen Pregnancy

As teenage pregnancies soared during coronavirus lockdowns in Africa's largest urban slum, Kibera, teachers and parents looked for a way to reduce the problem.   Their idea was to form a women's…

21 04 2021 | 06:58

Only 3 per cent of world surface is ecologically intact, research suggests.

Researchers suggest ‘targeted reintroductions of species’ to improve situation. Only 3 per cent of the world’s land remains ecologically intact, according to a new study which suggests damage to…

21 04 2021 | 06:46

Microplastics in air ‘spiral the globe’, pollution study finds.

Fragments being blown across continents and threatening ecosystems, researchers warn. Plastic particles in the air are being blown across continents by the wind, interfering with natural ecosystems …

21 04 2021 | 06:37

Financing the Race to Zero’ Takes Centre Stage at We Don’t Have Time Exponential Climate Action Summit.

Top Climate Economist Lord Stern Will Say Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050 is the Growth Story of the 21st Century. We Don’t Have Time, Exponential Roadmap Initiative and Grantham Institute,…

21 04 2021 | 06:24

Greta Thunberg, climate and environment activist, joins World Health Organization’s call for vaccine equity.

The Greta Thunberg Foundation to donate 100,000 Euros to support vaccine equity

21 04 2021 | 06:17

Earth Day 2021: When is it and how are people marking global day of environmental action?

As the climate emergency deepens, each successive Earth Day takes on a greater urgency in the fight against the global crisis. Celebrated every year on April 22, the international day of…

21 04 2021 | 06:13

A great deception’: oil giants taken to task over ‘greenwash’ ads.

ClientEarth calls for tobacco-like health warnings on advertisements from fossil fuel firms. Some of the world’s biggest fossil fuel companies have used advertising to “greenwash” their ongoing…

21 04 2021 | 06:11

Climate crisis: ‘Humans are intruders’ and the natural world is better off without us, says Sir David Attenborough

Legendary naturalist explores lockdown’s influence on the environment in new documentary. Sir David Attenborough has said that human beings have a duty to remember that we are “intruders” and “…

21 04 2021 | 06:07

Suspended Labour MP Claudia Webbe says ‘rich must be abolished’ to combat climate crisis.

Leicester East member earns £81,000 a year plus expenses – and continued claiming councillor’s allowance even after becoming MP A suspended Labour MP has said the “rich must be abolished” to combat …

20 04 2021 | 14:34

The Guardian view on peat: keep it in the ground.

A target for phasing out its use in gardens was missed last year, and campaigners are right to demand action

20 04 2021 | 14:25

The world won’t be a greener place until it’s a fairer one.

Action on the climate crisis must come with a social contract to protect the poor and vulnerable. As a climate policy researcher, I am often asked: what is the biggest obstacle to decarbonisation?…

20 04 2021 | 14:05

Op-ed: 5 billion bananas get thrown away each year — how reducing food waste can help solve the climate crisis

Sometime over the last month, you probably threw away a banana. Maybe it got too ripe. Or maybe your child didn’t like the one he was eating with the spotty, brown skin. You probably didn’t think…

20 04 2021 | 14:02

Kenya Lamu mosque: Anger over T-shirt worn by Jay-Z. P

A US-based designer has apologised for using a portrait of a historic mosque in Kenya's island of Lamu on a T-shirt worn by celebrity Jay-Z, an official in charge of the site has told the BBC.…

20 04 2021 | 12:20

Fossil fuel pressure and risks mounting for multilateral development banks

Further reliance on coal and LNG will lead to ever larger and unsustainable fossil fuel subsidies. “Gas is over”, proclaimed chief of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Werner Hoyer, at the…

20 04 2021 | 11:19

How large miners and states stifle local capital and innovation in DR Congo

Over the last few decades, African governments have removed restrictions on and privatised their mining industries, attracting significant foreign direct investment.

20 04 2021 | 10:59

How one farming community is defending itself against climate change.

A farmer in Zimbabwe shares how an Oxfam initiative helped build resilience against the effects of changing rainfall patterns. Sarah, 55, is a farmer in Nyanyadzi, Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. For nearly…

20 04 2021 | 10:58

Africa Seeks $25 Billion for Climate Adaptation, Green Recovery

African nations aim to double funding for climate change adaptation projects to $25 billion over five years as they look to foster a green recovery from the economic damage wrought by the coronavirus…

20 04 2021 | 10:29

First Nations Land Defenders Take Direct Action Against Trans Mountain Pipeline.

A pair of Indigenous land defenders locked themselves to equipment at a fossil fuel pumping station in British Columbia on Saturday, vowing to continue resisting a government-owned oil pipeline that…