climate responsibility

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11 01 2021 | 15:37



11 01 2021 | 15:12

Developing economies need a fairer way to help them decarbonise.

Carbon border taxes alone will not encourage poorer countries to meet climate goals.

11 01 2021 | 13:04

Humans can’t be healthy on a sick planet.

Below2C welcomes Elaine Blacklock as its latest guest contributor. Elaine is first and foremost a practicing physician. She is also Dr. Air Care, a fictional character who in real life masquerades as…

11 01 2021 | 13:00

ASK SARA:'How can I prepare my children for climate change?'

Four types of skills will be essential in a warming world. Dear Sara,

11 01 2021 | 12:55

ASK SARA: 'My sister says global warming is a lie. How do I talk to her?'

Advice on connecting with family members, ditching your commute, and understanding climate models. Dear Sara,

11 01 2021 | 12:38

Gardening 101: Choosing the Right Plants for Your Zone.

Starting a garden is an excellent way to enjoy beautiful plants and delicious fruits, herbs, and vegetables right in your backyard. As a new gardener, it’s vital to be sure you’re choosing plants…

11 01 2021 | 12:29

Could IKEA’s New Tiny House Help Fight the Climate Crisis?

Furniture giant IKEA collaborated with Vox Creative and tiny home builder Escape to produce a tiny house on wheels that could inspire environmental- and climate-friendly changes in the housing…

11 01 2021 | 12:21

Groundbreaking Court Case Argues U.S. Climate Denial Policy Violates Americans’ Right to Be Free.

In 2019 a study linked climate change and hotter weather to early childbirth in the United States.

11 01 2021 | 12:15

Mediterranean Diet Is Rated Best Fourth Year in a Row.

Did you resolve to eat healthier this year but are unsure where to start? Luckily, U.S. News and World Report assembled a panel of experts to rank 39 common diets and name the best one for 2021. The…

03 01 2021 | 09:05

ASK SARA: 'What can I realistically do about climate change?'

The past few months have shown that individuals have an absolutely gobsmackingly critical role to play in confronting a global crisis. Hi Sara, I was born in 1988, which apparently makes me an…

03 01 2021 | 09:03

Reasons to be hopeful in 2021.

2020 has been a difficult year, but there are some glints of light in the gloom. From nature-friendly farms to anti-ageing worms and even a way of conjuring vodka out of thin air, here are a few…

03 01 2021 | 08:59

Magnetic induction cooking can cut your kitchen’s carbon footprint.

To curb climate change, many experts have called for a massive shift from fossil fuels to electricity. The goal is to electrify processes like heating homes and powering cars, and then generate the…

01 01 2021 | 14:12

Here comes the Sun

Indian state of Maharashtra sets goal of adding 17GW of renewable energy capacity by 2025 The Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government has come out with a renewable energy policy that has set a target of…

01 01 2021 | 13:51

Renewables picking up speed.

Renewable energy will supply 46.3% of Germany’s electricity this year—utility group Renewable sources met 46.3% of Germany’s power consumption in 2020, 3.8 percentage points more than in 2019,…

27 12 2020 | 07:41

PWC: World needs to cut carbon intensity five times faster to hit the 1.5°C Paris Agreement target.

A decarbonisation rate of 11.7% per year is now required to keep warming within 1.5°C, according to new analysis from PwC. 

27 12 2020 | 07:24

U.S. federal spending bill includes funding to combat climate change.

The bill providing coronavirus aid and funding the U.S. government that is expected to be approved on Monday contains measures to address climate change, including limiting the use of a potent…

23 12 2020 | 09:43

Formula 1 introduces sustainable fuel and commits to being net-zero by 2030

Five years after the Paris Agreement was adopted during the COP 21, and as the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres just called on leaders worldwide to declare a State of Climate…

22 12 2020 | 15:43

Better Breathing: 6 of the Best Plants for Indoor Air Quality

The average American spends 90% of their time indoors. Unfortunately, indoor air quality ranks as one of the top threats to human health, according to the EPA. Indoor air is commonly 2 to 5 times…

22 12 2020 | 15:38

Another Reason to Recycle Cartons — and Other Materials

Good news to report: The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped people from recycling. In fact, some people are recycling even more.

22 12 2020 | 15:33

10 Sustainable Mattress Companies: Choosing Your Perfect Green Sleep.

Sleep is bliss, but it isn’t always environmentally responsible. Many mattresses contain a toxic brew of chemicals — from flame-retardant chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl ethers to formaldehyde…