
Αποτελέσματα 101 - 120 | από συνολικά 133
08 10 2019 | 08:14

The Paris Agreement Hinges on a European Hydrogen Economy.

After economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin predicted the rise of The Hydrogen Economy 17 years ago, history failed to cooperate with him. The US, then hooked on foreign oil and destined to run out of its…

06 10 2019 | 18:06

Tractebel eyes green hydrogen offshore.

Tractebel Engineering and Tractebel Overdick are working on an offshore platform that could produce 'green' hydrogen from offshore wind power. The companies, which are part of Engie, said they are…

06 10 2019 | 17:47

Renewable Hydrogen In The Heart Of Coal Country.

Enthusiasm is building for renewable hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in key industrial sectors, and ammonia is one of them. Ammonia production consumes vast quantities of natural gas globally, but…

15 09 2019 | 14:28

New Reactor Uses Renewable Energy to Turn Greenhouse Gases into Fuel for Hydrogen Batteries.

A common greenhouse gas could be repurposed in an efficient and environmentally friendly way with an electrolyzer that uses renewable electricity to produce pure liquid fuels. The catalytic reactor…

11 09 2019 | 12:17

How to have an all-renewable electric grid.

The main solution to climate change is well known — stop burning fossil fuels. How to do this is more complicated, but as a scholar who does energy modeling, I and others see the outlines of a post-…

05 09 2019 | 08:24

The Era of Cheap and Abundant Clean Energy Is Just Around the Corner.

US and European researchers have shown the way to an era of cheap and plentiful renewable energy on a massive scale. Canadian scientists have worked out how to extract pure, non-polluting fuel from…

02 09 2019 | 08:20

The Truth About Hydrogen.

Hydrogen is the new kid on the block of low-carbon alternatives, with applications in mobility, industrial processing, and heavy transport. It can also be used to provide electricity and heat, and…

28 08 2019 | 11:03

From hydrocarbons to green hydrogen: Are the Gulf petrostates embarking on a new energy course?

On track? The United Arab Emirates have announced ambitious plans for cutting emissions and boosting renewable energy by 2050.

28 08 2019 | 08:21

How do Power-to-X technologies work?

P2X, P2Y, PtG, PtL, power-to-gas… These somewhat cryptic terms stand for energy conversion processes that can be used to store surplus power from renewable sources and help meet climate targets. But…

16 08 2019 | 08:14

Germany’s Big Bet On Hydrogen.

Germany is going through a remarkable transformation from a fossil fuel-based economy towards a sustainable energy infrastructure dominated by wind and solar power. Although the transition is far…

09 08 2019 | 07:33

EU Makes a New Bet on Green Hydrogen.

Green hydrogen to balance out volatile electricity generation from new renewable energy sources, integrate them into the energy system. The European Commission has awarded the H2FUTURE project to a…

07 08 2019 | 06:34

Promising new solar-powered path to hydrogen fuel production.

Engineers at Lehigh University are the first to utilize a single enzyme biomineralization process to create a catalyst that uses the energy of captured sunlight to split water molecules to produce…

02 08 2019 | 06:22

Dutch urge swift EU hydrogen push to cut industry, transport emissions.

The European Commission should create an EU-wide market for hydrogen “as soon as possible” rather than wait for renewable energy-based varieties to be commercially available, a top Dutch ministerial…

01 08 2019 | 07:24

Containing Hydrogen in a Materials World.

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories have joined forces to reduce costs and improve the reliability of hydrogen fueling…

01 08 2019 | 06:58

Hydrogen Cars - The Next Big Thing for Renewable Energy

Hydrogen is the most abundant element on Earth, but it is not readily available and must be extracted. Vehicles powered by hydrogen could represent the future of motoring, but this technology is yet…

14 06 2019 | 10:59

Hydrogen’s Role In The Energy System Of The Future.

In a rare move of unity, the world agreed to curb global warming and reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses in Paris in 2016. Despite President Trump’s decision to unilaterally withdraw the U.S.…

09 06 2019 | 07:52

Four energy storage projects that could transform Europe.

A demonstration plant in Germany that converts wind electricity into hydrogen is probably the most emblematic of a series of pilot projects that could radically transform Europe’s energy landscape in…

08 06 2019 | 11:34

EDF moves into the hydrogen market.

At Hannover Messe, the international trade show dedicated to industry, EDF announces the creation of “Hynamics”, a new subsidiary for the Group(1) responsible for offering effective low-carbon…

01 06 2019 | 13:10

Alaka’i Technologies Launches World’s First Hydrogen-Powered Air Mobility System.

Today, Alaka’i Technologies unveiled Skai, the world’s first hydrogen fuel cell powered air mobility solution designed to transform the way the world moves. From its sleek, uncluttered design,…

15 05 2019 | 16:16

World’s first hydrogen double-decker buses introduced to curb London’s toxic air.

TfL announces world’s first hydrogen double decker buses that are being introduced to curb London’s toxic air. TfL has today ordered 20 hydrogen buses, which will produce no pollution from their…