Energy Market Transition and Security in SE Europe, June 26-27, Thessaloniki

19 06 2018 | 11:28

IENE’s long established annual event, the “SE Europe Energy Dialogue” this year is to take place in Thessaloniki at the MET Hotel, on June 26-27. This will be the 11th edition of the Energy Dialogue, which as usual is organized by IENE, and was first launched in Thessaloniki in June 2007. This year’s Energy Dialogue comes at a time when several major developments are taking place at both global and regional level with profound implications for SEE’s energy security and its energy transition prospects.


The purpose of this regional forum which is being organized by IENE, with the support of leading international and regional organizations and major energy companies, is to bring together high-ranking government officials, senior business executives and energy experts from all countries of S.E. Europe and beyond. The objective being the exchange of information and ideas, networking and the development of co-operation for the tackling of the increased global and regional energy and environmental challenges.


The special theme for this year’s SEEED is “Energy Market Transition and Security in SE Europe” signifying the consistent efforts now taking place in connecting regional energy markets in more ways than one. Also, the SE Europe Energy Dialogue gathering next June is highly topical given EU’s major drive to establish the “Energy Union” and the emphasis placed on clean energy transition and improved energy security in view of persisting regional instability. Europe's, high dependence on hydrocarbon imports, the current volatile energy pricing environment, the global concern for the development of viable alternatives, the need to promote further carbon free solutions and the increased awareness of energy policy conditions, especially in SE Europe, emerge as key policy issues. The Dialogue will focus too on the latest developments in the region’s evolving natural gas, electricity and RES markets and SEE’s ongoing energy partnerships with Russia, the Caspian Sea, the East Mediterranean and North Africa. Furthermore, IENE’s major review paper on “SE Europe’s Energy Transition”, will be presented as it will provide useful background material.


Detailed information about the conference, the programme and registration you may find at:



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