Alliance for Industry Decarbonization aims to accelerate achieving net-zero goals

With more than 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 40% of global energy consumption, the industrial sector is the second largest emitter after power generation. At the same time, the demand for energy and industrial products is forecasted to increase tremendously. Without increased emission reduction efforts within the industrial sector, the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 Celsius stays unreachable.

The Alliance for Industry Decarbonization aims to decarbonize industrial value chains and accelerate net-zero ambitions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. The Alliance’s founders and partners, consisting of private and public organizations and stakeholders operating in energy-intensive sectors, commit to collaborate toward the common vision of a green future. The Alliance members believe in the power of partnerships based on honest dialogue and concrete actions.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) coordinates and facilitates the activities of the Alliance based on its vast experience in hosting multi-stakeholder platforms. Siemens Energy co-chairs the Alliance leadership alongside Tata Steel and Knowledge Partner Roland Berger supporting the buildup and implementation.

The objective of the Alliance for Industry Decarbonization is to facilitate dialogue on industry level and increase cooperation to help companies to develop solid decarbonization strategies and implementation plans, aligned with their countries’ net-zero and decarbonization commitments. The Alliance is to serve as a global platform for enhancing dialogue through exchange of insights, experiences and best practices.

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