
Αποτελέσματα 19661 - 19680 | από συνολικά 25245
05 02 2020 | 16:09

A quick breakdown of the EU's transition to alternative energy.

To achieve its aim of becoming the first climate-neutral continent, EU countries have been trying to increase their energy production from renewable resources. With the European Green Deal, the EU…

05 02 2020 | 07:44

Ofgem sets out nine-point plan to prioritise climate crisis.

Regulator aims to support investment in low-carbon technology while protecting households from price rises. Britain’s energy regulator has said it will change how it governs the industry to help…

05 02 2020 | 07:33

China to optimize subsidy policies on renewable energy generation.

BEIJING -- China will promote the stable development of non-water renewable energy generation by optimizing subsidy policies, according to a guideline made public Monday. The quota of new subsidies…

05 02 2020 | 07:28

Costa Rica Is At Nearly 100% Renewable Energy For Electricity.

Costa Rica is blessed with an abundance of free-flowing water which it uses to generate more than 78% of the electricity it needs. But it is committed to getting to 100% renewables as soon as the end…

05 02 2020 | 07:14

Shedding climate-friendly light on energy services in Africa.

Analysis: an Irish energy project is providing renewables-based power to a rural village in Botswana   More than 80% of Africa's electricity is generated from fossil fuels, which means the effects…

04 02 2020 | 16:21

Japan Races to Build New Coal-Burning Power Plants, Despite the Climate Risks.

Just beyond the windows of Satsuki Kanno’s apartment overlooking Tokyo Bay, a behemoth from a bygone era will soon rise: a coal-burning power plant, part of a buildup of coal power that is unheard-of…

04 02 2020 | 16:01

Energy efficiency slows climate change, saves money. Why haven’t we embraced it more?

The choices we make in the next decade will either lock us into a future of fossil fuel dependence or transition us toward a clean energy future. Energy efficiency has the power to replace dirty…

04 02 2020 | 15:56

Anti-solar cells: A photovoltaic cell that works at night.

What if solar cells worked at night? That's no joke, according to Jeremy Munday, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Davis. In fact, a specially designed…

04 02 2020 | 11:17

H&M trials rental service to tackle fast fashion.

H&M has announced a new trial where customers will be able to rent clothes from a store in Stockholm. In a bid to stop fast fashion in its track, H&M will trial a new initiative where…

04 02 2020 | 08:54

87 Major Companies Lead the Way Towards a 1.5°C Future at UN Climate Action Summit.

UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK,— 87 major companies — with a combined market capitalization of over US$2.3 trillion and annual direct emissions equivalent to 73 coal-fired power plants — are taking action…

04 02 2020 | 08:27

HP invests $200 million in water-based print solutions.

HP has invested $200 million in water-based print solutions for corrugated packaging and textiles. As part of their Sustainable Impact Summit, HP has announced a $200 million innovation investment…

03 02 2020 | 11:55

Colgate unveils bamboo toothbrush to tackle plastic waste.

Colgate has unveiled their first eco-friendly toothbrush made from bamboo. The toothbrush is made from 100% biodegradable sustainably grown bamboo. The handle has been coated with beeswax to…

03 02 2020 | 11:04

McDonalds join forces with Ford for a double shot of sustainability.

Together McDonalds and Ford Motor Company are changing the way companies manage waste and approach sustainability.  McDonalds and Ford Motor Company are joining forces for a new sustainability…

03 02 2020 | 10:48

Γερμανικό ενδιαφέρον για το ελληνικό Green Deal των 44 δισ ευρώ - Κοινό επενδυτικό φόρουμ στο Βερολίνο στις 9 Μαρτίου.

Στις μεγάλες ευκαιρίες που κρύβει η ελληνική αγορά ενέργειας, από την ηλεκτροκίνηση και την απανθρακοποίηση έως τις ΑΠΕ και τις φιλόδοξες επενδύσεις στα δίκτυα και στις υποβρύχιες διασυνδέσεις,…

03 02 2020 | 10:34

Στάσσης: Στα επόμενα 2-3 χρόνια η ΔΕΗ θα ξεκινήσει την κατασκευή 2,5 Γιγαβάτ φωτοβολταϊκών στα παλιά λιγνιτικά πεδία.

Η ΔΕΗ θα μπορεί να ξεκινήσει σε δύο με τρία χρόνια την κατασκευή φωτοβολταϊκών ισχύος 2,5 Γιγαβάτ στα λιγνιτικά πεδία που θα κλείσει λόγω της απολιγνιτοποίησης. Τα έργα αυτά θα στηρίξουν τις περιοχές…

03 02 2020 | 09:44

BMW Group pushes low-emission transport logistics.

BMW Group joins “Getting to Zero Coalition”. The objective: decarbonisation of international maritime shipping.

03 02 2020 | 09:29

UPS invests in electric vehicle manufacturer Arrival.

UPS has announced its investment in electric vehicle manufacturer Arrival. To support the energy transition, packaging delivery company UPS has announced its £339 million investment in electric…

03 02 2020 | 07:38

Young African Climate Activists seek Africa climate change action.

Teen activist Greta Thunberg has hosted a press conference to stress the importance of how climate change is affecting people in Africa. One of those taking part was Vanessa Nakate, a Ugandan at the…

02 02 2020 | 11:34

Μαλούτας: «Τα τρεισήμισι χρόνια για την απολιγνιτοποίηση είναι ελάχιστα – Το χρονοδιάγραμμα δεν βγαίνει»

«Το οικονομικό κριτήριο δεν μπορεί να είναι το μόνο που θα πρυτανεύσει στο σχεδιασμό και στο ρυθμό απολιγνιτοποίησης στην πατρίδα μας.», υπογράμμισε ο Δήμαρχος Κοζάνης, Λάζαρος Μαλούτας, στο…

01 02 2020 | 11:41

Royal Mail Group awards EDF contract to provide electric vehicle infrastructure.

Royal Mail Group Ltd. (RMG), the owner of one of Europe’s largest fleets, has signed a deal with EDF in the UK, the UK’s leading low carbon energy producer, to deliver electric vehicle (EV)…