
Αποτελέσματα 19341 - 19360 | από συνολικά 26680
06 07 2020 | 09:28

Συνέντευξη Γ. Θωμά: Νέο πρόγραμμα «Εξοικονομώ – Αυτονομώ» με αυξημένα κεφάλαια, smart παρεμβάσεις και bonus – Θα είναι μόνιμα ανοιχτό.

Τα βασικά στοιχεία του νέου προγράμματος που θα «τρέξει» από το Φθινόπωρο και θα αντικαταστήσει το «Εξοικονομώ κατ΄ οίκον» επισήμανε με συνέντευξή του στο «ΕΘΝΟΣ» ο υφυπουργός Ενέργειας Γεράσιμος…

06 07 2020 | 09:19

Αποθήκευση ενέργειας: Το ιερό δισκοπότηρο του εξηλεκτρισμού

Η δυναμική των παγκόσμιων αγορών

06 07 2020 | 09:13

Η Κομισιόν επενδύει 1 δισ. ευρώ σε έργα καθαρών τεχνολογιών.

Η Επιτροπή εγκαινίασε την πρώτη πρόσκληση υποβολής προτάσεων στο πλαίσιο του Ταμείου Καινοτομίας, ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα παγκοσμίως προγράμματα για την επίδειξη καινοτόμων τεχνολογιών χαμηλών εκπομπών…

05 07 2020 | 07:26

Are New Extreme Global Warming Projections Correct?

For the past year, some of the most up-to-date computer models from the world's top climate modeling groups have been "running hot" – projecting that global warming may be even more extreme than…

05 07 2020 | 07:13

60% of fish species could be unable to survive in current areas by 2100 – study.

Warming water temperatures lower water oxygen levels, putting embryos and pregnant fish at risk, researchers say Sixty per cent of studied fish species will be unable to survive in their current…

05 07 2020 | 07:05

Στην κατηγορία «Μέτριοι καινοτόμοι» της ΕΕ η Ελλάδα.

Η Ελλάδα εμφανίζεται να έχει πραγματοποιήσει ένα άλμα καινοτομίας τα τελευταία χρόνια και είναι μία από τις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες που έχουν βελτιώσει περισσότερο τη θέση τους μεταξύ 2012-2019 στην…

05 07 2020 | 06:57

Revealed: legislators’ pro-pipeline letters ghostwritten by fossil fuel company.

Letters by key legislators including North Dakota’s governor written by officials of MDU Resources, a subsidiary of WBI Energy. This March, North Dakota’s governor, Doug Burgum, sent a letter to the…

04 07 2020 | 10:56

Australia: Carbon capture and storage is a poor investment.

More money and emissions spent on projects than in storing carbon Australia is pondering carbon capture and storage despite poor outcomes from the only two projects operating world-wide and a lack…

04 07 2020 | 10:53

Emmanuel Macron pledges €15bn to tackle climate crisis.

Emmanuel Macron has promised an extra €15bn (£13.7bn) for measures to combat the climate crisis over the next two years and a referendum on whether to introduce the crime of “ecocide” for harming the…

04 07 2020 | 10:52

Likelihood of 40C temperatures in UK is ‘rapidly accelerating’.

Such deadly heat may become regular occurrence later this century, scientists find. The likelihood of the UK experiencing deadly 40C temperatures for the first time is “rapidly accelerating” due to…

04 07 2020 | 10:52

UK gives go-ahead to giant windfarm project off Norfolk coast.

1.8GW Vanguard project gets greenlight, with approval on 2.4GW Hornsea 3 expected in autumn The construction of two giant offshore windfarms is poised to go ahead off the Norfolk coast in what the…

04 07 2020 | 10:50

US to join summit on global green recovery from Covid-19 crisis.

Exclusive: IEA chief warns rebound in emissions would be missed economic opportunity. The US is to join with other major powers including China, India and the EU in formulating plans for a global…

04 07 2020 | 10:49

Terrawatch: unearthing snow's 'Fukushima layer'

Chinese glaciologists have found the freeze-thaw process has concentrated discharge from the disaster. The Fukushima nuclear accident has added a distinctive signature to snow and ice across the…

04 07 2020 | 10:45

Exclusive: water firms discharged raw sewage into England's rivers 200,000 times in 2019.

Untreated effluent flowed into waterways for more than 1.5m hours, data shows. Water companies in England discharged raw sewage into rivers on more than 200,000 occasions last year, according to…

04 07 2020 | 10:44

Park staff in England tell of litter chaos as 'Super Saturday' looms.

Forums speak of hundreds of tonnes of plastic and other waste discarded by public. Hundreds of tonnes of additional rubbish, including mountains of single-use plastic, is being discarded by the…

04 07 2020 | 10:44

Democrats to unveil bold new climate plan to phase out emissions by 2050.

  Report to outline aim to reduce emissions to 88% of 2010 levels Huge sums for public transport and proposals for green vehicles   House Democrats will unveil an aggressive climate crisis “…

04 07 2020 | 10:43

How do you deal with 9m tonnes of suffocating seaweed?

Across the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, scientists are developing alternative sustainable solutions to the golden tide of Sargassum

04 07 2020 | 10:40

Hundreds of elephants dead in mysterious mass die-off.

Botswana’s government is yet to test the remains of the dead animals in what has been described as a ‘conservation disaster’ More than 350 elephants have died in northern Botswana in a mysterious…

04 07 2020 | 10:38

Getting closer to a much better count of Africa’s lions.

African lions are one of the world’s favourite animals. But their numbers have been shrinking over the past century, especially over the past 30 years. Some scientists estimate that their numbers…

04 07 2020 | 10:37

Russian mining giant admits pumping wastewater into Arctic tundra.

Norilsk Nickel suspends workers at metals plant who dumped the water in ‘flagrant violation of operating rules’ A Russian mining giant said on Sunday it had suspended workers at a metals plant who…