
Αποτελέσματα 18901 - 18920 | από συνολικά 26680
19 08 2020 | 06:35

Masdar Buys Into 1.6GW EDF Renewables Pipeline in One of the Year’s Biggest Deals.

Masdar and EDF are bringing their global renewables partnership into the U.S. in the midst of a topsy-turvy year. In one of the U.S. renewable energy market’s biggest deals in a challenging year,…

19 08 2020 | 06:33

Final testing under way at expanded Hornsdale big battery in Australia.

The Tesla big battery at Hornsdale in South Australia is entering the final testing of its expanded capacity, and is achieving some significant new records and milestones that would be expected when…

18 08 2020 | 08:10

Φθηνότερη η συντήρηση του ηλεκτρικού από το συμβατικό αυτοκίνητο

Ένα ηλεκτρικό αυτοκίνητο μπορεί να θεωρείται σήμερα ότι είναι ακριβότερο κοστολογικά από ένα συμβατικό, όμως στην πράξη αποδεικνύεται φθηνότερο, όχι μόνο από το κόστος ενέργειας που εξοικονομεί, τα…

18 08 2020 | 07:05

Η ΕΛΕΤΑΕΝ επαναφέρει την πρόταση για κατασκευή επιδεικτικού αιολικού πάρκου στον Υμηττό

Επιστολή στο Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας απέστειλε πρόσφατα η ΕΛΕΤΑΕΝ, συμμετέχοντας στη δημόσια διαβούλευση που ανακοίνωσε το υπουργείο για τη ΣΜΠΕ του Σχεδίου Προστασίας του Ορεινού…

18 08 2020 | 07:00

Εξοπλισμός για ΑΠΕ made in Greece και υποδομές για θαλάσσια αιολικά, στις προτάσεις του ΥΠΕΝ για το Ταμείο Ανάκαμψης

Δημιουργία μονάδων συναρμολόγησης καλωδίων, πυλώνων και γενικά εγκαταστάσεων ΑΠΕ, καθώς επίσης ανάπτυξη υποδομών για να υποδεχθούν θαλάσσια αιολικά πάρκα, θα περιλαμβάνονται σύμφωνα με τις…

17 08 2020 | 17:13

Death Valley temperature rises to 54.4C – possibly the hottest ever reliably recorded

US National Weather Service’s automated station at Furnace Creek in California hit extreme high at 3:41pm on Sunday A temperature of 54.4C – or 129.9F – has been recorded in Death Valley,…

17 08 2020 | 12:08

Χρήστος Ζερεφός: «Οταν τα ακραία φαινόμενα γίνουν συνήθη, δεν θα είναι αναστρέψιμη η ζημία»

Τα παραμύθια έχουν πλέον τελειώσει. Η κλιματική αλλαγή επηρεάζει όλες τις περιοχές του κόσμου. Και τα αποτελέσματα είναι ήδη ορατά: οι πάγοι στις πολικές περιοχές λιώνουν, η στάθμη της θάλασσας…

16 08 2020 | 10:07

UK weather: 36.4C recorded on hottest August day for 17 years.

Expert warns of health implications of climate emergency as Britons flock to beaches. As people flock to beaches and parks this weekend after the hottest August day in 17 years, a leading health…

16 08 2020 | 09:58

Is this the end for ‘king coal’ in Britain?

As the black stuff burnt in the UK plummets to a level not seen since the early steam age, we trace its long, deep history and the problems left in its wake. Britain achieved an unlikely status as a…

16 08 2020 | 09:52

Energy and the Military: Leading by Example

PITTSBURGH: As the world demands more energy, nations face the often-competing pressures to increase energy access and affordability, protect the environment, and assure energy security.  The…

16 08 2020 | 09:45

Secretary-General's message on the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples.

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on more than 476 million indigenous people around the world.   Throughout history, indigenous peoples have been decimated by diseases brought from elsewhere, to…

16 08 2020 | 09:40

UK temperatures pass 34C for six days in row for first time since 1961.

Heatwave continues to cause disruption as flooding and storm warnings issued. The UK has had its longest stretch of temperatures exceeding 34C since the 1960s, as warnings of thunderstorms and heavy…

16 08 2020 | 09:32

Inside the Weird Little World of Microclimates.

If weather is your mood, climate is your personality. That's an analogy some scientists use to help explain the difference between two words people often get mixed up. In other words, weather exists…

16 08 2020 | 09:28

Arctic Sea Ice Melting by 2035 Is Possible, Study Finds.

The temperature of the Arctic matters to the entire world: it helps to keep the global climate fairly cool. Scientists now say that by 2035 there could be an end to Arctic sea ice. The northern…

16 08 2020 | 09:27

Weatherwatch: the character and causes of cumulonimbus clouds.

Known for their anvil-shaped tops, these threatening-looking clouds often produce heavy rain, thunder and lightning. Clouds are essentially a collection of tiny droplets of water or ice crystals in…

16 08 2020 | 09:16

Study: Mediterranean Basin to warm faster, face drought.

An MIT study explains why the Mediterranean Basin will be arider with the rising temperatures, which is expected to cause increased rainfalls in other parts of the world. The Mediterranean Basin is…

16 08 2020 | 09:14

Kiribati's president's plans to raise islands in fight against sea-level rise.

Exclusive: Taneti Maamau says Kiribati will seek support from China and other allies to elevate islands from the sea, partly through dredging. Kiribati will raise its islands above the ocean as part…

16 08 2020 | 09:14

Solar energy breakthrough paves way for electricity-generating colourful windows.

Cells are more environmentally friendly and cheaper to produce than traditional silicon-based technology. Researchers in South Korea have manufactured a ground-breaking form of solar cell using thin…

16 08 2020 | 09:11

Arctic Lows.

The 2020 melting season still has at least another month to gnaw away at Arctic sea ice, but it has already consumed a lot. In July, the ice cover spanning the Arctic Ocean reached a record-low…

16 08 2020 | 09:07

Ericsson: 5G could ‘dramatically increase’ network energy consumption.

It is the industry’s responsibility to roll-out the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication networks without increasing energy consumption, Swedish telecoms giant Ericsson writes in a report…