Επιχειρήματα στην «φαρέτρα» της ΔΕΗ ως προς το αίτημα αποζημίωσης που έχει υποβάλει στην Κομισιόν για όσο καιρό θα κρατά σε λειτουργία τις ζημιογόνες λιγνιτικές της μονάδες, δίνουν τα όσα συνέβησαν…
Ένα νέο μεγάλο project «πράσινης» ενέργειας βάζει μπροστά ο Όμιλος των Ελληνικών Πετρελαίων. Συγκεκριμένα, όπως αποκαλύπτει σήμερα το newmoney, ο Όμιλος μέσω της θυγατρικής ΕΛΠΕ Ανανεώσιμες …
Ο Σάββας Ζαφειράτος της Εταιρείας «ΣΑΒΒΑΣ ΖΑΦΕΙΡΑΤΟΣ & ΣΙΑ» που ενδιαφέρεται για τα πλωτά της λίμνης Πολυφύτου συμμετείχε στο δημοτικό συμβούλιο Βελβεντού της Παρασκευής μιλώντας με ιδιαίτερη…
Η κακοκαιρία και το ψύχος που έπληξαν το Τέξας αυτή την εβδομάδα οδήγησαν σε διακοπή της ηλεκτροδότησης σε εκατομμύρια καταναλωτές, αλλά όπως προκύπτει από τα στοιχεία των αρχών, οι μονάδες με φυσικό…
Σε μετάθεση κατά αρκετούς μήνες των προθεσμιών που αφορούν την υλοποίηση έργων ΑΠΕ, και οι οποίες έχουν να κάνουν τόσο με έργα από διαγωνισμούς όσο και με έργα που «κλειδώνουν» ταρίφα εκτός…
Greenhouse gas emissions from material production rose by 120 per cent from 1995 to 2015, research says.
The production of raw materials such as steel and cement is having an increasingly large…
Ocean warming is fueling stronger hurricanes.
Hurricanes are blasting Bermuda with wind speeds that have more than doubled in strength over the last 66 years, due to rising ocean temperatures in the…
World’s biggest investor wants polluting industries to set targets to cut emissions and reach net zero.
BlackRock, the world’s biggest investor, has said that oil companies and other polluting…
The wintry weather that has battered the southern US and parts of Europe could be a counterintuitive effect of the climate crisis.
Associating climate change, normally connected with roasting heat,…
The bill, introduced by two Democrats, would also ban the drilling method around schools and homes by the start of 2022.
California lawmakers have introduced a bill in the State Senate to ban…
A new study from Australian and Chinese researchers adds weight to scientists' warnings from recent United Nations reports about how sea levels are expected to rise dangerously in the coming decades…
Once the size of Delaware, iceberg A-68a is now a broken puzzle of ice.
The ocean north of Antarctica has turned into an "alphabet soup" of broken icebergs, according to a new blog post on NASA's …
Exclusive: Ángel Gurría says action on environmental crises must be defining focus of wealthy countries after Covid.
The environment, climate change and the protection of nature must be the defining…
Exclusive: With 30% of infertility unexplained, pollution could be an ‘unignorable’ risk factor, scientists say
Exposure to air pollution significantly increases the risk of infertility, according…
While Texans suffer from freezing temperatures and extensive power outages, frozen wind turbines are being used as a ploy to spread skepticism on the reliability of renewable energy.
Locusts Invasion in Mwingi, Kitui County in Kenya. Being the worst locusts invasion in 70 years, the locusts are threatening food security putting farmers at a risk of facing hunger. The great…
The electrification of a health centre through renewables, a solar-powered fridge to support the cold chain of farmers, and a platform to empower women through renewable energy: these are the three…
When DR Congo opened up an area the size of Belgium to logging in 2018, violating a forest protection agreement with international donors, it was blamed on a “rogue” environment minister.
In Kenya, the Food and Agriculture Organization has teamed up with the company 51 Degrees, which specializes in managing protected areas, and has rejigged software developed for tracking everything…