
Αποτελέσματα 8601 - 8620 | από συνολικά 25173
12 07 2022 | 07:18

Ivory Coast: Faced with climatic hazards, Orange bets on sustainability

While Ivory Coast is facing major environmental challenges, including the reconstitution of its forest cover, the subsidiary of the French telecommunications group Orange is committed to putting its…

12 07 2022 | 07:15

Global dismay as supreme court ruling leaves Biden’s climate policy in tatters

Joe Biden’s election triggered a global surge in optimism that the climate crisis would, finally, be decisively confronted. But the US supreme court’s decision last week to curtail America’s ability…

12 07 2022 | 07:15

AFRICA: Builders Vision and Bloomberg invest $18m for coral reefs

Builders Vision and Bloomberg Philanthropies have committed US$18 million to the Global Coral Reef Fund (GCRF). The announcement was made on 28 June 2022 in Lisbon at the Sustainable Blue Economy…

12 07 2022 | 07:13

Just Stop Oil campaigners glue themselves to Da Vinci copy in Royal Academy

Five supporters of the Just Stop Oil coalition have glued themselves to a 500-year-old depiction of The Last Supper in London’s Royal Academy, the fifth time in a week that it has disrupted a major…

12 07 2022 | 07:12

Global Carbon Pricing Generates Record $84 Billion in Revenue

Global carbon pricing revenues increased by 60% over past year, according to latest World Bank report

12 07 2022 | 07:10

We’ve overexploited the planet, now we need to change if we’re to survive

The relationship between humans and nature is under intense and increasing strain. The report released today by Ipbes, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem…

12 07 2022 | 07:10

Saudi Arabia welcomes birth of first Arabian oryx in kingdom in 90 years

Saudi Arabia has welcomed the first Arabian oryx to be born in the kingdom in nine decades. The calf was born at the King Salman Royal Reserve in the Northern Borders province, “after the…

12 07 2022 | 07:05

Conservatives blame the energy crisis on net zero climate goals – but what is really going on?

A range of factors is behind the rise in electricity prices, but net zero isn’t one of them. Energy markets and electricity systems are complicated beasts at the best of times, but throw in war,…

12 07 2022 | 07:03

Democrats have a month to revive the climate deal our planet needs

On Thursday, the supreme court of the United States struck down the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, sharply limiting the federal government’s ability to fight climate change.

12 07 2022 | 07:01

I led the US lawsuit against big tobacco for its harmful lies. Big oil is next

In 2005, I was the lead counsel on behalf of the US in one of the biggest corporate accountability legal actions ever filed. That trial proved that the tobacco industry knew it was selling and…

12 07 2022 | 06:58

Climate change role clear in many extreme events but social factors also key, study finds

Climate change is to blame for the majority of the heatwaves being recorded around the planet but the relation to other extreme events and their impacts on society is less clear, according to a study.

12 07 2022 | 06:58

It’s democracy v plutocracy – this is the endgame for our planet

It feels like the end game. In the US last week, the third perverse and highly partisan supreme court decision in a few days made American efforts to prevent climate breakdown almost impossible.…

12 07 2022 | 06:54

Plant-based meat by far the best climate investment, report finds

Investments in plant-based alternatives to meat lead to far greater cuts in climate-heating emissions than other green investments, according to one of the world’s biggest consultancy firms.

12 07 2022 | 06:54

Climate change: 'Sand battery' could solve green energy's big problem

Finnish researchers have installed the world's first fully working "sand battery" which can store green power for months at a time.

12 07 2022 | 06:50

US cruise ships using Canada as a ‘toilet bowl’ for polluted waste

Lax Canadian regulations create ‘perverse incentive’ for US cruise ships en route to Alaska to discharge toxic mix of chemicals and wastewater off British Columbia, report says From the comfort of…

11 07 2022 | 19:10

Πολιτικές Επιστήμες & Προστασία του Περιβάλλοντος - Μία Διεπιστημονική Προσέγγιση με Επίκεντρο το Αγαθονήσι, τους Αρκιούς και τους Λειψούς

Τμήμα Πολιτικών Επιστημών & Διεθνών Σχέσεων Emmanuel College των ΗΠΑ - Ινστιτούτο Θαλάσσιας Προστασίας Αρχιπέλαγος

11 07 2022 | 16:03

Η Huawei κατέκτησε την πρώτη παγκόσμια πιστοποίηση αποτυπώματος άνθρακα για Φ/Β μετατροπείς από το BSI

Η Huawei βραβεύτηκε με την πρώτη παγκόσμια πιστοποίηση αποτυπώματος άνθρακα (CFV) για προϊόντα Φ/Β μετατροπέων από το Βρετανικό Ινστιτούτο Προτύπων (BSI).

11 07 2022 | 15:57

«Μηχανικοί στην Πράξη» της MYTILINEOS Ξεκινούν οι αιτήσεις για τον 6ο κύκλο του προγράμματος

Αθήνα, Ελλάδα – 11 Ιουλίου 2022 – Στον 6ο κύκλο του φθάνει το επιτυχημένο πρόγραμμα έμμισθης πρακτικής εργασίας της MYTILI

10 07 2022 | 23:14

Στάσσης στο Economist: Επιταχύνει η ΔΕΗ τις επενδύσεις σε ΑΠΕ και αποθήκευση ενέργειας

«Πιο επίκαιρο από ποτέ είναι το στρατηγικό πλάνο της ΔΕΗ για τον ενεργειακό και ψηφιακό μετασχηματισμό της και πιο εφικτό ώστε να ολοκληρωθεί με επιτυχία», τόνισε ο πρόεδρος και διευθύνων σύμβουλος…