
Αποτελέσματα 7601 - 7620 | από συνολικά 25245
22 10 2022 | 11:33

Τα οφέλη εγκατάστασης αγροβολταϊκών σε περιοχές με θερμοκήπια

Να υποστηριχθεί με ειδική δράση από το υπουργείο Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων η εγκατάσταση  Αγροβολταϊκών σε πολλές περιοχές της χώρας με θερμοκήπια, κάλεσε ο πρόεδρος του Συνδέσμου Ελληνικών…

22 10 2022 | 11:25

Μ. Ζενέλη (ΕΚΕΤΑ): Σημαντικές οι προσπάθειες της ελληνικής βιομηχανίας για χρήση ΑΠΕ

Στο σημαντικό έργο RES4Industry του Ινστιτούτου Χημικών Διεργασιών και Ενεργειακών Πόρων του ΕΚΕΤΑ που αποτυπώνει τις προσπάθειες και τις δράσεις της ελληνικής βιομηχανίας για την ενίσχυση της χρήσης…

22 10 2022 | 11:09

Climate Regulations Are About to Disrupt Global Shipping

Ships that transport goods across oceans are collectively a major generator of greenhouse gases. Rules from the International Maritime Organization and the European Union aimed at curbing these…

22 10 2022 | 11:02

China forges ahead with green transition in midst of global energy crisis

Eyes now on National Congress to show where country's path lies There is nothing quite like a crisis to expose the weaknesses in systems and societies. Last year, a number of countries promised to…

22 10 2022 | 10:56

Global energy crisis is a wake-up call for businesses to go green: Teo Chee Hean

SINGAPORE - The current global energy crisis is a wake-up call for businesses to become greener, with those which delay action doing so at their own peril, said Senior Minister and Coordinating…

22 10 2022 | 10:02

US urged to end blame game on oil

Saudis made scapegoats for energy policy shortcomings, analysts say The United States should stop the blame game over energy supplies and instead take a hard look at its own policies in the sector,…

22 10 2022 | 09:50

China’s ban on overseas coal power plants is good for the climate … but where’s the support for renewable energy? experts ask

Beijing’s pledge a year ago has put a ‘significant dent’ in planned coal-fired projects overseas, says a climate report Greater support is needed to get low-emission projects up and running to…

22 10 2022 | 09:41

Practical ways to cut their carbon footprint: How the young are learning to play an active role in climate action

In its bid to contribute to Singapore's sustainability efforts, Keppel Electric is reaching out to schools to teach students about green alternatives and how they can help protect the environment…

22 10 2022 | 09:09

8 things to know about the environmental impact of ‘unprecedented’ Nord Stream leaks

Suspected sabotage will release large amounts of methane, but it’s a ‘wee bubble’ compared with what’s emitted globally every day. The apparent sabotage of both Nord Stream gas pipelines may be one…

22 10 2022 | 09:03

In Kenya, green parties struggle for votes

In August, Kenya held its fifth general elections since the introduction of multiparty politics in 1991.

22 10 2022 | 08:53

Renewable energy for healthcare facilities in sub-Saharan Africa requires innovative financing

When Bentoe Tehoungue, the Director of Family Health at Liberia’s Ministry of Health, sent out an urgent plea for help in facing the COVID-19 pandemic, her primary request wasn’t for ventilators,…

22 10 2022 | 08:48

‘A form of colonialism’: Activists demand climate reparations

Campaigners say it is the G20 countries that produce 80 percent of global greenhouse emissions. Pakistan’s catastrophic floods have led to renewed calls for rich polluting nations that grew their…

22 10 2022 | 08:39

For a fraction of Australia’s fighter jet budget, I’d leave East Timor’s fuel in the ground

At the recent UN General Assembly, the president of Vanuatu called on governments to negotiate a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, a proposal I have supported alongside 100 other Nobel Prize…

22 10 2022 | 08:29

UK offers new North Sea oil and gas licences despite climate concerns

Greenpeace calls process, which will run until end of June, ‘possibly unlawful’ The UK has opened up a new licensing round to allow oil and gas companies to explore for fossil fuels in the North…

22 10 2022 | 08:18

Loss and damage must be defined on moral grounds

Among the three strategies for addressing climate change – mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage (L&D) – the latter two continue to suffer from interpretational ambiguities. Adaptation does…

22 10 2022 | 08:12

Just Stop Oil says only threat of death sentence would stop its protests

Climate activists defiant as public order bill aims to curtail civil disobedience tactics UK climate activists have vowed to continue their disruptive protests until the government imposes the…

22 10 2022 | 08:07

100m highly polluting cars could appear on Europe’s roads after EU move

Exclusive: Efficiency recommendations of experts rejected in European Commission ‘Euro 7’ proposals Almost 100m highly polluting cars could appear on Europe’s roads over the next decade after the…

22 10 2022 | 07:51

Billions gone: what’s behind the disappearance of Alaska snow crabs?

Authorities close snow crab season for first time as numbers of the prized seafood crash from 11bn to 2bn in four years

22 10 2022 | 07:37

Scientists rush to create vaccine for world’s biggest animal disease outbreak

Tackling African swine fever – which has led to death of more than 100m pigs since 2018 – has proved a tougher challenge than scientists first thought Tucked between motorways in the west of the…

22 10 2022 | 06:52

Do we really care more about Van Gogh’s sunflowers than real ones?

The Just Stop Oil activists are accused of using tactics that will backfire. But ‘respectable’ protest is roundly ignored