
Αποτελέσματα 5501 - 5520 | από συνολικά 26670
01 11 2023 | 13:07

Π. Σουρέτης (ΓΕΚ ΤΕΡΝΑ): Έχουμε υποβάλει ολοκληρωμένες και ρεαλιστικές λύσεις για το κυκλοφοριακό

Για την αντίφαση ανάμεσα στο restart που επιχειρεί ο κατασκευαστικός κλάδος – ακόμη και υπό συνθήκες υψηλού πληθωρισμού, επιτοκίων και γεωπολιτικών συγκρούσεων – και στις διαχρονικές παθογένειες που…

01 11 2023 | 12:48


    Πρέπει να ξυπνήσουμε πριν να είναι αργά. Τουλάχιστον  να  προλάβουμε να αποχαιρετήσουμε τον  <<Ηλεκτρικό χώρο>> που  χάνεται!

31 10 2023 | 16:14

Pakistan weighs early closure of some gas, diesel power plants under ADB scheme

KARACHI: Pakistan is exploring the possibility of shutting down some of its gas- or diesel-fired power plants before their economic lifetime ends, as part of a low-carbon energy transition supported…

31 10 2023 | 16:06

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Projects: Promises vs. Reality

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects have been a major topic of discussion during New York Climate Week. Critics of the technology argue that it is being used to prolong the life of the fossil…

31 10 2023 | 15:30

CU Regents considering divestment from fossil fuels after public pressure

Over the past few months, more than 100 people, mostly students, have attended University of Colorado Board of Regents meetings to demand that the CU system be divested of fossil fuels. About 3% of…

31 10 2023 | 15:16

Adaro aluminum smelter plans in Indonesia face financial risks

  New report warns that the project needs years of high aluminum prices to recover investment and will substantially add to carbon dioxide emissions through its supporting coal plant The first…

31 10 2023 | 15:09

IEEFA U.S.: Private equity reshapes nation’s largest power market while raising investor risk

Private equity investment has reshaped PJM, the nation’s largest power market over the last decade, according to a new report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA).

31 10 2023 | 13:58

Pioneer deal: Another overpayment by ExxonMobil?

Investors are looking askance at the $60 billion price tag of ExxonMobil’s acquisition of Pioneer Resources. They should. Pioneer Resources has been one of the better financial performers in the U.S…

31 10 2023 | 13:50

Big Mining’s downstream steel emissions a new focus for shareholders

Rio Tinto and BHP can expect to face growing investor pressure to address their Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial…

31 10 2023 | 13:36

How DER can power a sharing economy for energy

State and federal energy ministers have an opportunity to rapidly accelerate Australia’s decarbonisation by implementing a package of six measures to promote the adoption and integration of…

31 10 2023 | 13:04

The Growing Movement to Bring Back Community Grief and Ritual

White tarp tents lined one side of Allston Way in Berkeley, California, on a sunny week in early April 2023, beneath which a cluster of people sat on ornate pillows, sipping from ceramic cups at the…

30 10 2023 | 17:58

TUNISIA: call for tenders to renovate Korba and Haouria wastewater treatment plants

Tunisia's National Sanitation Office (ONAS) is launching a call for tenders to renovate the Korba and El Haouria wastewater treatment plants in the governorate of Nabeul, in the north-east of the…

30 10 2023 | 17:54

SOUTH AFRICA: three banks to raise $1 billion for the energy transition

South African financial institutions Standard Bank, Stanlib and Liberty are launching a new fund dedicated to the energy transition in South Africa. This new mechanism will raise $1 billion over the…

30 10 2023 | 17:49

3 Basins Summit: no Asian or Amazonian heads of state present in Brazzaville

The fate of the world's three largest forest areas is at stake in Brazzaville, in the Republic of Congo. But on the second day of the summit, no head of state from Amazonia or Asia has yet shown up…

30 10 2023 | 17:45

MAURITIUS: $45 million in green bonds to finance 13 solar power plants

Envolt, a subsidiary of the Mauritian conglomerate ENL, is launching a $45 million green bond programme in Mauritius. The aim is to finance the construction of 13 photovoltaic solar power plants in…