
Αποτελέσματα 5061 - 5080 | από συνολικά 27271
19 12 2023 | 18:31

Cop28 agreement is progress – but there is still plenty of wriggle room for any country, including Australia

Cop28 is the first time that a UN decision acknowledged the need for the decline of not only coal but also oil and gas, and called on all countries to work towards it. The fact that it was struck in…

19 12 2023 | 18:28

‘So these are the people I’ll die with’: one nervous flyer on the terrifying rise in turbulence

Friday 24 February 2023, an afternoon flight. I’m travelling from Charleston, South Carolina, to New York’s LaGuardia airport after a vacation with my kids and a friend. In the last few years, I’ve…

19 12 2023 | 18:24

Printable DNA to bird-bashing towers: 15 looming issues for biodiversity in 2024

Every year, a team led by the Cambridge University conservation biologist William Sutherland conducts a horizon scan to identify the top emerging technological, political, economic and related shifts…

19 12 2023 | 18:21

‘Food is finally on the table’: Cop28 addressed agriculture in a real way

Food systems – what we eat; how we grow, ship and cook it; and how we dispose of (and sometimes waste) it – are responsible for roughly a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. But for the better…

19 12 2023 | 18:17

Forget Cop – local climate action can bring more tangible results

Annette Gorst-Unsworth says she invests in community energy groups that are making a difference in her area  

19 12 2023 | 18:13

The Somerset family travelling to Australia without flying

A family travelling to Australia without flying have reached Indonesia after a journey of three and a half months. Shannon Coggins, Theo Simon and their daughter Rosa, 19, left East Pennard on 16…

19 12 2023 | 18:12

Small island states 'weren't in room' when deal agreed

A delegate from Samoa said they were "a little confused" by the approval of the deal before the Alliance of Small Island States could join other delegates in the room. The alliance is a group of 39…

19 12 2023 | 18:08

Wasted wind power adds £40 to household energy bills, says think tank

Wasted wind power will add £40 to the average UK household's electricity bill in 2023, according to a think tank. That figure could increase to £150 in 2026, Carbon Tracker has estimated. When it…

19 12 2023 | 18:04

Scotland's climate 'changing faster than expected'

Scotland's climate is changing faster than expected, scientists have warned. A study by the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen says February in some areas is already 2.5C warmer while rainfall is at…

19 12 2023 | 18:00

Green shipping corridors gaining momentum

The powerful diesel engine roars as the water taxi cuts through the choppy water that connects Rotterdam's gritty port areas to what remains of the city's historic maritime grandeur. As the yellow…

19 12 2023 | 17:58

Superdry profits hit after 'abnormally mild autumn'

Superdry has warned its profits will be worse than expected, blaming an "abnormally mild autumn" for a drop in sales. The UK fashion retailer has been cutting costs, clearing stock and selling off…

19 12 2023 | 17:55

Europe and US extend trade truce over Trump tariffs

The European Union and the US have agreed to pause their trade war until after the presidential election. US tariffs on steel and aluminium and the EU's retaliation on goods including motorcycles…

19 12 2023 | 17:52

COP28: Students at mock event 'want action on empty promises'

The dust is settling on the COP28 climate change conference and the agreement reached on transitioning away from fossil fuels. School pupils in Northern Ireland who took part in a mock COP28 event…

19 12 2023 | 17:49

Ancient peat bog makes 'remarkable' recovery

A major peatland restoration project in southern Scotland has been completed after more than 20 years. NatureScot first started work on the 90 hectares (220 acres) site at its Kirkconnell Flow…

19 12 2023 | 17:43

Grangemouth closure 'key test' of just transition

The forthcoming closure of the Grangemouth oil refinery will be a key test of whether the "just transition" can be a reality, a watchdog has said. Hundreds of jobs are at risk at the site, with…

19 12 2023 | 15:42

Δελτίο Τύπου_Η VALOREM έλαβε περιβαλλοντική έγκριση για την εγκατάσταση φωτοβολταϊκών σταθμών 300 MW στην Ελλάδα

Ο γαλλικός ανεξάρτητος παραγωγός πράσινης ενέργειας VALOREM, ανακοίνωσε ότι επτά από τα φωτοβολταϊκά έργα του, συνολικής ισχύος 300

19 12 2023 | 15:39

ΔΤ: 4.009 εθελοντές δασοπυροσβέστες σε όλη τη χώρα έλαβαν υποστήριξη

Πρόγραμμα Υποστήριξης Εθελοντικών Ομάδων Δασοπυροπροστασίας: 4.009 εθελοντές δασοπυροσβέστες σε όλη την Ελλάδα έλαβαν πολύτιμη υποστήριξη  

19 12 2023 | 15:35

Δικτυωθείτε με το στοχευμένο πρόγραμμα B2B συναντήσεων της FORWARD GREEN EXPO 2024

Προωθείστε τη βιώσιμη καινοτομία!  Ελάτε στη Forward Green Expo 2024 Η Θεσσαλονίκη, εκεί που χτυπάει η καρδιά της Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης, σας υποδέχεται στη 2η Διεθνή Έκθεση για την Κυκλική…