
Αποτελέσματα 4241 - 4260 | από συνολικά 25245
18 10 2023 | 16:19

Could superpowered plants be the heroes of the climate crisis?

Carbon-guzzling trees and crops, genetically altered to boost photosynthesis and store carbon in the roots, could absorb millions of tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere Zoë Corbyn Sun 15 Oct 2023…

18 10 2023 | 16:15

‘They challenged the Communist monopoly’: Vietnam regime turns on its climate champions

NGO leaders and technical experts who helped secure western aid for official shift to clean energy are being locked up now that they are no longer needed

18 10 2023 | 16:11

Recent fires have been a triggering reminder of previous disasters. Our resilience is being tested yet again

Until governments engage with and provide more funding to the people under threat, we will always be playing a dangerous game of catchup Some pretty weird and funny things happen in the chaos and…

18 10 2023 | 16:05

A hotter world forcing people on the move needs vision, not Suella Braverman’s rabble-rousing words

The home secretary’s ‘hurricane’ warning is out of step with public opinion. A global solution is vital Suella Braverman is right when she says there is a “hurricane” of migration coming, but the UK…

18 10 2023 | 16:00

Refusing to fly has lost me my job as a climate researcher. It’s a price worth paying

Two weeks ago, my employer presented me with a stark ultimatum: return to my offices in Kiel, Germany, within five days, or lose my job. I am a climate researcher and since March 2023, I have been…

18 10 2023 | 15:54

Sunak’s U-turns make net zero harder and keep bills high, watchdog warns

Climate Change Committee also says rowing back on climate policies has harmed investment into UK Rishi Sunak’s reversals on key climate policies have damaged the UK’s ability to meet its carbon-…

18 10 2023 | 15:49

Climate expert ‘sacked’ after refusing flight to Germany over carbon emissions

Gianluca Grimalda says he was fired when he refused to return at short notice by plane from a research trip near Papua New Guinea A climate researcher who refused to comply with his employer’s…

18 10 2023 | 15:45

Hailstorm frequency has increased by 40% around Sydney and Perth since 1979

Scientists say climate change may bring a decrease in frequency of hail activity but an increase in severity The frequency of hailstorms has increased by about 40% around Sydney and Perth over the…

18 10 2023 | 15:41

Antarctica has lost 7.5tn tonnes of ice since 1997, scientists find

Study finds more than 40% of ice shelves have shrunk, with millions of tonnes of freshwater entering ocean More than 40% of Antarctica’s ice shelves have shrunk since 1997 with almost half showing “…

18 10 2023 | 15:31

More than £2bn of UK foreign climate aid channelled through consultancies since 2010

Findings raise concerns among experts who say climate funding works best when invested directly in local communities More than £2bn of UK foreign aid aimed at helping poorer countries cope with the…

18 10 2023 | 15:28

IMF should give poor countries $300bn a year to fight climate crisis, says Joseph Stiglitz

Developing nations need equivalent of US Inflation Reduction Act, says Nobel prize-winning economist Poor countries should be provided with $300bn (£246bn) a year from the International Monetary…

18 10 2023 | 15:23

Fear of reprisals prevent people calling out employers on climate, says charity

Workers can often be first to spot harms, from rule breaches and pollution to false sustainability claims Concerns about being fired or victimised at work are preventing people from calling out…

18 10 2023 | 15:12

Revealed: how a little-known pollution rule keeps the air dirty for millions of Americans

Major investigation shows local governments are increasingly exploiting a loophole in the Clean Air Act, leaving more than 21 million Americans with air that’s dirtier than they realize

18 10 2023 | 15:07

Water level at Amazon port in Brazil hits lowest point in 121 years amid drought

Port in Manaus records lowest water level since 1902, leaving boats stranded and unable to deliver food and water to remote villages

18 10 2023 | 14:29

Malawi swelters in record heat with temperatures nearly 20C above average

Climate crisis blamed for extreme heat in African country, which has recorded temperatures of 43C Malawians endured the country’s hottest weekend on record, with temperatures reaching nearly 20C…

18 10 2023 | 12:51

ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ: Εισδοχή ΕΛΕΑΒΙΟΜ στο δίκτυο του Ευρωπαϊκού Συνδέσμου Biochar (European Biochar Industry Consortium - EBI)

H ΕΛΕΑΒΙΟΜ πλήρες μέλος του European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI) Βρισκόμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να ανακοινώσο

18 10 2023 | 12:25

Huawei || Δελτίο Τύπου || Huawei Smart PV Community: Η εξειδικευμένη πλατφόρμα επιμόρφωσης και επικοινωνίας για τους επαγγελματίες εγκαταστάτες φωτοβολταϊκών

Huawei Smart PV Community: Η εξειδικευμένη πλατφόρμα επιμόρφωσης και επικοινωνίας για τους επαγγελματίες εγκαταστάτες φωτοβολταϊκών <

18 10 2023 | 07:25

Μ. Σανταμούρης: Με χρήση σύγχρονων τεχνολογιών κατορθώσαμε να μειώσουμε τις μέγιστες θερμοκρασίες στις πόλεις έως και 4,5 βαθμούς

Η κλιματική αλλαγή με τους παρατεταμένους καύσωνες είναι μια πραγματικότητα με οικονομικές, πολιτικές και κοινωνικές παραμέτρους που αρρωσταίνουν εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους, πνίγοντας σταθερά τον πλανήτη.