
Αποτελέσματα 3741 - 3760 | από συνολικά 25245
17 11 2023 | 14:27

Let forests grow old to store huge volume of carbon – study

Report says cutting emissions should still be key priority as it cautions against mass monoculture tree-planting Forest conservation and restoration could make a major contribution to tackling the…

17 11 2023 | 14:20

‘We can’t carry on’: the godfather of microplastics on how to stop them

As a UN summit in Nairobi debates a treaty on plastic pollution, Richard Thompson, the biologist who first identified microplastics 30 years ago, explains why ocean cleanups and biodegradables will…

17 11 2023 | 14:17

UK among nations condemned for ‘epic’ mackerel overfishing disaster

A coalition of British seafood companies and retailers, including Young’s, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Aldi and Waitrose, has condemned the “collective failure” of the UK, Norway and other states to reach…

17 11 2023 | 14:13

Microplastic-eating plankton may be worsening crisis in oceans, say scientists

Rotifers could be accelerating risk by splitting particles into thousands of potentially more dangerous nanoplastics A type of zooplankton found in marine and fresh water can ingest and break down…

17 11 2023 | 14:07

At risk: 10 ways the changing climate is creating a health emergency

  The lives of billions of people are being threatened by the climate crisis, experts from around the world warned in the annual Lancet Countdown report this week. No one will escape the…

17 11 2023 | 13:59

Five years on, the world is failing to learn the gilets jaunes’ lesson about class and climate

From the reaction to Ulez in London to heat pumps in Germany, eco-policies are still too often felt as sanctions on working people

17 11 2023 | 13:51

‘I’m staggered this isn’t front-page news’: the ‘provocative’ climate art that ended up in a cathedral

Inspired by global warming and the refugees who lost their lives trying to reach Europe, Shezad Dawood’s work asks difficult questions. How will it go down in church?

17 11 2023 | 13:37

Jamaica’s dengue fever outbreak shows the deadly effects of record heat

The global failure to reduce fossil fuels is leaving small island states trapped in a constant cycle of fightback against disease and extreme weather Jamaica’s dengue fever outbreak shows the deadly…

17 11 2023 | 13:29

The past years were the hottest on record. Yet we’re on track to burn more fossil fuels

A new report says many countries are increasing their oil and gas production. Delegates to Cop28 must confront this crisis Let me see if I have this right. A vast majority of the world’s best…

17 11 2023 | 13:17

As a student, I’m striking for climate action. If you’re worried or angry about the climate crisis, join us

I used to believe I had no real say in what our government did. But eventually I realised that that simply wasn’t true I’m 16 years old and today I will be striking from school because of the…

17 11 2023 | 13:13

Cop28 host UAE has world’s biggest climate-busting oil plans, data indicates

State oil company’s huge expansion plans make its CEO’s role as president of UN climate summit ‘ridiculous’, say researchers The state oil company of the United Arab Emirates, whose CEO will preside…

17 11 2023 | 13:05

Climate-heating gases reach record highs, UN reports

World Meteorological Organization sees ‘no end in sight to the rising trend’, largely driven by fossil fuel burning The abundance of climate-heating gases in the atmosphere reached record highs in…

17 11 2023 | 13:02

Starmer says £2.5bn renewables jobs fund will help North Sea oil workers

Labour leader aims to set up ‘British jobs bonus fund’ to challenge oil firms to accelerate shift to clean energy Keir Starmer has challenged the oil industry to dramatically speed up its shift to…

17 11 2023 | 12:51

How big are the fires burning in Australia’s north? Interactive map shows they’ve burned an area larger than Spain

Huge bushfires have burned a significant amount of northern Australia in recent months, with the collective area burned larger than many countries, including Spain. Experts say the massive fires are…

17 11 2023 | 12:45

School climate strike protests draw huge crowds; charges laid over Hillcrest jumping castle tragedy – as it happened

Thousands of students will be taking the streets later today for the School Strike 4 Climate. Protests are being coordinated across Australia, with students planning actions in Sydney at environment…

17 11 2023 | 12:37

Rich countries hit $100bn climate finance goal two years late, data shows

Annual funding promise made in 2009 to help poor countries deal with climate crisis had original 2020 target The totemic promise by rich countries to provide $100bn (£80bn) a year to the poor world…

17 11 2023 | 10:49

Σε λειτουργία το νέο μικρό υδροηλεκτρικό της ΔΕΗ Ανανεώσιμες Μακροχώρι ΙΙ στην Ημαθία

Στα 20 έφτασαν τα μικρά υδροηλεκτρικά εργοστάσια της ΔΕΗ Ανανεώσιμες, με 88 MW συνολική εγκατεστημένη ισχύ, μετά και την πρόσφατη προσθήκη του ΜΥΗΕ Μακροχώρι ΙΙ το οποίο βρίσκεται στην Περιφερειακή…

17 11 2023 | 10:47

Η Γροιλανδία λιώνει με επιτάχυνση οδηγώντας κάτω από το νερό πολλές περιοχές της Γης

Η Γροιλανδία είναι η 12η σε έκταση χώρα του πλανήτη και το 80% της επιφάνειας της καλύπτεται από πάγους. Αν λιώσει το σύνολο των πάγων της Γροιλανδίας η στάθμη του νερού στους ωκεανούς της Γης θα…

17 11 2023 | 10:43

Συνάντηση Σακελλαροπούλου – Δούκα: «Η Αθήνα χρειάζεται όραμα, συνεργασία και ιδέες»

Ο Χάρης Δούκας δήλωσε αισιόδοξος για το μέλλον της πρωτεύουσας, σημειώνοντας ότι χρειάζονται μικρά αλλά σημαντικά βήματα. «Είμαστε σε μια περίοδο κλιματικής κρίσης και αναζητούμε πολιτικές με…

17 11 2023 | 10:40

Η κλιματική αλλαγή απειλεί την ανθρωπότητα με μπαράζ πανδημιών

Καθώς οι επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής αλλαγής γίνονται ολοένα και πιο ορατές στον πλανήτη και την ανθρωπότητα ειδικοί έχουν προειδοποιήσει ότι μια ακόμη πιθανή απειλή σχετίζεται με το λιώσιμο των…