
Αποτελέσματα 24581 - 24600 | από συνολικά 27271
02 04 2019 | 09:28

Nepal's Rivers Give Green Power to remote areas

Researchers are investigating a method of creating power from fast moving streams that many rural areas in Nepal use. They’re looking into why some of these systems work better than others, and…

02 04 2019 | 09:22

Can Shell really crack the green energy market?

Shell is rebranding First Utility, the household energy supplier, under its own name - and making a commitment to renewables. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the greenest of them all? Few would…

02 04 2019 | 09:09

Engie Kicks Coal Habit in Favor of Renewables

Yet another European energy giant pivots from black to green. The French utility Engie has polished off its energy transition credentials in recent weeks with a coal plant disposal and a bid for…

02 04 2019 | 08:50

4ο Διεθνές Workshop για υβριδικά ενεργειακά συστήματα, Ηράκλειο, Κρήτη 22-23 Μαίου 2019

Με την υποστήριξη του Συνδέσμου Εταιριών Φωτοβολταϊκών  

02 04 2019 | 08:34

Passiexpo2019 North Edition Ready to go!

Βρισκόμαστε στην τελική ευθεία για την Passiexpo2019 North Edition. Το ερχόμενο Σάββατο 6 Απριλίου 2019 στη Θεσσαλονίκη, στο αμφιθέατρο του ΤΕΕ-ΤΚΜ (Λεωφόρος Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου 49, 546 43…

02 04 2019 | 07:00

Nine Million Canadians Cite Climate as vote-determining issue.

Nearly eight million Canadians are “extremely” worried about climate change, and nine million see it as their top or top two vote-determining issue in this year’s federal election, but that concern…

01 04 2019 | 16:41

Stiglitz urges joint EU-China trade sanctions against the US on climate change.

Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz has called on Europe and China to join forces against the United States at the WTO, saying America has become a “free-rider” on climate change under the Trump…

01 04 2019 | 16:17

Push for more coal power in China imperils climate.

Even as the number of coal-fired power plants under development worldwide declines, increased coal use in China and a proposal to boost capacity could imperil global climate change goals, researchers…

01 04 2019 | 16:11

EU on track for 50% emission cuts by 2030, study says.

While Germany and Eastern European countries continue to oppose raising the EU’s 40% emission reduction target for 2030, a new analysis insists the bloc will actually manage at least 50% cuts under a…

01 04 2019 | 16:09

Powering up the ‘last mile’ in renewable energy rollout in Africa.

It takes Habiba Ali at least a three-hour drive to get to her customers – what energy experts would call ‘the last mile’. When she sets off from her base in Kaduna, northwest Nigeria, it’s usually…

01 04 2019 | 15:53

The Drilldown: Google, GM, major firms join forces to push renewables purchasing.

The Lead On Thursday Google, General Motors and other major players announced a new venture that aims to ease the path to clean energy for businesses. With increasing consumer calls for wind and…

01 04 2019 | 15:31

Resource extraction responsible for half world’s carbon emissions.

Extraction industries are responsible for half of the world’s carbon emissions and more than 80% of biodiversity loss, according to the most comprehensive environmental tally undertaken of mining and…

01 04 2019 | 06:47

Majority of coal plants are uneconomic to nearby wind, solar, report finds.

Dive Brief: 74% of existing coal plants cost more to operate last year than replacing them with new local wind and solar power, according to a report released on Monday from Vibrant Clean Energy…

31 03 2019 | 08:45

Commercial solar self-consumption pays off.

Seven questions about commercial solar self-consumption to Michael Vogtmann, Chief Executive of the Franconian Section of the German Solar Energy Society (DGS).

31 03 2019 | 08:24

Global 'collapse' in number of new coal-fired power plants.

Not long before coal use is over, say analysts, while warning of possible resurgence in China. The number of coal-fired power plants being developed around the world has collapsed in the last three…

31 03 2019 | 08:03

Solar plus storage for Saba island – 1 million liters diesel savings yearly.

Diesel generators off — solar energy on. A historic moment for the nearly 2,000 inhabitants of the small Caribbean island of Saba: For the first time, the sun is the sole electricity supplier.

31 03 2019 | 08:02

ΑΡΚΤΟΥΡΟΣ και ΚΑΛΛΙΣΤΩ: Δεν έχουμε καμία συνεργασία με τον TAP.

ΑΡΚΤΟΥΡΟΣ και ΚΑΛΛΙΣΤΩ: Δεν έχουμε καμία συνεργασία με τον TAP Oι Περιβαλλοντικές Οργανώσεις Καλλιστώ και ΑΡΚΤΟΥΡΟΣ διαψεύδουν τα δημοσιεύματα περί συνεργασίας τους με την εργολήπτρια εταιρεία ή…

31 03 2019 | 07:53

Μπαρτσελόνα Τρίκαλα

Η Μπαρτσελόνα στα Τρίκαλα για πρόσφυγες και Ελληνες Μίνι ακαδημία ποδοσφαίρου από πανευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα υλοποιείται στον Δήμο Τρικκαίων

31 03 2019 | 07:50

Global conference aims to link climate action, sustainable development agendas more closely.

Experts, leaders gather in Copenhagen to promote ambitious action while ensuring no one is left behind.

31 03 2019 | 07:49

The Countries With the Most Oil Reserves

Map: The Countries With the Most Oil Reserves There’s little doubt that renewable energy sources will play a strategic role in powering the global economy of the future. But for now, crude oil is…