
Αποτελέσματα 20941 - 20960 | από συνολικά 27271
19 04 2020 | 07:09

Vehicle-integrated PV for electrical commercial vehicles.

Heavy goods vehicle traffic is responsible for six per cent of the CO2 emissions in the EU. Solar electricity generated directly on the vehicle can improve this balance.

19 04 2020 | 07:03

Persistent Cloudless Skies Helped Fuel Exceptional Greenland Ice Melt.

Warm temperatures, clear weather and little snow all played a role in last summer’s major melt event on the ice sheet. The Greenland ice sheet saw some of its highest melt rates on record last…

18 04 2020 | 07:07

Πανδημία: δικαιολογία για αποδυνάμωση της κλιματικής δράσης ή ευκαιρία για επαναπροσδιορισμό του τρόπου ζωής μας με κλιματικό πρόσημο;

Τι κοινά χαρακτηριστικά έχουν η Πανδημία CoVid19 και η Κλιματική Κρίση; Διδάγματα, λύσεις και η επόμενη μέρα στην «κανονικότητα»

17 04 2020 | 11:11

NASA data shows dramatic pollution drop in the US.

The air is clearing up because we're staying home. NASA data shows that pollution in northwestern US is dropping dramatically.

17 04 2020 | 11:04

Special Academy Series Tuesday, 21 April COVID-19: Sustainable Finance and the Future of the Global Economy

In the wake of the economic volatility created by the pandemic, it is clear that environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are material factors that business must manage appropriately. From…

17 04 2020 | 10:50

Brazil Bolsonaro Hits the Streets to Defy COVID-19 Guidelines.

Bolsonaro’s popularity has fallen during the coronavirus crisis, with a growing number of Brazilians angered by his stance toward a disease he calls a “little cold. Brazilian President Jair…

17 04 2020 | 10:47

Top weather society honors Mann for children's book on climate change.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Climate expert Michael Mann was honored for his book “The Tantrum that Saved the World,” which the American Meteorological Society (AMS) said “engages readers with empathy and…

17 04 2020 | 10:33

Schools challenged to teach climate change as students join Greta strikes.

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Dozens of students packed onto a boat docked in a flood-prone area of Bangladesh listen closely to a lesson highlighting the natural life of the rivers around…

17 04 2020 | 10:29

High winds kill thousands of migrating birds in 'disaster' over Greece.

Thousands of swallows and swifts migrating from Africa to Europe have been left dead by high winds battering Greece, bird watchers say. The birds have been found in the streets of Athens, on…

17 04 2020 | 10:20

Democratic senators urge Trump administration to halt environmental rollbacks during pandemic.

Senate Democrats are urging the Trump administration to pause non-critical work like overhauling environmental policies during the coronavirus pandemic. But the proposal is dead on arrival with the…

17 04 2020 | 08:51

Η απώλεια της φύσης και η έξαρση των πανδημιών.

Νέα μελέτη του WWF υπογραμμίζει πως η υπερεκμετάλλευση της φύσης από τους ανθρώπους οδηγεί στην εμφάνιση νέων πανδημιών που πλήττουν την παγκόσμια υγεία. 

17 04 2020 | 08:40

Ανοίγει ο δρόμος για 2,6 GW νέες ΑΠΕ στα νησιά από τις διασυνδέσεις του ΑΔΜΗΕ – Το περιθώριο για κάθε νησί - Ποιες οι αλλαγές στο 10ετές.

Μεγάλες επενδυτικές ευκαιρίες στον τομέα των ΑΠΕ ανοίγει το δεκαετές πρόγραμμα ανάπτυξης του Εθνικού Συστήματος Μεταφοράς Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας για την περίοδο 2021-2030 που βρίσκεται πια στη ΡΑΕ προς…

16 04 2020 | 07:35

«Κήπο της γιαγιάς» με αρωματικά φυτά φτιάχνει στο ΛΚΔΜ η ΔΕΗ.

Το σχέδιο για την ανάπτυξη καλλιέργειας αρωματικών φυτών στην εξωτερική απόθεση του Κλάδου Ορυχείου Πεδίου Αμυνταίου προχωράει η ΔΕΗ, υλοποιώντας έτσι μια ιδέα που είχε δρομολογηθεί από τη διοίκηση…

15 04 2020 | 09:11

Nearly half of global coal plants will be unprofitable this year, study shows.

‘Digging up coal is making less and less business sense, but it’s awful impact on the planet will only decrease if it’s fully consigned to history,’ says Friends of the Earth. Nearly half of all…

15 04 2020 | 09:09

California Gets Another 100MW Battery Project, as Competition with Gas Peakers Heats Up.

Developer sPower will build a huge battery facility in Los Angeles County for Clean Power Alliance, a community choice aggregator.

15 04 2020 | 09:00

Carbon emissions from fossil fuels could fall by 2.5bn tonnes in 2020.

Reduction of 5% would represent biggest drop in demand for industry on record Global carbon emissions from the fossil fuel industry could fall by a record 2.5bn tonnes this year, a reduction of 5%,…

15 04 2020 | 08:58

'It's positively alpine!': Disbelief in big cities as air pollution falls.

Delhi is one of many capitals enjoying improved air quality since restrictions were introduced due to the coronavirus The screenshots began to circulate on Delhi WhatsApp groups last week, captioned…

15 04 2020 | 08:56

Ph.D. student turns recycled plastic into face shields for Ugandan medics.

In 2016, Paige Balcom fell in love with Uganda. It happened in Lukodi, a village outside of the town of Gulu, where she was on a Fulbright research grant. Working with farmers and a school for child…

15 04 2020 | 08:43

The climate crisis is still here.

As workers battle on the frontlines of COVID-19, a devastating Cyclone and Big Oil's latest moves show why we need a Just Recovery that builds climate resilience As the global response to COVID-19…