NASA scientist Dr. Kate Marvel links ‘climate change’ to ‘white supremacy’ – ‘We’ll never head off climate catastrophe without dismantling white supremacy’ – Calls for climate & racial ‘justice’

Another NASA climate scientist has revealed their charged politics and waded into racially charged linkages between “climate justice” and “racial justice.” and “white supremacy.” NASA’s Dr. Kate Marvel declared on June 1: “Climate justice and racial justice are the same thing, and we’ll never head off climate catastrophe without dismantling white supremacy.” Marvel is an Associate Research Scientist at NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York City.
In 2018, Marvel ( replied “DAMN RIGHT” when she tweeted out a Newsweek article titled: “Science Should Be A Feminist Institution.”
According to a 2018 article at Think Progress, “Marvel said she admires what Ocasio-Cortez and the Sunrise Movement activists are doing with appeals to support a Green New Deal.” According to Marvel: “What I do admire about that is the fact they are using new language. It’s not just, ‘Look at the sad polar bear,” Marvel said. “This is not talking about climate change like it’s this isolated issue. It’s talking about it in the context of all these other things that people care about. And I think that’s absolutely the right way to look at it,” she said.
Climate Depot Note: Climate activists have tried to link Racism and “white supremacy” to climate change for years. See: Identity politics invades climate change debate
Marvel joins her colleague, NASA’s Dr. Gavin Schimidt in going political. See:NASA’s Lead ‘Global Warming’ Dr. Gavin Schmidt scientist goes political: Calls for a carbon tax
Marvel’s other NASA colleague, Climate scientist Peter Kalmus also made similar racial/climate comments this week.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab climate scientist Peter Kalmus: “Here’s why race justice and climate justice are one & the same: The oppressive extractive plutocracies that colonize and kill black bodies and colonize and kill our planet are one and the same.”
NASA climate scientists have a history of turning science into political activism. NASA climate scientist James Hansen, the former director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies was arrested multiple times protesting climate change, in making climate science a political issue.
See:Book details NASA’s ‘ex-con’ James Hansen’s 1988 climate testimony – ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’ – “Remember, Hansen was NASA’s lead global warming scientist, in charge of the temperature dataset, endorsing a book suggesting the solution of calling for ridding the world of industrial civilization. Hansen is a hardcore activist who has been arrested multiple times protesting climate change.”

NASA’s James Hansen getting arrested at climate change protest.
Hansen also endorsed extreme climate books.
See:2010: Time for Meds? NASA scientist James Hansen seems to endorse book which calls for ‘ridding the world of Industrial Civilization’ – Hansen declares author ‘has it right…the system is the problem’-Book proposes ‘razing cities to the ground, blowing up dams and switching off the greenhouse gas emissions machine’
Reaction to Marvel’s “white supremacy” comments was quick.
Climate skeptic Tom Nelson reacted to Marvel: “97% of warmist climate scientists are more interested in radical left-wing politics than in natural variability.”
Nelson added: “Question: Based on the opinions of people who say stuff like Marvel’s quote, is it wise to spend $93 trillion trying to prevent bad weather?”

NASA climate scientist: ‘Race justice & climate justice are one & the same: Oppressive extractive plutocracies that colonize & kill black bodies & colonize & kill our planet are one & the same’– NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab climate scientist Peter Kalmus: “Here’s why race justice and climate justice are one & the same: The oppressive extractive plutocracies that colonize and kill black bodies and colonize and kill our planet are one and the same.”
Former NASA head global warming scientist Dr. James Hansen endorsed extreme climate book.
See:2010: Time for Meds? NASA scientist James Hansen seems to endorse book which calls for ‘ridding the world of Industrial Civilization’ – Hansen declares author ‘has it right…the system is the problem’-Book proposes ‘razing cities to the ground, blowing up dams and switching off the greenhouse gas emissions machine’
Hansen was arrested multiple times protesting climate change, in making climate science a political issue.
See:Book details NASA’s ‘ex-con’ James Hansen’s 1988 climate testimony – ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change’ – “Remember, Hansen was NASA’s lead global warming scientist, in charge of the temperature dataset, endorsing a book suggesting the solution of calling for ridding the world of industrial civilization. Hansen is a hardcore activist who has been arrested multiple times protesting climate change.”
See: 2016:NASA’s Lead ‘Global Warming’ Dr. Gavin Schmidt scientist goes political: Calls for a carbon tax
And see:
NASA also had a policial controversy in 2010. See: NASA chief says agency’s goal is Muslim outreach, forgets to mention space – NASA chief CharlesBolden: “Perhaps foremost, [President] Obama wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering.”
A group of former NASA scientists and engineers has tried to bring NASA back to science.“The Right Climate Stuff,” which includes engineers and scientists from across generations who have taken part in NASA’s most high-profile missions dating back to Apollo. The group has produced its own “rigorous, earth surface temperature model using conservation-of-energy principles” that operates similarly to the way the surface and internal temperature of a spacecraft is analyzed, the Right Climate Stuff team explains on its website.
Former Obama Green Czar and current CNN analyst Van Jones: “Even the most well-intentioned white person has a virus in his or her brain”
2 June 2020