European Parliamentary Elections – A Guide on candidates for the new EP – from a Renewable point of view.

25 05 2019 | 09:10

Elections for the European Parliament are upcoming on the 25th-26th May and the European Political groups have to notify their composition by 24th June. These elections carry particular significance not only due to the social and political climate in Europe with the rise of right- wing and conservative politics on one hand and increase in citizen demand for clear and strong European political action against climate change on the other, but also due to the fact that a large part of current MEPs are expected to change, many of which are allies to renewables.

The larger European Political groups have both differing and heterogenic views when it comes to their attitude towards renewables. Some groups are comprised of national parties who are all in agreement in ranking renewables high in their priorities, some groups are comprised of national parties who both do and do not prioritise renewables while other groups’ do not regard the development of renewables as a priority.

This is why EREF has decided to create a specific report on the candidates, the groups and their manifestos. The report is split in to two parts. The first part gives a brief overview of the main European Political groups and their manifestos. The accompanying annex is a tool to provide visibility on the new candidates, whether they or someone in their party are part of EUFORES the prominent pan European platform by EU and national parliamentarians eager to promote renewable policies.



21 May 2019



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