EREF recommendations for the EU- Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 - an even stronger Green Deal with high renewable targets has to be on top of all

Brussels, 24 June 2024 

President Martin Bursik and Director Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet launched EREF  recommendations for a fast transformation to a renewable-based and efficient EU  energy system as support to the new European Commission and the new co legislators in the European Parliament. 

(see attached file)

Requesting 5 priorities including recommendations for action for next institutional  cycle, EREF’s recommendations call for the ambitious and full implementation of the  European Green Deal and a clear pathway for its continuation until 2040 as the best  way to achieve resilience, competitiveness, and energy independence of the EU. 

Dörte Fouquet points to results of several EU-wide and national surveys such as the  Germanwatch survey that a broad electoral majority is in favour of appropriate political  responses to the climate crisis in many EU countries, including in centre-right parties.  

Martin Bursik reminds politicians from centre-right parties about their responsibilities  to continue the Green Deal that they have started under EU President Ursula von der  Leyen: “The Green Deal provides the tools to set a new track towards secure and  affordable energy, quality jobs and sustainable industrial competitiveness. Use and  enhance them!”. 

For more information, please contact: 

Prof. Dr. Dörte Fouquet Dirk Hendricks 

Director Secretary General



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