Eπιστήμη - Τεχνολογία – Καινοτομία

Αποτελέσματα 7061 - 7080 | από συνολικά 7356
07 05 2019 | 08:03

How to take the ‘petro’ out of the petrochemicals industry.

Fossil fuels are the backbone of the global petrochemicals industry, which provides the world’s growing population with fuels, plastics, clothing, fertilizers and more. A new research paper, …

07 05 2019 | 07:57

GiSeMi: Η καινοτομία απέκτησε στέγη στα Τρίκαλα.

Εγκαινιάστηκε, ο κόμβος καινοτομίας και επιχειρηματικότητας, με τον διαγωνισμό Trikala Innovation Challenge enabled by Vodafone business Στόχος η φιλοξενία, η προώθηση, η ενθάρρυνση νέων ιδεών για…

07 05 2019 | 07:54

Eighty percent against coal, in favour of renewable energies.

According to a survey conducted in April 2019, the majority of South Africans are in favour of foreign investment in renewable energy resources. The study was conducted by E3G, an independent think…

06 05 2019 | 14:29

Coal’s future is in the hands of the people, not banks.

As climate change concerns grow, new polling suggests strong support around the globe for clean energy, putting coal-related investment in jeopardy.

06 05 2019 | 14:12

Η δημιουργία βιομηχανίας μηδενικών εκπομπών στην ΕΕ είναι εφικτή αλλά δαπανηρή.

Η εκμηδένιση των εκπομπών της βαριάς βιομηχανίας έως το 2050 είναι πιθανή, αλλά θα απαιτήσει δαπανηρές νέες παραγωγικές διαδικασίες, και από 25 έως 60% αύξηση στις βραχυπρόθεσμες κεφαλαιουχικές…

05 05 2019 | 09:56

GWEC-Global Wind Report 2018.

Good year for wind energy with 51.3 GW new installations. According to the 14th 'Global Wind Report' from the Global Wind Energy Council and as GWEC director of market intelligence Karin Ohlenforst…

04 05 2019 | 12:38

Researchers report high performance solid-state sodium-ion battery.

Solid-state sodium-ion batteries are far safer than conventional lithium-ion batteries, which pose a risk of fire and explosions, but their performance has been too weak to offset the safety…

04 05 2019 | 12:25

19 GW new PV installations in Europe in 2019.

PV installations in countries outside of China are forecast to grow 43 percent in 2019, IHS Markit predicts. Europe will see even higher growth, led by Spain.

04 05 2019 | 12:13

Solar Steel supplies 500 MW of its RackSmarT fixed Tilt structure to the largest PV project in Europe.

Solar Steel, division of Gonvarri Steel Services is supplying 500 MW of its RackSmarT fixed tilt structure to the PV Project named Nunez de Balboa, which will become the largest PV plant installed to…

04 05 2019 | 12:02

Cheaper, Cleaner Biofuel May Be Right Around The Corner.

By combining an unorthodox solvent and a genetically engineered bacterium, a team of researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Worcester, Massachusetts has discovered a groundbreaking…

04 05 2019 | 11:59

Solar panel demand causing spike in worldwide silver prices.

Rising demand for solar panels is having a major effect on the worldwide price of silver, which could lead to solar panel production costs becoming far higher in the future, new research from the…

03 05 2019 | 15:10

Toyota and Kenworth unveil jointly developed fuel cell electric heavy-duty truck.

Toyota, Kenworth, the Port of Los Angeles and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) say they have taken the next great leap towards the future of zero-emission trucking, unveiling the first of…

01 05 2019 | 09:25

US Energy Storage Solution: Giant Coal-Killing Water Batteries.

File this one under K for Karma. US coal power plants have spent the past few decades messing with the nation’s water resources, and now water is turning around and messing with coal. The Energy…

01 05 2019 | 08:59

WindEurope: Μόνο η Γαλλία έχει συμπεριλάβει τα πλωτά αιολικά στον ενεργειακό της σχεδιασμό.

Η Γαλλία είναι η μοναδική ευρωπαϊκή χώρα που έχει συμπεριλάβει τις πλωτές ανεμογεννήτριες στον εθνικό ενεργειακό της σχεδιασμό, όπως τονίζει ο σύνδεσμος WindEurope. Σε σχετική εκδήλωση που έλαβε…

30 04 2019 | 22:56

U.S. Renewable Energy Production Set to Outpace Coal in April.

FOR THE FIRST TIME, U.S. renewable energy production is set to outpace coal in April, according to a recent report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis. The report is more…

30 04 2019 | 12:16

Renewable Energy Now Accounts for a Third of Global Power Capacity.

Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2 April 2019 – The decade-long trend of strong growth in renewable energy capacity continued in 2018 with global additions of 171 gigawatts (GW), according to new data released by the…

30 04 2019 | 12:04

Record efficiency for perovskite-based light-emitting diodes.

Efficient near-infrared (NIR) light-emitting diodes of perovskite have been produced in a laboratory at Linkoping University. The external quantum efficiency is 21.6%, which is a record. The results…

30 04 2019 | 11:54

Europe Is Stockpiling Wind Energy By Converting It To Hydrogen.

Clean Chemistry Ørsted, an energy company in Denmark, announced in March its new plans to convert electricity from its wind turbines into hydrogen fuel, joining the ranks of several other prominent…

30 04 2019 | 11:46

Millions of jobs up for grabs in Africa, in renewable energy transition.

Johannesburg, 9 April 2019 – At least 4.7 million jobs will be created by 2050 across energy sectors in Africa through a shift to renewable energy according to a new report released by Greenpeace…

30 04 2019 | 11:26

‘Renewables could supply almost 80% of heating and cooling by 2050’.

Reaching the EU’s target of increasing renewable heating and cooling by 1.3% each year will require a diverse array of solutions, says the European Commission’s Hans van Steen. Hans van Steen is…