Eπιστήμη - Τεχνολογία – Καινοτομία

Αποτελέσματα 6181 - 6200 | από συνολικά 7356
30 10 2019 | 07:43

Storage player unveils US battery plant plan.

Kore Power to set up manufacturing hub in home market to augment a factory in China. US company Kore Power is planning to build a lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant in its home country to…

30 10 2019 | 07:39

Asia could lead wind to global power top-spot: Irena

Turbines could be leading source of power generation by 2050 with Asia dominant, says report. Asia could by 2050 emerge as the leading region of a global wind sector that’s supplying one-third of…

30 10 2019 | 07:33

World’s second floating wind farm sets sail for Portugal.

The first turbine from the WindFloat Atlantic project was successfully towed from Ferrol, Spain, towards its destination 20 km off the coast of Viana do Castelo in Portugal on Saturday (19 October),…

30 10 2019 | 07:29

France's first floating solar power plant.

France has unveiled its first floating solar power plant. A total of 47,000 photovoltaic solar panels have been floated on the surface of a lake in Vaucluse in southern France. The project is the…

29 10 2019 | 13:54

SA power firm Eskom sues Deloitte for 'overcharging'.

South Africa's embattled state power firm, Eskom, is taking legal action to reclaim $14m (£11m) from multinational consultancy Deloitte, accusing it of being awarded contracts improperly. Eskom said…

29 10 2019 | 13:41

Lithium is expected to fuel the clean energy boom. This company may have a breakthrough.

Gaze across the Salton Sea, a sparkling oasis in the California desert, and you’ll see white plumes of steam rising against the hazy Chocolate Mountains. The steam comes from 11 geothermal power…

29 10 2019 | 13:40

'Artificial leaf' successfully produces clean gas.

A widely-used gas that is currently produced from fossil fuels can instead be made by an 'artificial leaf' that uses only sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, and which could eventually be used to…

29 10 2019 | 13:40

Biological material boosts solar cell performance.

Next-generation solar cells that mimic photosynthesis with biological material may give new meaning to the term "green technology." Adding the protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR) to perovskite solar cells…

29 10 2019 | 13:36

BHP plans to replace coal with renewables at two huge copper mines in Chile.

Mining giant says contracts will cut energy prices by 20% and save 3m tonnes of carbon. The mining giant BHP has signed four renewable energy contracts that will replace coal-fired power at two of…

29 10 2019 | 13:30

Powered By India And China, Asia Set To Become Global Leader In Wind Energy Production By 2050: Report

Asia could grow its share of installed capacity for onshore wind energy from 230 Gigawatt (GW) in 2018 to over 2,600 GW by 2050, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) said…

29 10 2019 | 13:30

UK to use finance meant for green energy to support fracking in Argentina.

Documents show government’s plans to use money from £1bn 2017 deal to prioritise support of major oil companies. The UK is planning to invest in Argentina’s controversial oil shale industry using a…

29 10 2019 | 13:29

Wavefoil fits a ferry with “underwater wings”

A Faroe Islands ferry, M/F Teistin, has become the first ship in the world to be fitted with retractable bow foils from Trondheim, Norway, based Wavefoil AS. The foils are designed to convert wave…

29 10 2019 | 13:18

UK firm announces plans for first 'liquid to gas' cryogenic battery.

Highview Power claims device will be Europe’s largest energy storage project. British battery pioneers plan to build Europe’s largest energy storage project using a cryogenic battery that can store…

29 10 2019 | 13:02

BMW announces breakthrough for more sustainable rubber production.

In collaboration with representatives of social institutions, NGOs, the rubber processing industry and the tire suppliers, the BMW Group established the independent Global Platform for Sustainable…

29 10 2019 | 12:55

UK airlines call for Government action to ensure 2050 target is met.

UK airlines have called on the Government to increase action to ensure they reach the 2050 net zero target. As part of a major Airlines conference held in London this week, airlines including…

29 10 2019 | 12:43

Neste join forces with Fortum for new clean energy agreement.

Neste has announced a new long term agreement with Fortum to start using wind power at its production sites in Finland. Over the past ten years, Neste has transformed from a regional oil refining…

26 10 2019 | 23:42

Ανακύκλωση πλαστικού μίας χρήσης: μία υπόθεση υψηλών προσδοκιών σε θολά νερά.

Η Greenpeace, μεταξύ Μαΐου και Σεπτεμβρίου 2019, πραγματοποίησε έρευνα[1] για τις απόψεις του κοινού σχετικά με την ανακύκλωση του πλαστικού. Το 87,6% των ανθρώπων που συμμετείχαν στην έρευνα…

26 10 2019 | 11:48

Ανοιχτή επιστολή Greenpeace προς τον Πρωθυπουργό.

Προς: Πρωθυπουργό Ελλάδας  

26 10 2019 | 11:39

Ανοιχτές επιστολές της Greenpeace προς τις δύο μεγάλες ελληνικές πετρελαϊκές εταιρείες, ΕΛΠΕ και Energean Oil & Gas.

Με ανοιχτή επιστολή προς τις δύο μεγάλες ελληνικές πετρελαϊκές εταιρείες ΕΛΠΕ και Energean Oil & Gas, η Greenpeace ζητάει να επαναπροσδιορίσουν άμεσα το επιχειρηματικό τους μοντέλο και να το…

26 10 2019 | 11:32

Συνάντηση φορέων για τις ανεμογεννήτριες στην περιοχή της Καρυστίας.

Με πρωτοβουλία του Φορέα Διαχείρισης Προστατευόμενων Περιοχών Εύβοιας και τηςΕλληνικής Εταιρείας Αιολικής Ενέργειας (ΕΛΕΤΑΕΝ) την Παρασκευή 18 Οκτωβρίου στην έδρα του Πράσινου Ταμείου,…