Eπιστήμη - Τεχνολογία – Καινοτομία

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16 09 2020 | 08:14

Κλειδί για την ηλεκτροκίνηση τα αποθέματα λιθίου και οι εκτιμήσεις δεν "βρίθουν" αισιοδοξίας... - Τι προτείνουν οι επιστήμονες.

Ερευνητές κρούουν τον κώδωνα του κινδύνου για τα εναπομείναντα αποθέματα λιθίου, υπογραμμίζοντας πως αν δεν λάβουν χώρα σοβαρές προσπάθειες στο κομμάτι της επαναχρησιμοποίησης των μπαταριών, της…

15 09 2020 | 22:08

Mining needed for renewable energy 'could harm biodiversity'.

Study warns sites must be protected in search for materials to build infrastructure. The mining necessary for producing renewable energy could exacerbate threats to biodiversity, researchers have…

15 09 2020 | 12:52

Εκτάσεις σε ορυχεία για εγκατάσταση 1950 Μεγαβάτ φωτοβολταϊκών εξασφαλίζει η ΔΕΗ Ανανεώσιμες με το masterplan της απολιγνιτοποίησης.

Σοβαρό πλεονέκτημα έναντι των άλλων εταιρειών που επιδιώκουν να επενδύσουν σε νέα μεγάλου μεγέθους φωτοβολταϊκά πάρκα αποκτά πλέον και "με τη βούλα" η ΔΕΗ Ανανεώσιμες, σύμφωνα με όσα προκύπτουν από…

15 09 2020 | 11:11

Huge cavities threaten glacier larger than Great Britain.

Water seeping into fissures in Thwaites glacier in Antarctica, accelerating rise of sea levels. British scientists have mapped cavities half the size of the Grand Canyon that are allowing warm ocean…

15 09 2020 | 11:07

Investors that manage US$47tn demand world’s biggest polluters back plan for net-zero emissions.

Climate Action 100+ group put 161 fossil fuel, mining, transport and other big-emitting companies on notice in latest campaign by shareholders. A group representing investors that collectively…

15 09 2020 | 11:02

Sea level rise from ice sheets track worst-case climate change scenario.

Ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica whose melting rates are rapidly increasing have raised the global sea level by 1.8cm since the 1990s, and are matching the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate…

15 09 2020 | 10:55

California governor: 'We are in the midst of a climate emergency' – video.

The California governor, Gavin Newsom, said ‘this is not a world that anyone should be experiencing’ as he surveyed charred mountain terrain devastated by wildfires. ‘If you do not believe in science…

15 09 2020 | 10:49

Trump and Biden: Little Room for Climate Change in 2020 Election.

U.S. President Donald Trump has undone many major pieces of climate policy during his term,walking out on the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming and eliminating numerous Obama-era…

15 09 2020 | 10:41

Aviation Accounts for 3.5% of Global Warming Caused by Humans, New Research Says.

A new international study that used unprecedented calculations to pinpoint how much global air travel contributes to the heating of the atmosphere found that aviation makes up 3.5 percent of all the…

15 09 2020 | 10:40

Campaigners start legal challenge to UK's $1bn grant to Mozambique gas project.

Friends of the Earth seeks judicial review, saying aid deal contradicts climate commitments. Environmentalists at Friends of the Earth will mount a legal challenge against the government’s decision…

15 09 2020 | 10:40

Pakistan’s new 27-year power plan risks locking in long-term overcapacity, leaving imported coal and LNG plants stranded

Wind and solar, the country’s cheapest source of new generation, also overlooked Pakistan risks locking itself into building more power capacity than it needs as a result of over-optimistic energy…

15 09 2020 | 10:39

State of emergency in Sudan after deadly floods.

Sudan is in a state of emergency after authorities declared the country a disaster zone last week because of heavy flooding that's killed around 100 people and inundated over 100,000 houses since…

15 09 2020 | 10:30

Global oil demand may have passed peak, says BP energy report.

Oil will be replaced by clean electricity, BP predicts, as demand may never recover from Covid-19 pandemic. BP has called time on the world’s rising demand for fossil fuels after finding that demand…

15 09 2020 | 10:28

French PM says jobs and green economy at heart of Covid recovery plan.

Jean Castex unveils €100bn plan aimed at returning France to pre-pandemic economic strength. France’s prime minister has stressed the importance of getting the country back on its feet within 18…

15 09 2020 | 10:27

Weatherwatch: heatwaves become silent killer, hitting vulnerable hardest.

At least 300 more people in UK died than average in second week of August. While attention was focused on Covid-19, a spike in death rates in the UK during the second week of August slipped past…

15 09 2020 | 10:14

Price of single-use plastic bags in England to double to 10p.

Exemption for smaller shops to end, and campaigners say ‘bags for life’ are next target. The government is to double the charge for single-use plastic carrier bags in England from 5p to 10p and end…

15 09 2020 | 10:13

Portuguese Youth Activists Sue 33 Countries Over Climate Crisis.

In what is being described as an unprecedented climate case, four children and two young adults from Portugal have filed a complaint at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg against 33…

15 09 2020 | 10:13

Enel completes work on 497MW Roadrunner solar project, largest in Texas.

Enel Green Power has completed the 245MW second phase of the Roadrunner solar plant, which now increased its capacity to 497MW to become the largest PV facility in Texas. Located in Upton County,…

15 09 2020 | 10:10

Blue Jean Fibers Found Polluting Arctic Ocean, Great Lakes.

What is the environmental footprint of your favorite pair of blue jeans? A new study indicates it might be quite large. The study, published in Environmental Science and Technology Letters Wednesday…

15 09 2020 | 10:10

World-first fossil-free steel manufacturing plant completed in Sweden.

The global production of zero emissions steel has taken a massive step forward, with a world leading Swedish project completing the construction of a world-first fossil-free steel pilot plant in…