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Αποτελέσματα 1601 - 1620 | από συνολικά 3222
23 08 2020 | 07:04

Oil Spill Disasters: How to Limit Environmental Damage.

After a Japanese-owned oil tanker struck a reef off Mauritius on July 25, a prolonged period of inaction is threatening to become an ecological disaster. Carrying nearly 4,000 metric tons of fuel…

17 08 2020 | 12:08

Χρήστος Ζερεφός: «Οταν τα ακραία φαινόμενα γίνουν συνήθη, δεν θα είναι αναστρέψιμη η ζημία»

Τα παραμύθια έχουν πλέον τελειώσει. Η κλιματική αλλαγή επηρεάζει όλες τις περιοχές του κόσμου. Και τα αποτελέσματα είναι ήδη ορατά: οι πάγοι στις πολικές περιοχές λιώνουν, η στάθμη της θάλασσας…

16 08 2020 | 10:07

UK weather: 36.4C recorded on hottest August day for 17 years.

Expert warns of health implications of climate emergency as Britons flock to beaches. As people flock to beaches and parks this weekend after the hottest August day in 17 years, a leading health…

16 08 2020 | 09:58

Is this the end for ‘king coal’ in Britain?

As the black stuff burnt in the UK plummets to a level not seen since the early steam age, we trace its long, deep history and the problems left in its wake. Britain achieved an unlikely status as a…

16 08 2020 | 09:52

Energy and the Military: Leading by Example

PITTSBURGH: As the world demands more energy, nations face the often-competing pressures to increase energy access and affordability, protect the environment, and assure energy security.  The…

16 08 2020 | 09:32

Inside the Weird Little World of Microclimates.

If weather is your mood, climate is your personality. That's an analogy some scientists use to help explain the difference between two words people often get mixed up. In other words, weather exists…

16 08 2020 | 09:28

Arctic Sea Ice Melting by 2035 Is Possible, Study Finds.

The temperature of the Arctic matters to the entire world: it helps to keep the global climate fairly cool. Scientists now say that by 2035 there could be an end to Arctic sea ice. The northern…

16 08 2020 | 09:16

Study: Mediterranean Basin to warm faster, face drought.

An MIT study explains why the Mediterranean Basin will be arider with the rising temperatures, which is expected to cause increased rainfalls in other parts of the world. The Mediterranean Basin is…

16 08 2020 | 09:03

UK weather: a month's rain could fall in two hours as heatwave breaks.

Fears of flash flooding in parts of country, while experts warn extreme heat could become the norm. Over a month’s worth of rain could fall within two hours on parts of Britain this week, causing…

16 08 2020 | 08:39

Powering a sustainable post-COVID-19 world.

William Tohmé, senior regional head for CFA Institute MENA looks at how GCC countries can move forward towards a future that works for everyone. In just a few months, COVID-19 has necessitated…

16 08 2020 | 08:36

Covid-19 lockdown will have 'negligible' impact on climate crisis – study.

Drop in emissions was a blip, say scientists, and a green recovery is vital to halt global heating. The draconian coronavirus lockdowns across the world have led to sharp drops in carbon emissions,…

16 08 2020 | 08:30

Indigenous Peoples Hold the Past and Future of Food in Their Hands.

August 9 is the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples – a celebration of the uniqueness of the traditions of Quechua, Huli, Zapotec, and thousands of other cultures, but also of the…

16 08 2020 | 08:27

Kenya: Weather Alerts At Risk As Kenya's Radio Stations Struggle Amid Virus Downturn

As advertising disappears amid the coronavirus downturn, radio stations helping farmers adapt to climate shifts could disappear KANGEMA, Kenya, Aug 6  - In these hills a two-hour drive north of…

16 08 2020 | 08:19

Forgive us our trespasses: forbidden rambles with a right-to-roam campaigner.

The law excludes ordinary people from 92% of English land, but that doesn’t stop activist, artist and writer Nick Hayes.

16 08 2020 | 08:18

Earth Is Warning Us We Must Change. Will We Listen?

Our present course puts humans on track to be among the species that expire in Earth's ongoing sixth mass extinction. In my conversations with thoughtful people, I am finding increasing acceptance of…

16 08 2020 | 08:14

'As the tundra burns, we cannot afford climate silence': a letter from the Arctic.

I study the Arctic. The decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord is reprehensible – but we can’t give up hope. When you stand facing an exposed edge of permafrost, you can feel it from a…

16 08 2020 | 08:10

The government is looking the other way while Britain's rivers die before our eyes.

Across the UK, once thriving waterways are being wiped out by farming and water companies. You can judge the state of a nation by the state of its rivers. Pollution is the physical expression of…

14 08 2020 | 13:45

Why invest in Concentrating Solar Power (“CSP”)?

Why is Bill Gates backing a CSP company? What is oil major ENI doing with a CSP startup? Why has Zurich airport agreed to purchase aviation fuel from a CSP company? Why are investors purchasing…

14 08 2020 | 09:52

In just 15 years, the Arctic Ocean may be ice-free in summer, study says.

Just 15 years from now, the Arctic Ocean may be functionally ice-free for part of the year, a new study has found. Research published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change projects that due to…

14 08 2020 | 09:47

New report on the state of global climate in 2019.

A major report on the state of the global climate for 2019 published today reveals further evidence of climate change. The 30th edition of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society is a…