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16 02 2021 | 11:22

How Protecting Wetlands Can Help the Climate.

Although wetlands cover less than 4% of the Earth's surface, 40% of all animal species live or reproduce in them. One-third of all organic matter on our planet is stored in places like the gigantic …

16 02 2021 | 11:21

Polar Vortex: Everything You Need to Know.

Let's not waste time. You will need: warm clothes, plenty of firewood and enough supplies (flour, yeast, toilet paper — the usual) to not have to leave the house for the next week or two.

16 02 2021 | 10:50

How Can Consumers Help Solve the Climate Crisis?

In 2015, Parties to the UNFCCC adopted the Paris Agreement, to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping the global temperature rise this century well below 2°C above…

16 02 2021 | 10:02

From tree planting to CO2-sucking machines: How could ‘negative emissions’ help to tackle the climate crisis?

Removing CO2 from air will likely be needed if the world is to meet its climate goals, writes Daisy Dunne, but our options for achieving ‘negative emissions’ each come with a unique set of challenges.

16 02 2021 | 09:48

Solar geoengineering: Could reflecting away the sun’s rays help to tackle global heating?

As the climate crisis escalates, some have called for more research into technologies that could reflect away the sun’s rays in order to limit temperature rise. Daisy Dunne looks at the technical,…

16 02 2021 | 09:34

Big Oil’s Undemocratic Advantage You’ve Probably Never Heard Of.

Why Joe Biden needs to restore shareholder democracy in the US. We can’t waste any more time addressing the global warming issue we’re facing. The amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere…

16 02 2021 | 09:28

Tough air pollution targets needed to cut health inequalities, say MPs.

Cross-party committee says deprived groups contribute least but suffer most from dirty air. The government must set tough new air pollution targets to reduce the stark health inequalities suffered…

16 02 2021 | 09:14

The Ecological Roots of India's Farming Crisis.

Over recent months Raja, a farmer in India's Tamil Nadu state, has had a change of routine. Every few days, the 53-year-old leaves his 30-acre (12-hectare) farm in the Villupuram district — where he…

15 02 2021 | 15:21

Δούκας: Δημοκρατία και Πολιτικές για την Πράσινη Ανάκαμψη.

Η αναπτυξιακή κατεύθυνση σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο είναι βαθιά συνδεδεμένη με τον ενεργειακό μετασχηματισμό και την απεξάρτηση από τα ορυκτά καύσιμα. Ειδικότερα στην Ευρώπη, η «πράσινη μετάβαση» είναι ο…

15 02 2021 | 12:55

We're on a collision course with the planet. But with public support, that can change.

Smart, activist states could prove as effective at handling the biodiversity crisis as they have at tackling the pandemic Let’s be honest: few government-commissioned reports make a real difference…

15 02 2021 | 12:52

Carbon emission cuts need to be 80% more ambitious to meet Paris Agreement targets: Study

Carbon emission cuts need to be about 80 per cent more ambitious to stay below 2 degree Celsius global warming -- considered a threshold for climate stability and climate-related risks such as…

15 02 2021 | 12:43

Did the Climate Crisis Enable the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Experts have described the coronavirus pandemic as the kind of crisis that will become even more likely as the planet warms. But now, researchers think that climate change may have actually played a…

15 02 2021 | 12:40

10 Reasons Why '100% Renewables Is Possible': Top Energy Experts Issue Declaration

Setting out to rebut defeatist and cynical claims that transitioning the entire global energy system to 100% renewables by 2035 is infeasible, a group of dozens of leading scientists from around the…

15 02 2021 | 12:32

What would a ‘Green New Deal’ for a post-pandemic world economy look like?

Analysis: What policies do we need to see implemented by politicians, what actions from business, what changes in our own everyday lives? Ben Chu explains

15 02 2021 | 12:15

Why oil giants are swapping oil rigs for offshore windfarms.

The fossil fuel giants need to find new ways to reduce emissions, generate growth and maintain their share price. The world’s biggest oil companies are no stranger to UK waters, but by the end of…

15 02 2021 | 12:08

Activist Catherine Flowers: the poor living amid sewage is 'the final monument of the Confederacy'.

In rural Alabama where Martin Luther King marched for civil rights, Flowers has waged a long fight for environmental justice.   Catherine Flowers stumbled upon the defining cause of her life by…

15 02 2021 | 11:27

Europe's carbon price tops 40 euros for first time.

Benchmark prices of European Union carbon permits rose above 40 euros per tonne for the first time on Thursday morning, exposing polluters to the highest prices in the carbon market’s 16-year history…

12 02 2021 | 09:40

Η υπερθέρμανση της αγοράς φωτοβολταϊκών και η σχέση με τις τοπικές κοινωνίες

Τον τελευταίο καιρό, και ιδίως μετά την εκρηκτική αύξηση των αιτήσεων για κατασκευή νέων φωτοβολταϊκών σταθμών σε όλη τη χώρα, έχουν εκφραστεί ανησυχίες για το κατά πόσο η ανάπτυξη αυτή είναι συμβατή…

12 02 2021 | 07:32

Africa is Planting Tens of Millions of Trees in the Desert. Here’s Why.

In the dusty, windswept lands of Niger, there once stood a lonely acacia tree. Caravans passed beneath its spiky branches — the last stop before the endless sea of sand. Known as the Tree of Ténéré…

12 02 2021 | 07:30

Economics' failure over destruction of nature presents ‘extreme risks’.

New measures of success needed to avoid catastrophic breakdown, landmark review finds. The world is being put at “extreme risk” by the failure of economics to take account of the rapid depletion of…