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23 03 2019 | 13:27

Electrifying news: Solar and wind power has quintupled in a decade.

Across the United States, workers are covering fields with solar panels, and big rigs are hauling massive turbine blades to wind-scoured ridgelines. This is what it looks like when renewable energy…

23 03 2019 | 10:00

There’s bipartisan support for a fee on carbon emissions. Americans would reap the dividends.

Congress has found a simple, fair, and effective bipartisan climate solution. On Jan. 24, these U.S. representatives — Ted Deutch, D-Florida; Francis Rooney, R-Florida; Judy Chu, D-California;…

23 03 2019 | 09:18

Analysis of the Energy Consumption Behavior of European RES Cooperative Members

Abstract REScoops are cooperatives of renewable energy producers and/or consumers that are being formed in the developing European Smart Grid. Today, there are more than 2397 REScoops with more…

23 03 2019 | 09:01

Τι είδε στη ΓΕΚ ΤΕΡΝΑ η Reggeborgh και αυξάνει στο 30% τη συμμετοχή της - Το who is who των Ολλανδών

Στη στρατηγική της ΓΕΚ ΤΕΡΝΑ να επεκτείνεται με επιτυχία τα τελευταία χρόνια σε νέες ανερχόμενες δραστηριότητες, από τις συμβάσεις παραχώρησης, έως τις ΑΠΕ και τη διαχείριση απορριμμάτων, οι οποίες…

22 03 2019 | 06:21

Weather forecasts: time to talk about climate change.

Climate must not be confused with local conditions, but remodelled broadcasts could help people understand the dangers we face. Still, and in defiance of decades worth of scientific evidence, vast…

20 03 2019 | 09:44

«Oχι» σε αιολικό στη Μακρόνησο.

Αλλοιώνει η δημιουργία ενός αιολικού πάρκου τον χαρακτήρα της Μακρονήσου; Το Κεντρικό Συμβούλιο Νεωτέρων Μνημείων απάντησε θετικά, απορρίπτοντας πρόταση που υπέβαλε στο ΥΠΠΟ ο Δήμος Κέας, στον οποίο…

19 03 2019 | 06:49

South African leading parties aren’t in the green for environmental policies.

On 8 May South Africans won’t see a green party on the ballot paper.

19 03 2019 | 06:47

New alternative to Trump's wall would create jobs, renewable energy, and increase border security.

A consortium of scientists and engineers have proposed that the U.S. and Mexico build a series of guarded solar, wind, natural gas and desalination facilities along the entirety of the border.

18 03 2019 | 07:53

Is the future of investments in renewable energies?

March 13 (Renewables Now) - There are so many diverse investment opportunities, from commodities to shares, it can be difficult to know where to start, but now could be a good time to consider …

17 03 2019 | 11:57

Paradise lost? EU funds to polluters will trash some of the world’s most beautiful islands.

2019 may be the year Europe stops financing the incineration of precious resources: the European Parliament’s proposal to cut EU subsidies to waste disposal and incineration facilities within the…

17 03 2019 | 10:48

Climate change: Rain melting Greenland ice sheet 'even in winter'.

Rain is becoming more frequent in Greenland and accelerating the melting of its ice, a new study has found. Scientists say they're "surprised" to discover rain falling even during the long Arctic…

16 03 2019 | 06:50

4th UNEA: Good but not good enough. Failure to deliver what is urgently needed, thanks to infamous few.

Once again, just as in Katowice, a few countries, managed to derail the will of the vast majority of nations.

14 03 2019 | 11:31

Digital commerce will transform African economies, starting with cheaper phones

There’s a $700-billion opportunity for African countries over the next five years if they can close the gender gap in mobile-phone ownership, according to GSMA, the global mobile-trade body. It bases…

14 03 2019 | 11:10

In Cape Town, 'If It's Yellow, Let It Mellow' Is Practically Law.

The South African capital’s crippling water crisis has spawned a host of new taboos and industries. It’s 11 am on a Saturday, and both my Cape Town local mall and my bladder are pumping. After one B…

14 03 2019 | 09:57

BP: Oil giant makes business case for taking climate change seriously.

The chief economist of one of the world’s biggest oil companies is urging other companies to take climate change seriously — and sooner rather than later.  If not, it might be bad for business. …

14 03 2019 | 09:00

Οι περιορισμοί στα πάρκα εκτός διαγωνισμών «πάγωσε» την αγορά φωτοβολταϊκών – Προτάσεις «θεραπείας» από τον ΣΠΕΦ

Παγωμένη είναι κυριολεκτικά η αγορά των «μικρών» φωτοβολταϊκών εγκαταστάσεων, έως δηλαδή 500 KW, καθώς τα όσα περιλαμβάνονται στο πρόσφατο νομοσχέδιο του ΥΠΕΝ, κυρίως σε ότι αφορά τους περιορισμούς…

13 03 2019 | 13:28

Τελικά τι Επιλέγουμε για την Ελλάδα; Γαλάζια ή Μαύρη Ανάπτυξη;

Η προγραμματιζόμενη άντληση των κοιτασμάτων υδρογονανθράκων στην Ελλάδα θέτει σε δραματικό ρίσκο μη-αναστρέψιμης οικολογικής και κοινωνικό-οικονομικής καταστροφής τις ελληνικές θάλασσες…

13 03 2019 | 11:35

'We won't stop striking': the New York 13 year-old taking a stand over climate change.

Alexandria Villasenor is among the American student activists joining the global fray and helping to organize the first nationwide strike on 15 March. Alexandria Villasenor looks a slightly…

13 03 2019 | 09:32

U.S. Spring Flood Threat Rises for Mississippi and Ohio Rivers.

High water on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers is snarling barges loaded with grain, chemicals and fuel, and forecasters are worried things will get worse once the snow starts to melt. The looming U.…

09 03 2019 | 13:33

On March 15, the Climate Kids Are Coming.

Beware the Ides of March, all you climate wreckers out there. The Climate Kids are coming, in massive and growing numbers, and they are not in the mood to negotiate. They know that you—whether you’re…